STUDY THIS, because you or your kids won’t be given the opportunity of studying this real history like in school books or Universities. This is the true history the globalist socialist victors have deleted from our text books! In this video I connect the dots from the destruction of apartheid to the current destruction of the West, and show how it is and was all part of the same globalist communist campaign for world domination! “Anti-Racism” was merely a handy weapon, and everyone fell for it, and still does! This is why the establishment mainstream over exaggerates racism all the time, even though we the normal people on the street do not see it. “Anti-Racism” is their path to revolution and world domination!
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VIDEO: Apartheid Truth Bomb From 1974! The True History Globalists Deleted From Text Books! PM B.J. Vorster Explains.
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VIDEO: After Years of “Struggle” to Conquer SA, Black South Africans Violently Say No To Enforced Mass Immigration, Still Everyone Ignores Them. SA on the brink!
Video Shows Jules Street, Malvern, Johannesburg, after the weekend’s anti mass immigration violence…
South Africa is literally on the brink. We have seen a lot of things we cannot publish, yet the world is still ignoring black South Africans, who are of the same tribe (bantu) as the Hutus who committed the Rwandan genocide, who ruled Rwanda at the time in a majority government, just like the bantu do in SA now…
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VIDEO: The MultiCulti Melting Pot Boils Over as Civil War Erupts in South Africa, Fueled by Open Borders – Globalism Kills…
WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT! The globalist melting pot of multiculturalism is boiling over in South Africa after having simmered for for decades…
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Is Obama Deliberately Sponsoring Terrorism and Human Trafficking in 3rd World Countries with Suitcases of Benefits Cash to Fund “Refugees”?
As millions of dollars physically AND LEGALLY, leave USA, destined for countries supposedly so bad that anyone from that country can claim asylum in USA, it seems the Obama administration is turning a blind eye and even encouraging it. Given the exchange rates, it is quite easy for a single asylum seeker on benefits to..
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“These Are VERY VERY BAD People” – Trump. George Soros Funds nearly 200 Anti-Trump Organisations in his Evil campaign to destroy ALL nations.
How can a man with so many people, or organizations attacking him keep on treading through the misconceptions of a slandered presidential campaign? Perhaps, Donald Trump is aware that 187 of these organizations attacking him are directly funded by one man, George Soros. If not will someone please tell him. If Trump wishes to continue..
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20% of White People Have Genetic Resistance To HIV AIDS. NO OTHER Race Has This Natural Immunity
Proof that TRUE Diversity INCLUDES the Preservation and Celebration of Racial Differences… How Can Genetics Stop HIV? People can be infected with many different bacteria and viruses — but some people get more sick from these bugs than others. Do our inherited genes cause some of that difference? The answer is yes..
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Facebook goes full Fascist in defence of Totalitarian Islam and the European / US Invasion by 3rd world migrants
If you suspected FaceBook are using its massive network to sway opinion in favour of its political and monetary agenda, YOU ARE RIGHT! See below for actual examples as proof. We urge you to use alternatives like Facebook is the creation of a far left radical liberal and is arbitrarily suppressing MILLIONS of users’..
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Racist UNHCR. Why do white asylum seekers have to prove persecution yet non-whites are just accepted and given residence or citizenship?
Zimbabwean blacks get asylum no questions asked yet Zimbabwean whites get deported despite proven media coverage of white persecution in Zimbabwe? Yet another case study of the Racist UNHCR policies and their puppet governments. Please sign the petition here: My father-in-law and his wife have been through so many horrific ordeals in Zimbabwe as..
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How USA, UK, EU Create Refugees Sending Africa Into Dark Ages with Slavery, Kidnapping, Rape, Torture, Human Trafficking
Behind the refugee crisis, families in the West are willing to pay and pay money to smugglers and traffickers. One man’s effort to shepherd his brother into Europe sheds light on the multi-billion-euro smuggling networks that are taking advantage of Western Altruism and fueling Europe and USA’s migrant crisis One Tuesday night in June 2015, Tesfom Mehari..
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Deliberate Destruction of ALL Nations. Is SA Deliberately Being Pushed to Junk Status? Global Marxism Demands It.
Deliberate Destruction of ALL Nations. Is SA Deliberately Being Pushed to Junk Status? The Global Marxist Trend Seems Indicate It. World War 3 is about hijacked governments versus citizens! The latest unexplained, illogical, destructive, apparently selfish and self centred decision by ANC and Zuma to replace the Finance Minister has, yet again got everyone..
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Wake up, Europe: Russia is not the Enemy, your EU Leader’s Obedience to US Foreign Policy is!
In the aftermath of the slew of horrific terror attacks in Paris last night, Native European nations must come to admit that, with their leaders continuously and blindly supporting US foreign policy, they are sowing the seeds of their own demise. Is European Invasion and Paris Attack a Balfour Agreement II? Why does Obama still..
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Racist, traitorous, anti-white EU leaders hold sham migration summit with their African partners in Crimes against Humanity
As Turkey recently discovered, the trick is to send hordes of your 3rd world citizens to Europe, throw away their passports, and then sit back and wait for traitorous EU politicians to throw money at you… Migrant summit in chaos as African countries REFUSE to take back their failed asylum seekers European Union offered more than..
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German Nurse Kicked Out of Home of 16 Years To Make Way For “Refugees” in Marxist War on Borders
A sure sign of far left Marxist World Supremacy at work is when refugees or foreigners are given more rights and priority over native Citizens. This process of forced dilution destroys national identity and makes borders superfluous. The immigrants from the 3rd world are also more susceptible to collectivized thinking and will reward the party that..
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“5,000 Zimbabweans flee to South Africa every day”. SA needs refugee camps NOT “unity”.
Zim ECONOMIST Eddie Cross has claimed that the tightening economic situation in Zimbabwe has triggered a mass exodus of Zimbabweans into South Africa. In an article titled The deepening crisis in Zimbabwe, Cross has estimated that up to 5 000 people a day are now crossing the country’s southern border into South Africa, a number..
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Africa and Asia Breeding Mankind into Extinction within 100 Years! Top Scientist says it is Unstoppable…
Is the unchecked mass immigration from 3rd World countries, to Europe and USA, the first stages of a global fight over food and resources? Are we witnessing a live or die scramble for resources already, but which is being diffused and incorrectly translated as cultural, supremacist or religious motives? Are the UN, UNHCR and ICC part of the..
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