On 14 August it is the Afrikaans Language’s birthday and it is commemorated as the birthday of Afrikaans because on this date of 14 August 1875 the Society of True Afrikaners (GRA) was founded in Paarl. Therefore, Afrikaans is 146 years old this year. During this period, Afrikaans was expanded to an academic and scientific language which, according to Prof Wannie Carstens, a well-known linguist, is one of five requirements for the survival of any language. well, until globalism arrived…
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Afrikaans was 146 Years Old on 14 August, Ironically also the Last Day for Comments on Second Draft of Stellenbosch University’s Language Policy
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VIDEO: White Cross in Memory of Murdered Farmers Burnt (Necklaced) & Called a “Hate Sign” by Radical MadibengFM Presenter!
#TurningWhiteIntoBlack – The desecrater of the white cross memorial for Farm Murders was identified in the video as extremist Madibeng FM 105.3FM presenter Nick Motloung. Knowing black people can do no wrong in SA, he even callously confirmed his actions to local newspaper Kormorant, admitting that it was him who set the white wooden cross, which was erected to honor people murdered on farms, alight on the R511 in Brits by putting a burning tyre on it. The tyre was used deliberately, not only as it was the weapon of choice for Winnie Mandela, to burn black people alive who do not become extremists too, but also, as was mentioned in the video, to turn the white cross black!
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#RainBloodNation – The Slaughter of Innocent Old People Rages On In Black Ruled South Africa!
#WhiteLivesMatter – Just when the beleaguered white minority of South Africa got some hope after the high profile Brendin Horner protests, that the brutal attacks and murders on us would get the exposure it needs, to raise the attention of the world, the white community was sadly bleeding again, with a double murder on a mother and daughter who were stabbed, a farm attack that resulted in the murder of an elderly woman who was strangled to death, and another brutal murder on a 65 year old former soldier who had received the highest form of honor that the old SADF could bestow on a soldier, the Honoris Crux medal.
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“White People are in BIG Trouble!” Rabbi Says Jews are Safer in Israel Than Whites are in Their Own Homelands!
Where will YOU run to once globalism has destroyed your homeland? Even Jews are even fleeing from South Africa! Is it time to stand and fight?
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Peaceful Fires? Liberal MSM Under Spotlight in a Post Truth World of Leftist Racebaiting Politics, To Spark a Socialist Revolution!
Mainstream Media (MSM) Twist Reality to Mimic Their Socialist Narrative. The Marxists predicted they would convince people not to believe what their own eyes are seeing. They promised to create a lost generation of obedient zombies. Well, that day has come! It is happening in America (and everywhere else in the Western world) today! Why is liberal mainstream media (MSM) so obviously biased and one-sided and why do they so visibly and obviously twist facts, strip words of any meaning, design and invent words to deceive and just plain out lie? Yet it is MSM that likes to accuse opponents of fake news, whilst they are the fake news!
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VIDEO: SA Rugby Elites Bend Their Quivering Knees To BLM Anarchists To Protect Their Fat Cat Incomes, Selling Kith, Kin & Country for Globalist Coin & False Virtue!
#FarmersLivesMatter! Faf, AB, Francois, Graeme and all the other kneeling sports PLAYERS, we see you choosing the globalist side and we thank you for finally coming out, and getting off the fence to show your true colours. You guys are 100% right, this issue has no place for fencesitters. Each and every one of us must decide where we stand, what we believe, what is important to us, and what our motives are for what we stand for. There is so much I want to shout out, but with 167 race-driven laws in our country, I dare not. Because I’m going to be in jail for sure and leave my family as vulnerable targets in a country where there is no freedom of speech, and the majority hates the minority with a passion. Is it any wonder your knees buckled and you cower for fear of being called nasty names and losing your bribe money, er sorry, salary?
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VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!
A Dutch group who has been active for decades have commemorated mandela day by exposing the real mandela, which the mainstream media hides. They have asked others to do the same. They hung a banner on the statue of Nelson Mandela with a sign saying: “Terrorist, communist, murderer!”
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VIDEO: #WhitePrivilege Does not Exist but #BlackPrivilege Does! #BLM & BBBEE Affirmative Action is Doing More Harm Than Good to Blacks!
LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Does Chinese Privilege exist in China? Does Indian Privilege exist in India? Does Nigerian Privilege Exist in Nigeria? Black Privilege does however exist in Western countries as well as black countries! Affirmative action has become an imperialist means of conquest and supremacy aimed at turning all countries into black countries. How long does affirmative action go on for? At what stage will “compensation”, “retribution” or “revenge” have been achieved? How much must be given? Entire countries? With systemic, institutional and structural black privilege already deeply built into every aspect of daily life, all we have achieved was to make anti-white racism systemic, institutional and structural in our societies!
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South Africa Overtakes China in Covid19 Infections! Was Ramaphosa Too Harsh, Too Soon, Too Long? Does it Even Matter?
South Africa is now in the 20th spot for Corona Virus infections globally and has surged past that psychological milestone of overtaking China’s infection numbers, where it all started. Thankfully, the deaths, (that we know of), are comparatively low, which has probably contributed to a certain amount of apathy from media & government. Mainstream media & ANC government were more concerned about importing far left propaganda from USA, about a drug addicted black porn actor, who accidentally died while violently resisting arrest. Coverage of gender violence was also prioritized, given that SA is a world “leader” in most types of violence. People are also desperate to receive the Covid19 aid Ramaphosa & ANC so lavishly promised, but they should know better than to believe marxists.
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#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!
#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
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MINORITY CRISIS IN SOUTH AFRICA: Where To From Here? Is The Truth Too Much To Ask For The New Year?
So, Vicki Momberg has finally been released from jail after having used a “racist” expletive whilst being robbed. Likewise, Penny Sparrow has also had her entire life destroyed simply for comparing Africans on the beach to their alleged evolutionary forebears. So is it PC to deny evolution now? However blacks have been allowed to call white’s anything they want with total impunity. It has honestly become time that someone tells the truth about South Africa, and the prospects that awaits us all in the new year. In short the country has gone stark raving mad under the heavy burden of overt political correctness, with the incessant demand culture of the majority black population, fueled by communist everything for free ideologies.
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Ramaphosa tells farmers ‘Don’t fear reform process’, do you remember the history of Piet Retief and Dingaan, and poor Jan gets the blame too.
Farmers shouldn’t see themselves as an island, President Cyril Ramaphosa told wine farmers and businessmen when his campaign trail took him to the Beyerskloof wine estate outside Stellenbosch. He said farmers should be part of the solutions facing the country, and they should embrace change. Ramaphosa said South African farmers were really good, but that..
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A new law could soon see South Africans jailed for lying on their CV, well I see less Politicians in the Parliament
Think before you get creative with the truth on your CV: The government are now one step closer to bringing in harsher penalties for “dishonest applicants”. The National Qualifications Amendment Bill is not here to play, ladies and gentlemen. The adjustment to the existing legislation comes with some pretty stern updates, which aims to clamp-down..
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Juju and land grabs: How to interpret the Trespass Acts and Riotous Assemblies
The case of Julius Malema and AfriForum is an interesting one, as it exposes the complexity of running a democratic country with laws that once were used as instruments of oppression.
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NEW DRINK DRIVING LAWS:- Offenders to spend 7 days in jail before getting a bail hearing
The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) wants drunk drivers to spend at least 7 days in jail before they can be considered for bail.
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