The Department of Correctional Services have freed Jacob Zuma after receiving the medical report, but have not provided further details of the report. The prisons service placed former President Jacob Zuma on medical parole, less than two months into his 15 month sentence for contempt of court.
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Zuma Does a Schabir Shaik and Gets Put on Medical Parole Immediately! ANC Leadership Still Protecting Zuma?
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Another Elderly Couple Murdered, This Time in a Small Village Outside Port Shepstone in KZN!
An elderly couple that was murdered in their home in Umtentweni outside Port Shepstone in Kwazulu-Natal, has been identified as Murray Ross(67) and his wife Julie Ross (60).
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VIDEO: “Stop Hiring Blacks or Commit Su1c!de!” Catholic Prof. in USA Teaches Students it’s an Ethical Act When Whites Commit Su1c!de in SA!
Could it be that the far left in the US and the far right in South Africa agree? Both believe that whites in SA should stop their addiction to black labour, but as usual the far left is more radical, violent, murderous and just plain nasty with their presentation of their ideas! The Professor in Pennsylvania teaches his students that whites in SA who commit su1c!de can be an ‘ethical’ act, because they continue to appoint blacks in subservient jobs. The irony is that many white South Africans have already realized that appointing blacks is not only dangerous to themselves and their families, but it is in any case self inflicted genocide anyway!
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ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?
It should come as no surprise to those who have a healthy suspicious attitude, that a leaked SSA intelligence report concluded that there is a “high probability” that ANC donor and MP Xiaomei Havard, shared classified information about South Africa with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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Emfuleni Users’ Electricity Disconnected Without Notice While 12 Councillors Who Owe R355,010 Are Not Disconnected!
#DirtyDozen – Residents and businesses in the Golden Triangle are furious about illegal ELM power cuts due to alleged non-payment, while twelve councillors from the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM), who received the well-deserved nickname of “Dirty Dozen,” have not been cut off, notwithstanding the fact that they together owe R355,010 in outstanding electricity payments. Ordinary residents and businesses on the other hand were summarily cut off without knowledge or warning.
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Port Elizabeth Man Shot in Back During Home Invasion! So Little Stolen That Attackers Will Have to Attack Someone Else Soon!
A 53-year-old man from Port Elizabeth was shot in the back during an armed home invasion of two neighboring houses on a plot in Lakeside. It is once again clear that the value of life is getting cheaper every day. Again just a cell phone, TV and cash was stolen, that will only provide food for a few days when split between the attackers, so people’s lives are literally being consumed! After a few days they will have to rob someone again…
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Is There a Spate of Hijackings in Three Rivers? SAPS says No, Social Media says Yes! Who do we believe?
There is reportedly a spate of hijackings in Three Rivers, but police apparently know of nothing. Social media, on the other hand, is buzzing about a group of men who are believed to be waging a reign of terror in Drie Riviere, and trying to hijack people. However, police say they have no knowledge of this. Who should people believe now?
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ANC Unions Take Corrupt ANC Government to ANC ConCourt over Corrupt ANC Civil Service Salaries!
Monkeys Running the Zoo, or is that Thieves Running the Bank? After a months long remuneration increase battle between the ANC Civil Services sector, with the Unions allied as partners against the ANC government, the issues could not be resolved, so they are now heading to the ANC’s Constitutional Court to find a solution or agreement. Yet some time ago it was announced that the ANC government did not have the money to offer salary increases, because all the money was spent in large scale systemic and institutional corruption.
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BBBEE & Land Claims Will be Hate Crimes Under Stricter Definition of Hate Crime in ANC’s Updated Parliamentary Bill
The portfolio committee on Justice and Correctional Services in the SA parliament has called for public comment on the updated Prevention of Hate Speech and Hate Crime Bill, which is intended to impose proper punishment on the said crimes. The new definition of “hate crime” is when someone harms another person with remarks or insulting remarks. Harm is defined as any emotional, psychological, physical, social, or economic harm. So according to the new Bill, it will be a crime to promote and advertise BBBEE. It will also be a crime to sing Kill The Boer Kill The Farmer, or threaten to take someone’s land, as most certainly that causes great emotional harm, trauma and distress.
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Does Eskom Export Electricity to #SAPP When it Uses Cold Weather as Excuse to Hide Bad Maintenance & Corruption?
Cold weather in winter is self-evident even for animals, but for Eskom it is a surprise? For decades in Apartheid, before the ANC regime was given the then first world country, Eskom supplied whatever was demanded without interruption thanks to good long-term planning and maintenance measures, but now Eskom has warned about electricity faults in KwaZulu-Natal due to cold weather! The question is, is power still quietly being sent to the African #SAPP network, when we are asked to save power, for which we paid dearly with taxes? Are we also being forced to sustain and keep the rest of Africa afloat? Even Malawi’s power provider is called “Escom!”
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Imagine Living to 94 Years and then a Troop of Black Barbarians Shoot You Through Your Window, Murdered for Nothing!
The life of Hanlie Geldenhuis, a defenceless elderly woman, at the ripe old age of 94, tragically came to an end when an unknown number of barbarians, summarily shot her through the window on the night of August 27, 2021. on her farm in Kalbasfontein, in Westonaria, East of Fochville, in the Gauteng province of South Africa.
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Zuma’s Stolen Money Is Finished – “Msholozi” is now Begging Supporters to Help Pay for Legal Costs!
Jacob Zuma has to undertake a renewed round of court battles, and he is now begging his supporters to help pay his legal costs.
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Black Townships are No-Go Zones for Whites! Kind-hearted White Grandma (64) Bludgeoned to Death in Dewetsdorp Township!
A week ago, Postmasburg’s white milkman, Andries de Klerk (57), was stoned to death in the black township of Postmasburg while delivering milk there, and now a 64-year-old generous grandmother from Dewetsdorp in the Free State, has been cruelly beaten to death with “a blunt object,” as if she were a seal, during a vehicle hijacking while generously transporting a TV set to a resident in the township.
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ANC, EFF, PAC, BLF? Elderly White Couple Brutally Hacked to Death with Axe by Black Gang led by Gardener, for Just a Few Meagre Items!
Yet another harmless, defenceless elderly white couple have been brutally murdered by their black gardener, this time in Sasolburg. It is extremely unlikely a normal reasonable person would murder their own employer, effectively killing their own income, for just a few meagre possessions which have to be shared with accomplices, so it is NOT “normal crime!” We need to investigate whether the gardener was radicalised by members of the ANC, EFF, PAC or BLF, with the false land theft narrative? Remember Winnie and het “necklaces” intimidating moderates? Was this a hate crime disguised as robbery gone wrong? Why does no one ask the political affiliations of the perpetrators when they are black? Yet if they were white and the victims black, political affiliations would be all over mainstream headlines and police investigations!
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Unemployment in Socialist SA Highest in the World and Apparently Contributes to Riots and Looting!
South Africa now has the worst unemployment in the world according to Bloomberg, and now falls among other disastrous countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Syria and Venezuela. For all Ramaphosa’s nice speeches and promises, he does not understand that one main goal of a good government, is to establish an economy, which gives the people of the country the opportunity to make an honest living. The ANC government is not doing this at all. They set an example of corruption and immaturity. Corruption does not build an economy. Looting is just that. It builds nothing. And then the ridiculous reasons put forward: free housing, free education, free everything, which only exacerbates the above. And if ANC supporters do not get it for free, they throw a tantrum like a toddler, and burn down everything they see.
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