It is tragic that the courts have to protect the true diversity of South Africa, with a dozen languages, from the ANC regime, and it remains unfortunate that the ANC government preaches diversity, yet applies monolingualism. This ruling is appropriate on the eve of Heritage Day, in that it recognized the language rights of students, and imposes a specific obligation with regard to execution on Unisa. It is equally unfortunate that language and cultural communities have to turn to the courts in the final instance, to claim their rights as diverse languages with specific reference to Afrikaans, especially at historically Afrikaans universities.
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ConCourt Declares UNISA Language Policy Unconstitutional in 5 Year Long Court Case!
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Farm Attack Stopped! Call the Neighbors or Neighborhood Watch Rather than the SAPS
A farm attack was foiled on the evening of 15 August 2021, at 20:15, on a farm in the Tweespruit area in the Free State province. Alert farmers responded to a call from a neighboring farm where three attackers were spotted on the premises.
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Police Find Nothing, Then 5 Armed Black Men Strike! Young Dad Of 6 Dies In Hospital After He Was Shot 6 Times In Home Invasion!
Police had barely left when there were armed black attackers in their kitchen! Either the terrorists are not afraid of police, or the police are complicit? Gerald van Jaarsveld (32) was shot six times by black attackers during the house invasion in Brakpan, on 29 July 2021. He then fought bravely for his life for 2 weeks, in the Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital, but lost his battle for survival and died at the hospital on Saturday morning, August 14, after contracting an infection in the hospital. Sadly this is nothing new, we are experiencing a silent genocide disguised as ordinary crime and poor service delivery.
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Speaker Thandi Modise Appeals For Dismissal Of Animal Abuse Case Against Her Despite Testimony From Veterinarian!
Adv. Dali Mpofu, legal representative for Thandi Modise, speaker of parliament, has brought an application for dismissal in the animal abuse case against her, when the case resumed in the Potchefstroom Regional Court, after testimony from a veterinarian and a former employee on her farm was heard yesterday. In a surprising twist, Mpofu asked the court to acquit Modise on the basis of insufficient evidence to link her to the abuse case.
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With Afriforum’s #FightAndBuild project, We Pay Lots of Taxes But Fill In Potholes Ourselves so EVERYONE can Use the Roads?
There are fewer potholes in Schweizer-Reneke in the North West, thanks to AfriForum’s #VegEnBou project, where the large potholes in Schweizer-Reneke were filled in on 30 March 2021. As in many other towns nationwide, potholes are but one of the many problems in the town. Thanks to the plundered to bankruptcy ANC municipalities, the residents and businesses are affected socially and economically, as businesses lose customers because the roads or parking lots are full of potholes.
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Whites Excluded by Law in South Africa! Even Emergency Covid19 Relief Funds Withheld from Whites by the ANC Black Majority Government!
“THE STRUGGLE” for Black Supremacy: The ANC regime have officially become what they allegedly fought against, by legislating race based regulations! Despite legal challenges, the Department of Tourism has announced that its “if you are white, you are out” assistance package, of R1, 2 Billion is to proceed and whites will officially be excluded!
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#ForeverALegend Dieter Grabie Died Saving His Friend – Our Heroes Are Being Killed For Nothing in the Rainbow AbomiNation!
Brave Dieter Grabie ( 21) from Brits died as a selfless hero, another victim of the daily black-on-white attacks and murders in South Africa. Dieter kept his promise from schooldays in 2008, to protect his buddy Chris Malan, when he pulled his friend away from a knife attack but was stabbed instead. This courageous young man should never be forgotten by us, and like Brendin Horner and so many others, he should always be remembered and serve as encouragement to us to fight back harder, against the slow genocide on the white minority in South Africa.
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Extreme Savage Violence in Black-on-White Attacks & Murders, Debunks “Economic Crime” Lie! Bantu Want to Kill, Not Steal!
WHERE IS “UBUNTU”? Given the centuries long history of brutality by the nguni bantu in Southern Africa, against themselves and others, LONG BEFORE APARTHEID, it goes without saying that all modern day victims of this savagery, would gladly just let them take whatever they want, without ANY resistance! So why the over the top extreme brutality for mere trinkets or phones? Clearly “normal crime” is NOT the motive! In yet another black-on-white atrocity in Pretoria, which mainstream will ignore, a man’s head was beaten to a pulp, while his brave wife had to run straight through a glass sliding door to escape the brutality and get help! All just for a ring? In another incident in Brits, an innocent 22 year young white man was callously stabbed to death by FIVE black attackers, for nothing!
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5 Brutal Murders in 3 Farm Attacks in The Week The Battle of Blood River Vow is Commemorated!
A Hundred and Eighty Two Years after the Famous Battle of Blood River, African savages are still determined to murder us and steal anything they can, even though we gave an entire first world country to them! What more do they want? What a tragic reminder on this Day of the Vow when 5 innocent people were murdered in three brutal farm attacks in the 3 days leading up to commemoration of the Covenant! On Saturday Bill Theron, an 85 year old chicken farmer, was murdered, then Monday the 14th, saw two more horrific attacks. The Bisset family of Korhaanfontein farm lost a mother and wife when Poenkie Bisset was callously stabbed and killed, while later the same day, a vicious terrorist attack in KwaZulu Natal claimed the lives of three innocents.
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Justice Used as a Weapon Against the White Minority in SA! Many SA Judges Corrupt and Prejudiced Against Whites!
Being non political, Judges are meant to be the last stand between anarchy and civilisation, however decisions by Justices in SA suggests the Rainbow AbomiNation is in a state in anarchy, where mobs, criminals and gangsters rule! In one example, the innocent Coligny men were incarcerated for 13 months because of pressure by a radicalised black lynch mob and liberal media, which proves that systemic and institutional racism against whites is the order of the day in SA!
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VIDEO: “To Hell With Peace!” After 26 Years of “Peace” We Are Still Being Murdered, Yet Our Self Appointed “Leaders” Want More Peace?
#Senekal2 There is no doubt that the murder of the farm manager in the Senekal area, Brendin Horner, was a turning point for our people. Although the horrific incident ultimately put the farm murders higher on the media and ANC government’s agenda, it also forced us, as a people, to focus on our current situation. It also raised issues that need to be addressed about where we are at present and what the future holds for us, as whites in South Africa. For this forced focus, we will be forever grateful to Brendin Horner, who paid the highest price.
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VIDEO: Civil War? “So be it!” says Malema: “I’m Not Talking About AK47” – BUT He Tweets a Photo of AK47 to 3.2 Million Followers!
#Senekal Julius Malema has fervently declared on TV that he is not afraid of “white terrorists” or their retired soldiers and Generals. If it turns into a Civil War, he says he’s ready for it. This AFTER he spoke with Bheki Cele! The village of Senekal is on everyone’s lips. This is where the young..
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Cheap Black Labour Costs Lives! Another White Woman Killed After Black Gardener Arranges 2 Black Men to Attack Her!
CASE STUDIES #BoycottBlackLabour – Cheap Black Labour Could Cost Your Life, But Definitely Cost You Your Country! Another innocent white woman was killed in an attack by 2 black men, arranged by her black gardener! Just like with BBBEE, white lives do not matter. They are worthless in the ANC’s racist anti-white Rainbow abomiNation. A white woman, who was in her late 40s, was killed on Wednesday 30 September 2020, after her black gardener organized the attack on her, on a smallholding in Sundra, Delmas, Mpumalanga. The acquisition of cheap black labor is the downfall of ALL white nations! The whole origin of sprawling black squatter camps outside our cities is due to this!
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#GenderBasedViolence Forgotten When Victims are White Women & Killers Are Black Men?
Where is all the media hyped faux outrage about #GBV when yet another white woman is murdered, in an attack by 2 black males? Just like in BBBEE, White Lives Don’t Matter, they are worthless in the ANC’s racist anti white Rainbow abomiNation. Another woman, who was in her late 40’s, was murdered on Wednesday 30 September 2020, after her black gardener organized the attack on her on a smallholding at Sundra, Delmas, Mpumalanga.
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SAPS Refused To Search For Missing Murdered Family! SABC & News24 Cover for SAPS’ Evil Malicious Negligence, Exposed by International Media Coverage!
Lying by Omission: As details of the brutal triple farm murder emerge, even making international news headlines, because the mother Breggie (Hybrecht) Brand was originally from UK, where the Mail Online reported on the horrendous story, revealing something mainstream media in SA are covering up: the fact that SAPS Hartswater refused to go searching for the missing family for a whole day, despite desperate pleas from their son, until the next day when family and friends managed to get to the farmhouse. Could the family had been saved if SAPS has acted when called upon?
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