How big a lie would you tell for $156 Billion USD? One only has to look at the vast numbers involved to realise that South Africans have been played big time, to the tune of $156 BILLION USD! South Africans were literally guilt tripped into giving away their country to globalist banksters, for false virtue. South Africans were also tricked into selling out their great grandchildren’s futures. During Apartheid South Africa was Debt Free, however after mandela was released, SA jumped straight into 4th place of indebted nations in Africa in 1992! Now in 2021, South Africa has the most external debt in Africa, after the ANC has spent DOUBLE the external debt of the 2nd placed country in Africa!
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IMF & World Banksters used ANC & “anti-racism” to Trick South Africa into Permanent Debt Slavery!
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ANC Government wants to Establish a State Bank, in Line with their Socialist Principles. Hint: Central Banks are Private!
In keeping with the Socialist principle that the State must own and control everything, as with the ANC’s National Health Insurance Scheme, the National Treasury said it was also moving forward with the establishment of a state-owned bank for South Africa, and that Cyril Ramaphosa, and the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, were supporting it. It might surprise many to discover that the Central Bank is in fact privately owned, as it is worldwide.
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Hawks Confirm They are Investigating Two Cases of Alleged Theft from SARB Amounting to over R41 Quadrillion Linked to Tokyo Sexwale!
A new twist in the Tokyo Sexwale “stolen quadrillion” saga has appeared – after the fund invited ANC government, to a Bank in Singapore. The chairman of the Worldwide Proxy and Trustee of the White Spiritual Boy (WSB) and Spiritual Wonder Boy (SWB) Heritage Funds, Mr Chark Leong Boey, has written a letter in his personal capacity, in an effort to clarify the confusion around the Heritage Fund. The Hawks on Monday confirmed that they were investigating two cases of alleged theft amounting to over R41 quadrillion.
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RaceBaiting SA Cricket Director Blackmails Momentum Sponsor with Government Pension Fund & SOE Disinvestment & Bad BBBEE Ratings!
A tweet by a black female Director of Cricket SA has exposed what we always suspected: ANC regime uses control of State Pension Funds & Control of State Owned Enterprises to enforce Black Supremacy and Extort Money, Favours & Positions from private sector! On top of this they also use racebaiting, like the infamous racebaiting mafioso in USA, Al Sharpton, to threaten people and groups with false bad BBBEE ratings and false accusations of racism, if they do not comply, pay up or or do the bidding of the ANC regime! Who knows what has not been “gifted” or handed over, and how deep the rabbit hole goes, in this modern day mafia style gangster protection racket the ANC & EFF are running? Do not expect mainstream media or the courts to expose it…
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ANC Cadres Score R70 Billion No Strings Attached IMF Loan That YOU Have to Pay Back!
Communists Love Spending Other People’s Money: Even though corrupt ANC has steered clear of IMF loans thus far, because they require financial transparency and discipline, the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Privilege has allowed the ANC government to get a loan, without an IMF structural adjustment programme, despite the IMF being deeply suspicious of ANC and COSATU. Seizing the opportunity the Corona Virus has afforded them, the ANC grabbed 100% of South Africa’s IMF quota.
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SA 5th Most Infected Country! All BRICs Countries in Top 5 Except China! SA & India Receive USD 1 Billion Covid Loans from BRICs Bank!
Cases for Cash? For an 8th straight day South Africa has reported the 4th most daily new COVID19 cases (chart below) which has helped push SA into 5th place worldwide, eclipsing many countries far more populace and undeveloped than itself, like Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mexico, etc. Even more remarkable is that 4 of the top 5 most infected countries are BRICs countries – all of them are in the top 5 except China, where it all started, coincidence? Even though China is the most populace country in the world? Did the access and clout that Chinese citizens have in BRICs countries help spread the virus? Or does the fact that South Africa and India have received 1 BILLION dollar Covid Loans from the BRICs Development Bank explain the high figures?
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ANC Using #Covid19SA to Justify Plans to “Discipline Private Sector”, Nationalise Pensions & Plunder Central Bank Reserves in “Radical Transformation”!
THE STATE CAPTURE TO END ALL CAPTURES: True to their word, the ANC’s Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma (NDZ) are using the extended CCP-virus lockdown, as a cover to propose changes to the Pension law in order to grab pensions for massive redistribution of wealth, and tender fraud on a scale never seen before! Né Cyril? We should have known. The ANC is coming for your pensions with it’s promised radical transformation, turning the country into a fully communist, totalitarian and fascist black supremacist hellhole. In short they are throwing more wood under the pot in which they are slowly boiling the white minority frogs. Lots and lots of wood.
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Zuma’s Nkandla is Nothing Compared To Ramaphosa’s Pension Grab! Transnet Pension Debacle 2.0 Will Impoverish Twice More Blacks Than Whites & Will Encourage More Eskom Corruption!
#PensionCapture – As certain as we were told by mainstream media that there were WMD’s in Iraq, Ramaphosa’s proposed pension plunder will also be propagandised into appearing as a good idea by the establishment, who will frogmarch South Africa into allowing them to steal from the many, to give to themselves and their cronies. There are also two silent partners pushing this scheme, namely the banksters, who stand to make serious commissions, and also rescue their bad loans to a bankrupt Eskom, and possibly extend this plunder to other bankrupt parastatals (who they also lent money for), once they have pried open the door to SA’s last pot of gold, and then of course there is the ANC’s ever present shoulder parrot, the South African Communist Party, who is never far.
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THIS Video Will Make ALL South Africans “The Moer In!” – SA has been plundered for an entire century, and still is…
For an ENTIRE Century, South Africa has been the World’s Largest Gold Producer, by far and bar none! SA has also been in the Top Diamond producers. How much is it and where has it all gone?
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The ANC wants banks to be forced to fund SA coal mines, well you are not a party anymore, you are now BANK-ROBBERS and THIEF’S
South Africa’s banks should be forced to invest in new coal mines in the country, the ANC’s head of economic transformation has said. Nedbank and Standard Bank have said “they are not going to put money in coal anymore,” Enoch Godongwana said in an interview on Carte Blanche. “To me, that’s an invitation for prescribed..
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‘Open your brain first before opening your mouth,’ says Mboweni to Masina in a heated debate over nationalisation- The finance minister believes the mayor was commenting on topics he has no in-depth knowledge of
Following a 702 headline stating that finance minister Tito Mboewni is set to introduce a bill paving the way for the creation of a state-owned bank in competition with private sector retail and commercial banks, Mboweni and the executive mayor of the city of Ekurhuleni, Mzwandile Masina, got into a heated debate over nationalisation. The..
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ANC has decided to simply” expropriate “ordinary South Africans’ savings to save state-owned enterprises – ANC has your pension in sight to try to save sinking Eskom
Economists have issued a serious warning as they fear public pension funds will be used to fill Eskom’s massive black debt gap. Mike Schussler shares other economists’ fears and says that such rumors have been around for 11 months. Eskom’s debt burden may rise to R600bn over the next few years, and businessmen reckon Eskom..
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Greedy World Bank Endorses Land Expropriation Without Compensation! Happy to Profit From Poor SA’s Misery, Debt and Destruction
If ever there was proof that we are living in enforced debt slavery, the World Bank has just shown its hand. It is so greedy to create new debt it even endorses South Africa’s Racist Land Expropriation without Compensation Plan, which will surely destroy the country just like Zimbabwe!
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Cyril Ramaphosa Supports The Creation Of A State Bank
Cyril Ramaphosa has thrown his weight behind proposals for a state bank.
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