The portfolio committee on Justice and Correctional Services in the SA parliament has called for public comment on the updated Prevention of Hate Speech and Hate Crime Bill, which is intended to impose proper punishment on the said crimes. The new definition of “hate crime” is when someone harms another person with remarks or insulting remarks. Harm is defined as any emotional, psychological, physical, social, or economic harm. So according to the new Bill, it will be a crime to promote and advertise BBBEE. It will also be a crime to sing Kill The Boer Kill The Farmer, or threaten to take someone’s land, as most certainly that causes great emotional harm, trauma and distress.
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BBBEE & Land Claims Will be Hate Crimes Under Stricter Definition of Hate Crime in ANC’s Updated Parliamentary Bill
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Land expropriation without compensation shock revealed! ANC regime publishes fake bill on expropriation without compensation to avoid criticism!
The leader of the Afrikaner Self-Determination Party has strongly opposed the ANC over the government’s rate of land expropriation.
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ANC Secretly Expropriating Afrikaans Too! Quietly Pushing Through Proposed Basic Education Law Changes Over Xmas Holidays!
Is it the end of Afrikaans schools? The ANC regime is pushing through proposed changes to Basic Education law in the holiday season, which will give them more control over school governing bodies. The ANC don’t just want to steal land, they want to take away Afrikaans schools.
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SA faces losses of R12 billion after US threatens to kick the ANC regime out of a tax-free export agreement
The United States is threatening to kick SA out of its tax-free export agreement which could lead to job losses and economic disadvantages. The threat comes after it became known that the ANC’s president would sign a bill. Cultural groups have apparently urged Cyril Ramaphosa not to sign the Copyright Amendment Bill, as the US..
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National Health Insurance: Medical specialists and doctors threaten to flee overseas
The new National Health Insurance (NHI) that the ANC-regime wants to implement is facing fierce opposition from doctors and medical professionals in the Free State. These medics are currently threatening to go overseas, meanwhile, the Free State DA has also been involved in a fight with Montsent Tsiu, the MEC of Health in the province. The parties involved confirm that the NHI is going to become an unaffordable system that is doomed even before it is implemented.
The doctors support the principle of health care for all but reckon that the NHI is not a feasible system. It is believed that if doctors are first harmed by being prohibited from opening private practices and patients are forced upon them whom they must pay attention within 24 hours, they will simply walk.
According to reports from Network 24, Marietta Pittaway, DA MPW, accused Tsiu of sitting in the Free State Legislature for “prematurely” informing parliament that the Free State provincial government
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ANC wants to speed up expropriation process during Christmas holiday season
The process to amend section 25 of the Constitution in order to fast-track expropriation without compensation suddenly gathered speed on Tuesday when a draft bill to amend the Constitution was tabled by the parliamentary legal services. The Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill was tabled at a sitting of the ad hoc committee tasked with amending the..
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Misappropriation of R5.8 bil, Afriforum to lay charges – NHI violates constitution
During a media conference held on 18 November 2019, AfriForum launched a comprehensive report on why the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) in South Africa will be unconstitutional. The report further explains why the impact study on which the NHI is based, is totally inadequate which means that the Bill should be set aside…
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ANC’s 30,000 election posters cost R100 million
The ruling party recently had a big shock when they received a bill of R100 million for the printing of 30,000 ANC election posters. This indicates that a single poster cost about R3,000, which made the printing press rich overnight, but it seems like the ANC is hesitant pay such a bill. Ezulweni Investments in..
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#ParasiticParastatal Another 59 Billion Bailout Has Just Been Granted To Mismanaged & Corrupt Eskom Gravy Train
The National Assembly voted in favor of a special allocation bill on Tuesday that allows a bailout of R59 billion to struggling Eskom. The bill was approved by 200 votes to 105 with ANC MPs believing the bill is essential to keep the lights on. These MPs argued that many of them grew up in..
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Eskom – in return for R59bn bailout from National Treasury, Eskom must recover Soweto, municipal debt
National Treasury is set to impose 28 conditions on Eskom in return for a R59bn lifeline to keep the cash-strapped power utility afloat and enable it to pay interest on its mounting debt burden. Treasury updated Parliament’s appropriations oversight committee on the conditions attached to an appropriations bill on Wednesday. The bill, which has not..
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ANC regime gets billed for R100m for 35,000 election posters – The taxpayer will probably now have to shake his pockets to pay the bill?
The ANC Treasury General, Paul Mashatile, was apparently unaware that an invoice was made for the debt to be paid. It was apparently only when the invoice, with an amount of R102 million, was shown to him, that the sparks flew. An investigation has now been ordered following the invoice issued for the delivery of..
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Eskom shocked by new R36 billion bill from infamous Kusile unit – Well, isn’t this the last thing that utility and the South African taxpayer needed?
With Eskom set to receive a R70 billion government bailout over the next few years, they could lose more than half of that amount before they even get going. Another set of spiralling costs have floored the utility, who have been billed R36 billion by contractors working on the Kusile Power Plant. The report –..
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Election cost taxpayers billions of rand, SA’s struggling economy has taken a step closer towards junk status
Apart from the fact that taxpayers had to foot the bill for the state’s expenses, the amount of which is unknown, but has amounted to millions. The recent election has pushed the struggling economy another step closer towards junk status with the tremendous expense of political parties. The ANC spent more than one billion in..
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SA’s largest township owes Eskom R17 billion – Soweto residents respond: Hell no, we won’t pay for electricity!
City Press visits Soweto and asks residents why they don’t pay for their electricity and how they could help Eskom to recoup the R17 billion owed by the people who live in SA’s largest township. On Wednesday morning, as load shedding hit the township of 1.3 million residents, small businesses were losing money, and children..
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Now taxpayers must suffer for maladministration and corrupted Govan Mbeki Municipality – Taps run dry in Bethal after municipality fails to pay R87.7m water bill
The taps ran dry in Bethal, Mpumalanga, in December when Rand Water Board reduced water pressure by 40% for non-payment of an R87.7-million back-bill owed by the Govan Mbeki Municipality. More than half the town is reckoned to be without water. Residents are furious because they have paid their water bills, and want to know..
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