LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Does Chinese Privilege exist in China? Does Indian Privilege exist in India? Does Nigerian Privilege Exist in Nigeria? Black Privilege does however exist in Western countries as well as black countries! Affirmative action has become an imperialist means of conquest and supremacy aimed at turning all countries into black countries. How long does affirmative action go on for? At what stage will “compensation”, “retribution” or “revenge” have been achieved? How much must be given? Entire countries? With systemic, institutional and structural black privilege already deeply built into every aspect of daily life, all we have achieved was to make anti-white racism systemic, institutional and structural in our societies!
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VIDEO: #WhitePrivilege Does not Exist but #BlackPrivilege Does! #BLM & BBBEE Affirmative Action is Doing More Harm Than Good to Blacks!
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“Ramaphosa is The Bastard” – Will VBS Arrests Destroy EFF? ANC & EFF Marxists Indulge in Looted Capitalist Luxuries With No Accountability!
If you were hoping that finally, after yesterday’s arrest of 8 officials in the VBS Bank heist, that the racist motormouths of Malema & bullyboy Shivambu were going to get their comeuppance, due to their close links to the looted 2 Billion Rand, you have not been paying attention. SA is run by a corrupt regime and corruption can only exist where there is no accountability, and where deniability is readily accepted to the extreme. Despite dates and locations on his Twitter trail mirroring his Mahuna bank card withdrawals, over a whole year, Malema STILL denies knowing anything! You can be sure, in his defense, Malema’s motormouth will accelerate way beyond just calling Ramaphosa a “bastard”, supposedly for not bailing him out of this mess…
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Racist ANC Hides Behind Globalist “Anti-Racism” Campaign – Traitors & Useful Idiots to Wear Black!
ANTI-RACISM DESTROYS DIVERSITY: The liberal globalists have jumped on the George Floyd incident to not only try steal the US General Election, but also to try restart their “Liberal World Order”, which Trump and many truthers like SA-News worldwide have exposed in the last few years. Let’s be clear, judging someone based purely on the colour of their skin is simply stupid, however that is exactly what the ANC does everyday. If the ANC where genuine about “anti-racism” they would have dropped the race based BBBEE long time ago. This then exposes their hidden agenda and we have to look behind the scenes, before we start wearing black…
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Colonisation 2.0! African Union is European Union in Disguise, but Does Anyone Care, as Long as the Handouts Keeps Flowing?
#AUisNotAfrica! The pan-africanist African Union’s Africa Day celebrations were propagandised with the slogan “The Africa We Want”, exposing the same dictatorial, supremacist centralised, left wing socialist approach to the re-colonisation of Africa, in order to force it into the NWO. In fact the propaganda video realeased for the 57th anniversary celebrations boasts about how all the Communist Russia instigated and supported “victories” throughout Africa, in the so called liberation struggles, were their (AU) victories? But these genocidal maniacs go further, proclaiming how “they” are pushing onwards to create “The Africa We Want”. Who is “we” and who are they? The old Socialist USSR still? The European Union? Globalist Communism? Cuba? The New World Order (NWO)? The Bilderberg Group? Soros? The Deep State?
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations”. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
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#CelebrityDespots Why Do Black Eskom Workers Love Brain Molefe, Who Helped Guptas Plunder Transnet & Put Eskom R450 BILLION in Debt & Was Paid R2 Million a Month Pension?
AFRICANS LOVE THEIR DESPOTS: Black Eskom Workers who are members of the Government Pension Scheme and the powerful COSATU trade union, are allowing (unwittingly or not) Cosatu to allow the ANC regime to grab R254 Billion from their own pension fund, the GEPF, and they even supported Brian Molefe, ex Eskom CEO, who helped the Guptas put Eskom into R450 Billion debt, with song and dance!
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Ramaphosa’s praises of dictator Mugabe is a slap in the face of millions of Zimbabwean residents who had to flee the country
ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa’s praise of Robert Mugabe has drawn sharp criticism from his own and liberal ranks. Ramaphosa’s description of Mugabe as an “outstanding leader” in Africa, according to the media, is a slap in the face of millions of Zimbabwean residents who had to flee to SA because of Mugabe’s policies and human..
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Zimbabwe’s former President Robert Mugabe has passed away
Robert Mugabe, the former president of Zimbabwe, has died aged 95. His 40-year leadership of the former British colony was marked with bloodshed, persecution of political opponents and vote-rigging on a large scale. President Emmerson Mnangagwa shared the news of Mugabe’s death on Twitter. Mugabe, who became Zimbabwe’s first black leader at independence from Britain..
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Angry Juju Malema says Zim’s white farmers “do not deserve” compensation, at least Zim knows now they can not do without the White Farmers
The radical leader of the EFF held a press conference in Braamfontein on Wednesday, as the red berets tackled topical issues and addressed questions regarding the 2019 Elections. However, Julius Malema had one eye on international affairs and weighed into the current situation involving Zimbabwe and its white farmers. The Emmerson Mnangagwa Administration confirmed that..
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Video: Is US Law Requiring That SA Be Expelled From AGOA, The Reason UK & USA “Believe” Ramaphosa & Sisulu’s Lies About Racist Land Grabs!
The ANC’s racist land grab requires, by US law, that the USA ceases trading with South Africa according to their AGOA Trade Agreement. Could that be the reason USA and UK are forced to pretend that Ramaphosa’s racist land grab is lawful and ok? Ramaphosa’s racist land grab is clearly, patently and obviously both immoral..
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SA take notice of the following -“Zimbabwe needs the white man” says outgoing Zanu-PF MP
Joseph Tshuma, an outgoing Zanu-PF MP says Mugabe made a big mistake by ‘chasing the white man out of Zimbabwe’. Joseph Tshuma, an outgoing member of parliament has stated that “without the involvement of whites” the country cannot prosper. His proclamation is in reference to the Robert Mugabe era Zimbabwe, where the country remained isolated..
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Land Confiscation Will Redistribute Poverty, Not Wealth! 180 Billion Rand’s Mortgages, Food Production and SA Economy Will Be Destroyed
Zimbabwe 2.0 – The South African economy and the nation’s food production could collapse if the government seizes land from white farmers and redistributes it to black citizens, a local race relations organization has said. The move, approved by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) regime as well as the opposition EFF party earlier this..
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Greedy World Bank Endorses Land Expropriation Without Compensation! Happy to Profit From Poor SA’s Misery, Debt and Destruction
If ever there was proof that we are living in enforced debt slavery, the World Bank has just shown its hand. It is so greedy to create new debt it even endorses South Africa’s Racist Land Expropriation without Compensation Plan, which will surely destroy the country just like Zimbabwe!
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After a Quarter Century of Black Rule in SA, “Blacks” Still Blame “Whites” For EVERYTHING! When will blacks appropriate accountability, responsibility, duty and honour?
Despite being in charge and control of everything from Taxes, Budget, Finance, Police, Army, Hospitals, Roads, Municipalities, Councils, Parliament, Judiciary, Customs, etc. etc. the black majority government in South has been unable to do anything more than consume the wealth that whites created prior to 1994.
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Oppressed White South African Minority Arm Themselves to Defend Their Farms, Family and Freedom (Video)
Controversial plans to amend the constitution to enable land grabs without compensation in South Africa, are raising already high tensions among the nation’s white minority, many of whom have taken to arming themselves, not only to protect themselves and their family in a crime ridden country, but also to defend their property or farms against government seizures…
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