The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has now shifted its focus to the R90 Billion taxi industry, which last year paid only about R5 million in taxes. The R5 million tax from last year paid by the industry, cannot even be the income tax of one province’s minibus taxis, and as a result there was a huge outcry in the media and on social media.
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SARS Looking at R90 Billion Taxi Industry to Further Increase its Increased Tax Revenues…
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ANC Government wants to Establish a State Bank, in Line with their Socialist Principles. Hint: Central Banks are Private!
In keeping with the Socialist principle that the State must own and control everything, as with the ANC’s National Health Insurance Scheme, the National Treasury said it was also moving forward with the establishment of a state-owned bank for South Africa, and that Cyril Ramaphosa, and the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, were supporting it. It might surprise many to discover that the Central Bank is in fact privately owned, as it is worldwide.
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Is EVERYTHING The ANC Does a Scheme To Plunder from Taxpayers & “Redistribute Wealth”, to Buy Votes, To Keep Power, To Keep Plundering?
ANC TROJAN HORSE ENTERPRISES: R52 Million of taxpayers money has been wasted on yet another failed Collective (communist) chicken farm in Virginia, Free State this time! But was it ever intended to produce chickens, or was it just another ANC Trojan Horse Enterprise, designed to fail, to facilitate “legally” stealing money from the taxpayer, while pretending to be a BBBEE business venture – a “perfect crime”? The ANC’s approach to establish collective BBBEE farms, with massive amounts of taxpayer money, is well known and it is just as well known that these grandiose projects end in massive “failure” every time, almost as if it was planned to fail, with cadres plundering during every step of the short life cycle of the doomed project…
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VIDEO: “Farm Murderers Paid by ANC & EFF To Kill” Says Zimbabwean Truck Driver in SA, on His Way To Canada!
A sound recording received by SA-News, which cannot be verified, but sounds authentic given the background noise, portrays an interview with a Zimbabwean truck driver in South Africa, who has somehow managed to arrange to go to Canada in November. He claims that farm murderers are locals and foreigners, that are paid by both the ANC and EFF, using taxpayers money! He says ANC and Ramaphosa are trying to play a smart game.
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Taxpayers fork out more than R76m for funeral cost of ANC veterans
Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille has vowed to act against officials implicated in irregular expenditure related to the late stalwart Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s funeral and those of two other ANC veterans. It’s alleged a service provider inflated invoices, costing taxpayers a staggering R76 million. De Lille has reportedly recommended that government should cap state funerals…
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De Lille reveals over 3,000 Public Works employees do business with department and 300 of those employees have their own companies
Patricia De Lille says more needs to be done to ensure people who work for the state don’t do business with the department Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille has revealed more than 3,700 Public Works employees are doing business with the department. She said 300 of those employees have their own companies and, in..
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Controversial District Six is going to be redeveloped – the process will cost taxpayers millions – But will it have a significant benefit?
The Minister of Agriculture and Land Reform, Thoko Didiza, has apparently announced a comprehensive plan for the redevelopment of the once-controversial District Six, in Cape Town. A structure, known as the District Six Working Committee, has apparently re-identified the District Six area as a colored residential area, which will now be transferred in various phases..
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MINISTERS ‘FINANCES MUST BE REDUCED – Taxpayers are picking up the bills for home cleaning products, security improvements and cellphones
The Minister of Public Service and Administration Senzo Mchunu on Monday announced several changes to the ministerial manual. Ministers will now not be allowed to pay more than R700 000 for a car, official flights within South Africa must be undertaken in economy class. The state will also no longer pay for security upgrades at..
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Taxpayers funds ANC government failures – the country is suffering while ANC cadres live in splendor
“The goose that lays the golden eggs and who has to pay for the ANC’s failures – the taxpayer – can no longer,” says Wouter Wessels, FF Plus MP and chief spokesperson for finance. “It is also not necessary for anyone to attend the Standing Committee on Budgets to see that the country is in..
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President Cyril wants to squander R25bn of taxpayers’ money on projects in Northern Transvaal
“From now on, every model will be seriously monitored, and those who show up with corruption plans will be asked to leave,” was ANC President Ramaphosa’s warning during the kick-off opportunity of his R25 billion project. Ramaphosa undertook to visit the Northern Transvaal for two days to attend the two separate projects kick-off events. The..
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R84 million Free State Cuban Technical Advisers Program died a sudden death without solving the “water problem”
The Secretary-General of the ANC, and former Prime Minister of the Free State, Ace Magashule’s plan to bring Cuban engineers to South Africa to solve the Free State’s “water problems”, then wasted millions of Rand. The so-called Cuban engineers were welcomed with a huge ceremony when they came here from Cuba for four years. Of..
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Taxpayers fork out millions for 703 vacant state-owned buildings
The poor management of state-owned buildings costs the country’s taxpayers millions of rands annually. The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure owns about 81,000 buildings, 703 of which are vacant. Only the property tax on these unused buildings amounted to R36 million in the 2018/19 financial year. In addition, there is a major backlog with..
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New R28.6 billion project at Ethekwini Municipality just another initiative for ANC government to waste money
Another failed ANC project under the guise of the Khawuleza Model launched at the expense of impoverished taxpayers. The ruling ANC president, Cyril Ramaphosa, declared that the Khawuleza municipality and environment is the place to create jobs. He launched the so-called metropolitan version for the Khawuleza District Development Model, which is believed to also improve..
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De Lille reveals that SA taxpayers are paying R70 Million annually to house members of parliament (MPs) at official residences in Cape Town
Patricia De Lille is the Public Works and Infrastructure Minister. She shared how the state had paid around R750 million over the fourth and fifth parliament to house MPs at the three parliamentary villages in the province. The expenditure occurred between 2009 and 2019. De Lille was responding to a written parliamentary question from Democratic..
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SA taxpayers are among the highly taxed in the world – and it could get worse
Economists say we will most likely see an increase in personal tax and the fuel levy, as government tries to ramp up tax collection. They say government is running out of options to raise money after SARS missed its collection targets over the past few years. Analysts say it’s now a certainty that SARS will..
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