While ANC cadres were inexplicably singing and dancing, supposedly looking forward to their new lockdown powers, a horrific and shocking attack took place on an elderly woman on the Rainbow Lodge farm in Groenvlei, Belfast on Thursday evening, 26 March at around 20:00. While this was not reported in mainstream media, SA-NEWS is in possession of the name of the farmer who is this lady’s husband and we have the SAPS case number, but can’t publish the name since the lady was brutally raped with an object in addition to being tortured with a blowtorch. This farm attack happened less than 2 hours after another attack on an elderly farmer in the Lothair area near Ermelo in Mpumalanga, in which the farmer was shot in the upper leg which caused his femur bone to be broken.
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Elderly Woman Brutally Raped & Tortured with Blowtorch in one of 2 Attacks on Farmers Within Two Hours, On Eve of Lockdown in Mpumalanga. Nothing in Mainstream Media…
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God Help Us! Forget Virus Lockdown, Will SA Survive Bumbling ANC Regime Who Forget Social Distancing as They Enforce #Prohibition & #Totalitarianism & Give Up 21 Days of Alcohol Tax For Stasi Powers!
South Africa might well find itself without a President or any top government officials, police or army leaders in 12 days time! It seems the new totalitarian powers the State of Disaster has given them, has gone to their heads! Dressed like an African dictator, Ramaphosa himself was addressing SANDF members ahead of their deployment in the lockdown, sounding world wise about the “invisible enemy”, as he mixed with them at the Doornkop Army Base in Soweto, Cyril got so carried away by his new dictatorship role, he forgot all about the Social Distancing rule he was advocating! Ramaphosa and the top brass were seated right next to each other as normal and even the army troops were arranged in their normal close squad formations! Did Cyril not get the memo from Xi Jinping who did it all via video links (pictured), yet still wore a facemask (for the camera’s)? After 26 years of doing as they please, do the ANC now think they are invincible against the Chinese Virus too?
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While Ramaphosa is panicking trying to clean up China’s mess in SA, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
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Seven Harmless Defenseless Grandparents Murdered in 7 Days! How Much Worse Will It Get Under CoronaVirus Lockdown? Will We Ever Know?
“You can tell the nature of a society by how they treat their elderly” – While we are distracted with wall to wall coverage of the CoronaVirus and counting of Corona virus cases, who is counting the elderly being violently murdered? Yet another harmless elderly white man has been murdered by cowards that Cyril protects. This time in Villiersdorp in the Western Cape. This brings to seven the number of elderly white people murdered in a week.
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ANC’s Pro Black Group RET Tells Whites Not To Stock Up for Social Distancing, Yet ANC Gauteng Hands Out Soap In Black Areas Only?
The ANC’s black supremacist Radical Economic Transformation (RET) group in Gauteng, linked to Jacob Zuma, has condemned bulk buying by the mainly minority white South Africans, even though photographic evidence (pictured) suggests blacks are just as busy stocking up, to prepare & practice social distancing. Yet at the same time the ANC in Gauteng is accused of handing out soap in black areas only…
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations”. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
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VIDEO: “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections as Cyril & The Pro China Left Try Bullsh*t The Virus With Virtue Signalling & PC Speeches!
As Italy’s shocking death toll eclipses even China’s, we see that Trump was right again: this virus is like warfare to China and we wonder what evil the #CoronaVirus will expose in Africa? Already Ramaphosa and the pro China ANC propaganda machine, including the complicit mainstream media, have you convinced that ALL South Africa’s, and indeed all Africa’s CoronaVirus infections, came from Europe? Really? Well where did Europe get the virus from? Yes, China, but shhhh that is racist. In fact “anti racist” campaigners have been blamed for the rapid mass spread of the virus in Italy FROM China, which ultimately led to many South Africans in Italy, contracting the virus and bringing it back to SA.
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Farm Murders More Deadly Than #CoronaVirusSA With Two Murders in Two Days, Yet its Ignored by Mainstream Newspapers & TV Who Only Pander To Black Majority!
#COVID19 in South Africa has a long way to go to be anywhere near as deadly as farm murders, as another 2 white farmers have been murdered within 48 hours of each other. Collin Leslie Britz (65), from Dundee in KZN, and Charles Hart (75), from Henderson in Eastern Cape were callously murdered – all that was taken was weapons. As usual the murders were totally ignored by liberal news outlets, although they do seem to have a lot of time to report on trivial matters concerning celebs & gossip etc. Liberal news media seem to take their orders from Ramaphosa and have never taken the matter of the murders of white farmers, and the associated threat to food security, seriously.
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Too Late? Summary of ANC #CoronaVirus Response as SA #COVID19 Cases (The Ones We Know About), Jumps to 51, ANC Declares A State of Disaster!
Five weeks after SA-News called for flights to SA to be restricted, the global CoronoVirus death rate shot past 6,400. Ramaphosa conducted consultations on Sunday with key stakeholders who will be impacted by #CoronaVirusSA during a special Cabinet meeting. He subsequently addressed the nation outlining their plans to cope with the pending disaster. He declared a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act.
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Are ANC Lying About CoronaVirus Figures Like Their Chinese Communist Counterparts, and Are They Using it to Smear & Blame White People Again?
As the world hits 150,000 infections globally, “Black Twitter” as it is known in SA, is spreading the myth that black people do not get Coronavirus! At the same time, one of the glaring things to come out of the surprisingly few coronavirus cases in South Africa, is that no infections were exported from China to SA? This despite there being multiple times more people coming from China to SA than Italy, yet it is Europe that the ANC seems intent on blaming for its Coronavirus infections.
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#BoycottNews24 Liberal News24 Editor Adriaan Basson Capitulates To ANC / COSATU Plan To Raid Your Pensions To Pay Eskom’s Corruption & Mismanagement & Soweto’s Unpaid Bill!
One of the reasons left wing liberals are called snowflakes is because it does not take much to make them melt and give up any reason or principle, and like a snowflake hitting the warm ground, the controversial far left wing Editor of News24, Adriaan Basson’s feelings towards “thousands of pensioners whose livelihood depends on the GEPF”, quickly melted and turned into a callous “We have run out of money and options – pensions will bail out Eskom”. Seems Adriaan Basson now supports the plan to plunder your pensions!
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Another White Man Killed Just for Gadgets! Are Cellphones and TV’s Just Tokens Taken To Pretend The Motive For #WhiteGenocide is Robbery?
#WhiteLivesDoNotMatter Why would someone who has gone through the effort of breaking though a window at 4 o’clock in the morning, and murdering someone, just walk away with a cellphone or TV, especially if they already had a cellphone which they used as a torch to blind their victim? In yet another example, we see an elderly white man murdered on his smallholding in Roodeplaat, Pretoria, just for a TV and 2 cellphones.
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If Rape is A Tool Of War, Then #FarmAttacks ARE WAR! Grandfather Murdered and ALL 5 Females Raped, Including 3 Primary School Girls in Limpopo Farm Attack!
ARCHITECTS OF APARTHEID: Just when libtards try bestowing the virtues of Africans to you, news comes out of this extremely horrific and serious farm attack which happened on January 15, this year, which was not even reported on by any mainstream media. Names in the report are withheld because 3 small children were raped. As the pic above shows, this kind of horror is openly discussed amongst blacks…
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Another Elderly Nigel Man, Deon Botha (72), Killed For No Reason While Tending His Garden, By Black Male Fleeing Scene of Another Crime!
The disproportionate slaughter of whites by black males continues in SA. In the youngest incident Deon Botha (72) who has been described as a religious and loving person, was shot in the chest and killed by a home invader, while he was innocently standing in his front garden in Nigel on Thursday morning, 20 February 2020. Not a day goes by that another white person, if not more, are murdered by a black man in South Africa. White people who stay in South Africa live in fear, barricading themselves, locking everything they can, staying indoors out of fear. In almost all cases black males are the perpetrators.
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Afriforum Release Their Moderate Version of Farm Murder Statistics For 2019, Showing a 27% Increase in Daily Attacks! Defend & Protect Yourself – The Black Majority Regime Will Not!
Afriforum have released their version of 2019 farm attack statistics which can be taken as a minimum, given their moderate conservative approach and it only includes attacks reported to them. However, despite this, it still shows a clear increase in the slow war and genocide on whites and even farm workers are affected.
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