The United Liberty Alliance has issued a statement regarding the apparent Scorched Earth Strategy now being inflicted on the South Africa Farming Community. Since Sunday October 18th disturbing reports of farmlands being set alight in what appears to be a well planned strategy have started surfacing on social media in South Africa and escalating, as it continues to occur in more towns of the north western Free State. Up until Tuesday 20th at noon, no mainstream media news reports could be found emanating from any of these platforms even though numerous messages, visuals and voice notes have been sent across open community platforms which include certain emergency support groups.
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Barbaric Escalation To Socialist Driven Scorched Earth Tactics Against South African Farmers Underscores Need for Minorities to Secede ASAP! – ULA
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#VoetsekANC – Minorities are Gatvol of ANC and its Bantu Supremacy, Time for the Two-State Solution! Even FF+ Stick Out Feelers!
It is no coincidence that the hashtag #VoetsekANC and talk of an Independent Cape was rising on social media in the same week, but what is surprising is that Dr Corné Mulder of VFplus, after two decades of silence about this, now suddenly pops out with this idea. It is also interesting that he mentions only one of the half dozen Independence initiatives, one that depends on the ANC’s co-operation! SA-News has regularly reported on this issue over the years, and we have now appointed a columnist, Peter Murray, to regularly cover this topic for us. There are only two of the Cape Independence initiatives that do not require the ANC’s co-operation, so keep an eye out for Peter’s regular column “Two State Solution” on SA-News.
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VIDEO: “Coloureds ARE The Original Owners of Western Cape, ANC Will Learn it Monday!” – Major Protest Plans for Cape Town!
Koes Vir Die Klippe: Monday appears to be building up into a day of protest and politicking for Cape Town, with the usual chaos and violence that people have been forced to bear, thanks to the services that are meant to protect them, being in cahoots with the ANC, and its deliberate destabilization and invasion of the Cape. As it appears they will happen, as police communications and credible sources suggest they will, rather do any planned trips today or Tuesday, rather than Monday.
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Ontsoutingsaanleg by Strandfontein goed op dreef
Kaapstad se ontsoutingsaanleg by Strandfontein het begin produseer. Dit beteken dat seewater behandel word om drinkbaar te word, en word daarna in die stad se waterstelsel gepomp. Sogenaamde bruin water word dan eers behandel voordat dit in die see gepomp word.
‘n Ontsoutingsaanleg by die Waterfront is reeds in produksie en ‘n verdere aanleg by Monwasi baai sal binne twee maande in werking wees.
Dié water gaan ‘n verbruiker R40 per kiloliter kos teenoor die R5 van gewone damwater.
Die feit dat die aanlegte in werking kom terwyl Patricia de Lille nog burgemeester is, sal waarskynlik deur haar gebruik word om ‘n saak uit te maak dat sy ‘n goeie burgemeester is.
Intussen het welkome reën in die moederstad uitgesak.
Deur: Die Vryburger
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The Cape Secedes from South Africa! Khoi King Khoebaha III Declares The Sovereign State of Good Hope Independent!
The Universal Declaration of Independence which was signed at the historic Castle in Cape Town on 24th September 2017 claims the current Western Cape, The Northern Cape and the Eastern Cape up to the Fish River, as its sovereign territory with 15 Million citizens. Secession is the action of withdrawing formally from membership and participation of any federation, body or political state.
Representatives from white South African people approached the Khoi king with a plan for secession and it was discussed over a five hour long meeting. The plan was agreed to and a verbal agreement was put in place. The plan was simple, that the Khoi King secede with the backing of the Khoi, Afrikaner Boers, Other European descendants and Coloureds. For this backing, these four nations would equally power share in a new government under a sovereign parliament federal government system as laid out in the brief that was received by all parties. And thus a relationship was born a
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Cape becomes dangerous – DA-controlled Western Cape government is unable to fight crime
The Cape is no longer the crime-free area it was and more and more violent crime occurs, especially on tourists, while the DA-controlled Western Cape government is apparently just as incapable of doing something about just like the ANC in the other provinces . After several hikers was attacked and seriously injured on Table Mountain..
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The Cape Party’s 20 Point Agenda for Local Government in The Cape, Towards Independence:
The Cape Party which is contesting local elections on certain wards in the Cape, has issued a 20 point agenda as a election manifesto: 1. To ensure that every Councillor has a line open & available for all Rate Payers, to pro-actively reach out to, connect with, engage and communicate with ward constituents on a..
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