So many farmers are being murdered that some of these murders are not reported in the mainstream media initially and only came out 2 weeks after it happened. The agricultural union Agri SA and the mainstream clearly failed to create awareness surrounding these murders or even just get it in the media in some cases. There have been 7 farm murders since the beginning of October 2020 in the Free State. Andries Loots was already murdered on 25 October on a pig farm between Welkom and Virginia, but the black farm guard he was on patrol with was not killed, however his murder only came out in a report on Netwerk24 on 10 November. Likewise, Kippie Wessels (52), who farmed his whole life in Vanstadensrus, was murdered in Zastron on 30 October, 2 weeks after leaving his farm. A media report only appeared on 10 November, behind Netwerk24’s paywall, which means the Police spokesperson probably never even put out a statement.
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Farm Attackers Kill White Guard but Not Black Guard! Takes Two Weeks for Story to Come To Light!
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ANC Policy of Exposing Farmers to Harm Costs SA a Food Producer Every Week! This Week They Let Mark Regal be Murdered!
The 7th farmer has been murdered in the Free State in a month, meaning South Africa is losing more than one of its world renown food producers every week! These persecuted farmers have a reputation of being among the best in the world, and should be treated as a national strategic resource, however the ANC regime and its gang of Socialist parasites like the EFF & SACP, are happy to see to see them permanently removed. Why? Simply because the State wants complete ownership and control of food production to blackmail the population with – Communism 101! How? It is a little known Marxist strategy that to kill off your enemy, you can do it indirectly by deliberately exposing them to harm (disarmament, famine, drought, disease, crime, drugs, unemployment, mass migration, negligence, etc.), leaving you with 100% deniability! You just have to encourage and point the criminals in the right direction now and again, with public hate speech like “Kill The Farmer, Kill The Boer”, then you, as the state, can take over the farms as the farmers are killed off or leave. Win Win.
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ISIS Beheads More Than 50 People in Mozambique, only Months After Murdering Another 50 in April!
Islamist ISIS terrorists have beheaded scores of people before disposing and dismembering the bodies in a barbaric assault on villages in Mozambique. The islamic militants are also believed to have kidnapped several women. while the remains of least 15 boys, who were participating in a male initiation ceremony when the militants struck Muatide village this past weekend, were found among the dead.
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Cheap Black Labour is Dangerous! Relative of Farm Worker Who Discovered Assassinated Farmer’s Body in Court!
The investigation into the assassination of Free State Farmer Pieter Hills and attempted murder of his son Eddie, is unravelling into the all too common theme of relying on, and trusting those that work for you too much. It appears the suspect, Tshidiso Patrick Bochedi (36) is family of the farm worker, Anna Bochedi, who discovered the murdered farmer and his injured son.
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Another Farmer Assassinated by Black Terrorist Cell Supported by Left Wing Socialists, Mainstream Media & Political Elites!
SOCIALISTS HATE FARMERS – Yet another innocent farmer, Peter Hills (56), has been assassinated, the 3rd in Free State in less than a month, while his son is in a critical condition in hospital. The slow genocide is picking up pace as the terrorists and their horrendous acts become more brazen thanks to the ANC regime, Mainstream media, Left wing socialists and political establishment defending and justifying their murderous campaign and allowing them to continue the genocide unhindered!
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Hawks Finally Confirm Report Implicating SAPS Members in Stock Theft Syndicate Linked to Brendin Horner’s Murder!
The Hawks have confirmed that they are in possession of the detailed report implicating Paul Roux police in a local stock theft syndicate, responsible for the barbaric murder (assassination?) of Brendin Horner. Had Hawks acted timeously Brendin would still be alive and the whole Senekal court debacle with farmers protesting would never have happened!
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#RainBloodNation – The Slaughter of Innocent Old People Rages On In Black Ruled South Africa!
#WhiteLivesMatter – Just when the beleaguered white minority of South Africa got some hope after the high profile Brendin Horner protests, that the brutal attacks and murders on us would get the exposure it needs, to raise the attention of the world, the white community was sadly bleeding again, with a double murder on a mother and daughter who were stabbed, a farm attack that resulted in the murder of an elderly woman who was strangled to death, and another brutal murder on a 65 year old former soldier who had received the highest form of honor that the old SADF could bestow on a soldier, the Honoris Crux medal.
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SAPS FAIL! Bloody Knife Found in Brendin Horner’s Bakkie AFTER Police Release it, AFTER One Suspect Released!
Seems being implicated in events leading up to the murder of Brendin Horner, in a stock theft syndicate, was not the enough for the SA Police, who have doubled down and overlooked vital evidence in Brendin Horner’s high profile farm murder case! A bloodied Okapi knife was found in the bakkie AFTER Police forensic services released Brendin’s bakkie. Was this deliberate? If not, is it institutional and how many other cases have had evidence and the chain of evidence destroyed, through this malevolent negligence and ineptitude on the part of SAPS?
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Barbaric Escalation To Socialist Driven Scorched Earth Tactics Against South African Farmers Underscores Need for Minorities to Secede ASAP! – ULA
The United Liberty Alliance has issued a statement regarding the apparent Scorched Earth Strategy now being inflicted on the South Africa Farming Community. Since Sunday October 18th disturbing reports of farmlands being set alight in what appears to be a well planned strategy have started surfacing on social media in South Africa and escalating, as it continues to occur in more towns of the north western Free State. Up until Tuesday 20th at noon, no mainstream media news reports could be found emanating from any of these platforms even though numerous messages, visuals and voice notes have been sent across open community platforms which include certain emergency support groups.
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VIDEO: “To Hell With Peace!” After 26 Years of “Peace” We Are Still Being Murdered, Yet Our Self Appointed “Leaders” Want More Peace?
#Senekal2 There is no doubt that the murder of the farm manager in the Senekal area, Brendin Horner, was a turning point for our people. Although the horrific incident ultimately put the farm murders higher on the media and ANC government’s agenda, it also forced us, as a people, to focus on our current situation. It also raised issues that need to be addressed about where we are at present and what the future holds for us, as whites in South Africa. For this forced focus, we will be forever grateful to Brendin Horner, who paid the highest price.
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VIDEO: Civil War? “So be it!” says Malema: “I’m Not Talking About AK47” – BUT He Tweets a Photo of AK47 to 3.2 Million Followers!
#Senekal Julius Malema has fervently declared on TV that he is not afraid of “white terrorists” or their retired soldiers and Generals. If it turns into a Civil War, he says he’s ready for it. This AFTER he spoke with Bheki Cele! The village of Senekal is on everyone’s lips. This is where the young..
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VIDEO: As a Fast Declining Oppressed Minority, Whites in SA Have a Right to Civil Disobedience, Protests and Even Riots, Like #BLM!
If the black minority in USA (minority for now) can turn the world’s most powerful nation upside down, every time one of them is murdered, then the even smaller white minority in SA, who really do have racist prejudicial laws punishing them, can do the same!
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VIDEO: ANC & EFF Terrorists Now Attack in Remote Rural Towns Like Pofadder, Koffiefontein & Kuruman! Nowhere is Safe Anymore!
#OpenSeasonOnWhites: A video appeared showing how 4 black men are robbing a 65 year old farmer of Danielskuil in the Northern Cape, in broad daylight, while black onlookers just stood idly by, with no one lifting a finger to help the poor old man. This escalation of brazen broad daylight attacks on whites has now spread deep into rural areas, where crime used to be unheard of! Why is this? Is it a case of the mainstream media’s narrative of consent and approval of violence against whites, which has reached rural towns and is creating an atmosphere where blacks feel it is their right to attack and fleece whites, because they will not be apprehended nor even criticised! On the contrary, their white victims will be painted as the perpetrators by ANC, EFF & MSM liberals! Police Minister Bheki Cele himself revealed that one of the men arrested for killing Senekal farm manager Brendin Horner, had been arrested 16 times, while the other has been arrested twice! Is it any wonder blacks now think it is open season on whites?
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Kinnear Assassination: WHY Was This Explosive Evidence of Rogue Police Crime Units in Western Cape Swept Under the Carpet?
While the country and the entire Police force are in uproar over the opportunistic assassination of Lt. col. Charl Kinnear in broad daylight in front of his well-known Bishop Lavis home, nothing is mentioned in the sensational media reports about the lengthy and explosive 59 page Affidavit that the respected, slain police officer compiled and sent to the highest authorities in 2019. The docket apparently contains prima facie evidence of criminal intent in the SAPS and centred on the corrupt activities of a rogue crime intel unit, operating illegally in the Western Cape under disgraced Police General, Elvis Jula.
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VIDEO: Boer Lives Matter! Lackadaisical SAPS Caught Out, Use Stun Grenades on Peaceful Boer Protesters Angered by Ongoing Brutal Farm Murders!
#BoerLivesMatter For those wanting to apportion blame for yesterday’s dramatic events in Senekal, look no further than ANC, SAPS and Mainstream Media’s long term lackadaisical attitude to Farm Murders and the impact it has on the Afrikaner Boer community. As SA-News predicted the day before, there was a massive swelling of support for Brendin Horner’s Family at the Magistrates court in Senekal, as well as a communal outrage at the ongoing brutal farm murders, and the lack of action, and indeed denial from Government. Despite the warning signs, it appears the SA Police did not expect such a large reaction, and were caught off guard and had to send in reinforcements to extract their own people from the magistrates court.
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