Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and their families. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development.
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SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Files Contempt of Court Against Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza
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#HolodomorDenial: the Genocide of 7 Million Ukrainians, Many of them Christians, That Jews Deny…
LEST WE FORGET: In 1932 and 1933, an estimated 7 Million Ukrainians were massacred by a genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik (mostly Jewish) government. Many were Christians. Yet school children are not taught about the Holodomor genocide in middle school, high school, or even college. There are not dozens of major Hollywood films depicting the horrific events that took place. Our politicians aren’t referencing the Holodomor every other day and visiting Holodomor Museums to gain false virtue or attack opponents. If you ask any random person on the street about the Holodomor they will have no idea what it is. Why is this?
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Cheap Black Labour & Friends are Dangerous! White Employee Killed by Black Worker & Friend after Birthday Braai!
The snake in the grass: Once again we are reminded that multiculturalism has failed all over the world, with the news that a black worker, who was apparently so trusted by his white employer, that he regularly invited him for a braai, has just been convicted of the murder of the doctor, who was also a husband, father, brother and grandfather. Should whites be reminded of how the ANC revolution’s ‘necklacing’ worked, where moderate blacks were radicalized against whites? It only takes one threat to turn your black worker or friend into your enemy. As with Muslims where the revolutionary radicals hide among the moderates, like a snake in the grass, so too with black revolutionary radicals who mingle between our black workers and “friends”.
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Farm Attack: Three Armed Farm Attackers Rob 9 Guests on Farm Near Hermanus in the Western Cape!
The once tranquil Western Cape is becoming increasingly dangerous and on the evening of 10 September, there was a farm attack between Stanford and Hermanus.
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Farm Attack: Couple Brutally Assaulted & Tortured by 3 Farm Attackers in Four Hour Ordeal in North West!
A brutal farm attack was carried out on the night of 8 September 2021, at 20:00, in Kortfontein between Koster and Derby in the North West province. Chris Barnard and his wife Hesta were attacked in their home by three assailants and tortured for four hours.
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ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?
It should come as no surprise to those who have a healthy suspicious attitude, that a leaked SSA intelligence report concluded that there is a “high probability” that ANC donor and MP Xiaomei Havard, shared classified information about South Africa with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
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ANC Unions Take Corrupt ANC Government to ANC ConCourt over Corrupt ANC Civil Service Salaries!
Monkeys Running the Zoo, or is that Thieves Running the Bank? After a months long remuneration increase battle between the ANC Civil Services sector, with the Unions allied as partners against the ANC government, the issues could not be resolved, so they are now heading to the ANC’s Constitutional Court to find a solution or agreement. Yet some time ago it was announced that the ANC government did not have the money to offer salary increases, because all the money was spent in large scale systemic and institutional corruption.
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Ramaphosa’s Cadre Deployment Destroyed South Africa! DA Seeks Debate Because ANC Itself Doesn’t Know Which Cadre was Deployed Where!
#EndCadreDeployment – The official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), wrote to the Acting Speaker of the National Assembly, Lechesa Tsenoli, calling for a Parliamentary debate on the socialist cadre deployment program, implemented by the African National Congress (ANC), because they believe it led to the collapse of the state. They stressed this request is a matter of national importance.
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Anti-Apartheid 2.0: More than 600 Jewish Organizations, the Majority of Jews in USA, Sign Support Letter for BLM / BDS Despite BLM Leaders’ Anti-Semitism!
Informed South Africans are aware that Jews boast of the tremendous role Jews played in shoving South Africa into the hands of blacks (see graphic below), but it goes beyond just South Africa, which was only a small part of liberal Jews’ disproportionally big role, in promoting the radically far-left communist world order. More than 600 Jewish organizations, representing the majority of American Jews, have signed a letter in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, which was published in a full-page New York Times advertisement. With the recent call by a Jew, the son of the owner of the Ambassador Hotel in Clifton, Cape Town, that EFF cadres should invade white neighborhoods, is it not high time that the question of whether Jews have our best interests at heart, or not, is discussed, like they are doing in USA now?
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Sworn Affidavit by Missing Whistleblower Claims Ramaphosa’s CR17 Campaign Gave Judge Zondo R5 Million Cash & Bribed NDZ Staff!
Full Affidavit Below So You Can Decide: It is well known that huge amounts of money was procured and spent to get Cyril Ramaphosa to narrowly beat NDZ in the 2017 ANC leadership election. What makes these latest allegations crucial, is the Judge who presided over the BOSASA corruption case, Raymond Zondo, is the alleged recipient of 5 Million in cash. The Hawks have confirmed that they are investigating four cases related to the affidavit by missing ANC campaigner Phadima Fukula, alleging corruption involving Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 election campaign, Judge Raymond Zondo, Gwede Mantashe, EC Premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane and Blade Nzimande.
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SA Facing Winter of Phase 4 & 5 Rolling Blackouts as Unmaintained Infrastructure Accelerates the Country’s Collapse!
South Africa is headed for a winter of discontent, not only due to the badly managed Covid response, but it has surpassed yet another point of no return with phase 4 and 5 load shedding coming, due to infrastructure crumbling from lack of maintenance. Energy expert Chris Yelland, director of EE Business Intelligence, has said load shedding will only worsen this winter.
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Ace Fights Suspension with “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” Court Case Against Ramaphosa and ANC!
The six senior members of the ANC’s executive committee met on Monday to discuss a new development from the disgraced Ace Magashule, who has gone to the high court with a semi-urgent application, to have the ANC party’s decision to suspend him as Secretary General, reviewed by the High court.
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Young White Worker Killed in Philippi Township, Nothing Stolen! Why are Black Townships Still No Go Zones for Whites?
An innocent young man, Kyle Venter (20) from Bergvliet in Cape Town, has been shot and killed in cold blood in the black township Philippi East, however nothing was stolen, so are we to assume it is just because he was a white guy caught alone in a black township?
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Was Magashule’s Bluffing? With no Power Base, he Seems Destined to Become the ANC’s Scapegoat…
Ace Magashule, the disgraced ANC Secretary-General, does not seem to have a solid a power base as was suspected, given that the trade union Cosatu has also made strong statements against Ace, who only has time until the end of the week to apologize to the country and to Cyril Ramaphosa, for his actions and corruption.
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Solidarity Taking Sisulu to Court to Stop Racist & Illegal Importation of Cuban Engineers!
The Solidarity trade union has announced that they are continuing with a court application to force the minister of Water Affairs, Lindiwe Sisulu, to cancel her planned import of 24 Cuban water engineers, into South Africa at a cost of R65 million, especially since it was revealed that Sisulu refused to appoint qualified white engineers who have applied for the posts, simply because they were white.
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