Yet another farm attack took place on 16 August 2021 at 15:10 in the Harrismith district, in the Free State. The farmer, Gideon Wessels (54), was working in the storeroom at home, when three unknown armed men suddenly appeared. Do the attackers not realize that if there are no farmers producing food, there will be no food to eat?
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3 Armed Farm Attackers Attack Farmer Who Was Working Alone – 5 Suspects Arrested at The Square Checkers Mall in Ladysmith
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VIDEO: ANC & EFF Terrorists Now Attack in Remote Rural Towns Like Pofadder, Koffiefontein & Kuruman! Nowhere is Safe Anymore!
#OpenSeasonOnWhites: A video appeared showing how 4 black men are robbing a 65 year old farmer of Danielskuil in the Northern Cape, in broad daylight, while black onlookers just stood idly by, with no one lifting a finger to help the poor old man. This escalation of brazen broad daylight attacks on whites has now spread deep into rural areas, where crime used to be unheard of! Why is this? Is it a case of the mainstream media’s narrative of consent and approval of violence against whites, which has reached rural towns and is creating an atmosphere where blacks feel it is their right to attack and fleece whites, because they will not be apprehended nor even criticised! On the contrary, their white victims will be painted as the perpetrators by ANC, EFF & MSM liberals! Police Minister Bheki Cele himself revealed that one of the men arrested for killing Senekal farm manager Brendin Horner, had been arrested 16 times, while the other has been arrested twice! Is it any wonder blacks now think it is open season on whites?
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Mind Numbing Savagery! Farmer’s Legs Cut With Angle Grinder & Wife’s Nose Twisted With Vice Grips! Why Was His Gun in the Safe???
How Savage Can These Savages Get? Just when we thought African barbarism couldn’t get worse, we have a report of a white farming couple who were tortured for more than an hour by 6 black men! They were beaten to a pulp with pipes and planks and the man’s legs were cut with an angle grinder, while the woman’s nose was twisted with a vice grips! Clearly this was a hate crime and not just mere robbery. However mainstream media will continue shoving your nose in BLM to distract you from what is really going on, as they demand white people kneel before blacks! Mainstream media are telling you lies, claiming everything is fine, subduing you so that you keep your weapon in the safe, making it easier for gangs of black men to attack and steal your gun!
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“F*ck You White Man” – Well Known Farmer Survives Racist Farm Attack, Only To Be Refused Treatment at Local Hospital!
While Mainstream Media are pandering to black people’s hurt fweelings over dry hair, a hospital in Kroonstad has refused medical treatment to a well known farmer, who was attacked by a black male wielding a panga and two knives, shouting “F*ck you White man”! Note the attacker did not just say “man”, or “farmer”, or “South African”, or “human”, he said “WHITE man”, making this a racist attack. But Sarel Wessels’ problems did not end there, he had to treat his own wounds after a local hospital refused to treat the wounded farmer, despite him being a citizen and employer! But Ramaphosa’s “our people” at the hospital had a handy excuse, fear of the CCP-virus, so he had to make do without hospital treatment and treat himself. Racist sh*ithole much?
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#SanctionSA Racist ANC Lied to UN: “Merit, and Merit Alone must Be Criterion For Selecting Teams” – Yet 50 Years Later Race Based Selection is Good?
SA SANCTIONS: By the ANC’s own 50 year old demands, World Rugby, International Cricket Council (ICC), FIFA, International Olympic Committee (IOC), World Athletics, International Cycling Union (UCI), UN and all International Sports Governing bodies, should ban South African sports teams and implement sanctions against the ANC Regime! Francois Pienaar and all the high and mighty, holier than thou administrators, sportsmen, and their fans, are just as hypocritical as the ANC, who clearly will say or do anything, just to gain or hold on to power. When will the world learn that the Left only want power, by any and all means possible, forget whether something is right or good – Black Lives Matter is a nasty example of this, and it is all driven by you, the silent voting public, whose silence is taken as consent. Good men have remained silent, the evil ones have been extremely vocal, and now evil prospers. It is SA-News’ mission to address this imbalance.
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VIDEO: Land Grabber by Day and Farm Murderer by Night? Land Occupier (Zimbabwean?) Threatens Farmer They Will Kill Him!
We wonder how many farm murders would be solved if SAPS took all the land and farm occupiers’ fingerprints, to compare with those farm attack evidence records? Or try running them through the Zimbabwean police database?
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VIDEO: SA Rugby Elites Bend Their Quivering Knees To BLM Anarchists To Protect Their Fat Cat Incomes, Selling Kith, Kin & Country for Globalist Coin & False Virtue!
#FarmersLivesMatter! Faf, AB, Francois, Graeme and all the other kneeling sports PLAYERS, we see you choosing the globalist side and we thank you for finally coming out, and getting off the fence to show your true colours. You guys are 100% right, this issue has no place for fencesitters. Each and every one of us must decide where we stand, what we believe, what is important to us, and what our motives are for what we stand for. There is so much I want to shout out, but with 167 race-driven laws in our country, I dare not. Because I’m going to be in jail for sure and leave my family as vulnerable targets in a country where there is no freedom of speech, and the majority hates the minority with a passion. Is it any wonder your knees buckled and you cower for fear of being called nasty names and losing your bribe money, er sorry, salary?
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VIDEO: Farmer Evacuated as Land Thieves Occupy Farm Despite Court Order & Demolished Shacks! Police Seek Landgrab Scam Ringleaders!
Update on the ongoing Elandsfontein landgrab fraud at De Deur, Vereeniging: The farm owner and his mother were evacuated from the farm for their own safety, because it was clear the misled invaders were going to keep coming back. Evacuation was the right decision under the circumstances because petrol bombs have already been thrown into a building. The video was taken by the owner before being evacuated.
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#FarmAttack Female Free State Farmer Stabbed 11 Times in the Back, Piercing Both Lungs & Left in Freezer Room For Dead!
There were two farm attacks in the Free State in a 12 hour period over the past weekend. In the first one, a woman who farms and lives alone, on the farm Morester in the Bothaville area, Wilma Swanepoel (66), was stabbed in her back 11 times and had both her lungs pierced, on Sunday afternoon 22 March around 17:45. It happened after she went to look at the cattle and had returned home after dropping her farm workers off.
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations”. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
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Everything Billionaire Ramaphosa Owns Was Given To Him Because He is Black, So What Was The Expensive Stud Bull “Gift” AgriSA’s Dan Kriek Gave To Ramaphosa For?
Former AGRI SA president and stud farmer Dan Kriek “donated” an expensive stud bull to billionaire Cyril Ramaphosa, prompting wide speculation about what was behind it. It certainly put into question any “independence” the AgriSA group might have claimed if their ex President was such close buddies with Cyril. Liberals like Kriek seem to strive for elitism wherever they are, in order to curry favour for themselves and a few liberal friends, but will we ever know?
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Farm attack, man hospitalized after violent assault, by unknown number of attackers, Mpumalanga
A farm attack took place on the night of 17 November 2019, in Carolina near Ermelo, in Mpumalanga province, South Africa. The man was assisting his father working on a vehicle on their farm when they were attacked by an unknown number of attackers. The man suffered serious injuries during the assault. The man was..
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Stolen vehicle found full of explosives after farm attack – suspicion exists that attackers may want to use it to commit other crimes
The AfriForum neighborhood watch in Wit Rivier, in collaboration with the SAPS today, found a Toyota Fortuner that was used during a farm attack. Wit rivier – According to Hennie Bekker, the district coordinator of Lowveld AfriForum, a farmer was checking the border fences on his farm when he was robbed. An unknown number of..
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#WhiteLivesDontMatter: Harsh reality of #FarmMurder in rural South Africa. A horrific story told by survivor of yet another atrocity
South Africa – True story, told by a survivor and a victim in his own words, He was raped, his daughter and wife also raped and killed. The reporters were warned that they will be arrested for obstruction of justice and charged with racism if they published anything about the case, before any arrests are made. Why? The criminals are still at large.
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Another horrific farm attack occurred in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng – Nigel farmer attacked with pick-axe handle, burnt body found next to vehicle
A farmer in Nigel died after he was assaulted and his vehicle set alight, badly burning him in the process, according to officials on Friday. The 44-year-old man, identified as Johan Pretorius by Netwerk24, was believed to have been hit with a pick-axe handle several times over the head and suffered blows to his body..
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