Here is your proof MSM & Big Tech Stole the US2020 Election by Enforcing Censorship! 17% of Joe Biden Voters REGRET Voting Biden! They Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had they Known About Biden Scandals!
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VIDEO: PROOF MSM & Big Tech Stole US Election With Censorship! 17% Biden Voters REGRET Vote – Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had They Known About Biden Scandals!
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SA Farmers Next? Ireland also Attacks their Farmers, Like the Netherlands, Germany and Canada!
As part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” agenda for humanity, Irish leaders have joined their co-conspirators in the Netherlands, Germany and Canada, to phase out farmers and their farms, further risking global food shortages. The Irish government plans to impose a reduction in emissions of around 28 percent on Irish farmers.
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SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Files Contempt of Court Against Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza
Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and their families. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development.
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Globalist Campaign Painting Farmers as “The Enemy of The State”, Strikes The Netherlands & Belgium
The Netherlands is still inherently an agricultural country, which produces a colossal result by surface area, placing it second in the world ranking for agricultural and horticultural product exports. The Dutch farmers and horticulturists form the historical platform of a prosperous Netherlands. However, the globalist Rutte/Kaag government, following World Economic Forum policy, has implemented the plan to liquidate/buy out a significant part of these farmers and agricultural companies.
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IMF & World Banksters used ANC & “anti-racism” to Trick South Africa into Permanent Debt Slavery!
How big a lie would you tell for $156 Billion USD? One only has to look at the vast numbers involved to realise that South Africans have been played big time, to the tune of $156 BILLION USD! South Africans were literally guilt tripped into giving away their country to globalist banksters, for false virtue. South Africans were also tricked into selling out their great grandchildren’s futures. During Apartheid South Africa was Debt Free, however after mandela was released, SA jumped straight into 4th place of indebted nations in Africa in 1992! Now in 2021, South Africa has the most external debt in Africa, after the ANC has spent DOUBLE the external debt of the 2nd placed country in Africa!
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Racist NPA! Black Taxi Driver who Killed White Father & Son NOT Charged yet Whites are Charged Without Bail for far Less!
Double standards at the NPA are institutional as it is not even in dispute anymore that the NPA, with their 90% or more black staff, discriminates on the basis of race when it comes to prosecutorial decisions, and other responsibilities like the granting of bail etc. We have now seen multiple times that the NPA jumped at the chance to charge a white person, deny bail and throw the whole prosecutorial book at them, whether they are guilty of any crime or not. However, a black taxi driver who shot and killed a white father and son in a traffic argument, was not even prosecuted, even whilst several innocent farmers are being held without bail.
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FF+ Election Manifesto Calls for Scrapping of BBBEE – PaNazi Lesufi Replies that BEE will stay “until the sins of white ancestors are wiped out”!
Andrek “Panyaza” Lesufi, the High Priest of black supremacism and Afrikaner hatred, claimed affirmative action – (if you are white, you are out) – is here to stay “until the sins of white ancestors are blotted out.” Of course, this will be forever because the ANC will always continue to create and invent new sins. The anti-white genocidal maniac also dragged Orania into the fray and said Orania should go.
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ConCourt Declares UNISA Language Policy Unconstitutional in 5 Year Long Court Case!
It is tragic that the courts have to protect the true diversity of South Africa, with a dozen languages, from the ANC regime, and it remains unfortunate that the ANC government preaches diversity, yet applies monolingualism. This ruling is appropriate on the eve of Heritage Day, in that it recognized the language rights of students, and imposes a specific obligation with regard to execution on Unisa. It is equally unfortunate that language and cultural communities have to turn to the courts in the final instance, to claim their rights as diverse languages with specific reference to Afrikaans, especially at historically Afrikaans universities.
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Jessie Duarte’s Outdated Ideology on Land Expropriation without Compensation Represents Unworkable & Unrealistic ANC Factional Thinking
The Ad Hoc Group for the Protection of Property Rights has taken note of ANC Secretary-General Jessie Duarte’s remarks on Monday, on Expropriation without Compensation at a media conference. During the interview, she elaborated on the ideological fiction that expropriation without compensation (EWC) is at the heart of economic development.
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EFF Leader, Malema, Convicted of Violating Parliament’s Code of Ethics on Two Charges!
The Joint Committee on Ethics found that Malema had violated the code of ethics for members of parliament by not enforcing the law, when he called on foreign nationals to find ‘creative ways’ to invade SA illegally, after SA borders were closed during the Covid lockdown in January.
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Zuma Does a Schabir Shaik and Gets Put on Medical Parole Immediately! ANC Leadership Still Protecting Zuma?
The Department of Correctional Services have freed Jacob Zuma after receiving the medical report, but have not provided further details of the report. The prisons service placed former President Jacob Zuma on medical parole, less than two months into his 15 month sentence for contempt of court.
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ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?
It should come as no surprise to those who have a healthy suspicious attitude, that a leaked SSA intelligence report concluded that there is a “high probability” that ANC donor and MP Xiaomei Havard, shared classified information about South Africa with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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Emfuleni Users’ Electricity Disconnected Without Notice While 12 Councillors Who Owe R355,010 Are Not Disconnected!
#DirtyDozen – Residents and businesses in the Golden Triangle are furious about illegal ELM power cuts due to alleged non-payment, while twelve councillors from the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM), who received the well-deserved nickname of “Dirty Dozen,” have not been cut off, notwithstanding the fact that they together owe R355,010 in outstanding electricity payments. Ordinary residents and businesses on the other hand were summarily cut off without knowledge or warning.
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ANC Unions Take Corrupt ANC Government to ANC ConCourt over Corrupt ANC Civil Service Salaries!
Monkeys Running the Zoo, or is that Thieves Running the Bank? After a months long remuneration increase battle between the ANC Civil Services sector, with the Unions allied as partners against the ANC government, the issues could not be resolved, so they are now heading to the ANC’s Constitutional Court to find a solution or agreement. Yet some time ago it was announced that the ANC government did not have the money to offer salary increases, because all the money was spent in large scale systemic and institutional corruption.
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BBBEE & Land Claims Will be Hate Crimes Under Stricter Definition of Hate Crime in ANC’s Updated Parliamentary Bill
The portfolio committee on Justice and Correctional Services in the SA parliament has called for public comment on the updated Prevention of Hate Speech and Hate Crime Bill, which is intended to impose proper punishment on the said crimes. The new definition of “hate crime” is when someone harms another person with remarks or insulting remarks. Harm is defined as any emotional, psychological, physical, social, or economic harm. So according to the new Bill, it will be a crime to promote and advertise BBBEE. It will also be a crime to sing Kill The Boer Kill The Farmer, or threaten to take someone’s land, as most certainly that causes great emotional harm, trauma and distress.
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