For all those dedicated yet misled subscribers and supporters of mainstream media who think their favourite daily news platform is never wrong, here is a whopper. NEWS24 (NASPERS) even issued an apology to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for their fake “Africa vaccine” story on 2020-04-05 at 22:22 – But this was not the first time they deliberately spread virus panic and fear…
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“Say You Want to Kill Off 95% of The World” – News24 Spreads Fake News, Panic & Conspiracy Theories (Again) About CoronaVirus Vaccine & Bill Gates in Africa – Adriaan Basson Forced To Apologise!
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Despite Six Billion in COVID19 Fund ANC Does Not Test More, Yet Over 40% of People Can Have CoronaVirus Without Symptoms, but Government Only Tests Symptomatic Patients or those with Travel History?
As South Africa’s number of officially infected people creeps up very slowly (if we can trust the official figures), relative to other nations, with the number of new infections increasing only by 70 since Saturday to 1,655 with eleven deaths, it highlights that this number is only dependent on the amount of tests being done. Less tests, less patients. Scientists have also found that many people, close to 40% or more, who have contracted the coronavirus have no symptoms, so unless you test widely, you cannot know the true extent of the disease.
Tests done on humans on one of the infected cruise ships brought to light the astonishing phenomenon, after a large number tested positive, even though the patients had no symptoms and were even unaware that infection had occurred. Continue reading…
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VIDEO: Two SA Doctors with Asymptomatic COVID19 Not Allowed to Self Quarantine, Arrested & Forced Into Tuberculosis Hospital by Police!
#COVID19SouthAfrica State Sponsored #COVID19 kidnappings have begun in SA where the ANC are exerting their extra totalitarian powers afforded to them by the State of Disaster & Lockdown. Like happened in communist China, two white female doctors who tested positive for COVID19 but were asymptomatic, have been arrested, after a court order was obtained, at their house and forced into quarantine at a Limpopo multi-drug resistant tuberculosis hospital.
The guidelines say that if you’re positive but are asymptomatic or have mild disease, you can be quarantined at home which is what they were doing. However Vavi and other political leaders who are also COVID19 positive have not been treated this way? They had previously been refused COVID19 testing as they had no travel history and were also forced to work without sufficient protective medical clothing.
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First Week of #CCPvirus Lockdown Was the Easy One. Disregard for Lockdown Regulations, Mass Testing, Infections in Khayalitsha & Alexandra Spell Trouble in Week Two…
As the global CoronaVirus infections shoots past 1 Million with over 50,000 dead, the ANC government has announced new measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in SA, by launching a mass campaign of testing people. On the same day the Department of Health admitted that the first official coronavirus infection has been found in Alexandra township next to Johannesburg. This was only a day after the first infection was found in the sprawling black shantytown of Khayalitsha, causing concerns among ANC politicians that it could lead to a very chaotic state.
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As Desperate European Nations Return Defective Medical Gear To China, NASPERS Partners With Communist China to “Donate” a R 1 Billion Tax Break for its Tencent Business in China, To Buy Chinese Made Medical Gear For SA’s COVID19 Fight!
The Profiteering & Propaganda opportunities created by the CoronaVirus catastrophe seem endless for the Chinese Communist Regime and its sympathisers like NASPERS, ANC, Jack Ma, etc. who are not letting a good crisis go waste! Having shut its own borders preventing anyone from coming in, China is now happy to play godfather to a world struggling with the ravages of their Chinese virus. China are exporting anything from the virus itself, to masses of cheap low quality, defective medical goods and gear with heaps of propaganda. Like a virtual Commie love-fest, Ramaphosa announced during his address to the nation, that NASPERS, China’s china, had “donated” R1.5 Billion to help Communist China, erm sorry, for the Corona Relief Fund in SA, however the Naspers group will contribute only R500 Million to the Corona Relief Fund, announced by the President last week.
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VIDEO: “CoronaVirus Does Not Kill Black People” – Soweto Civil Rights Group HBR Takes Ramaphosa To Court Over #COVID19 #Lockdown
While “BlackTwitter” as it is known in South Africa, have been spreading the myth that blacks cannot get CoronaVirus for weeks, it seems this misinformation has seriously taken hold amongst the black majority! This is probably the reason Ramaphosa had to rope in the army to enforce the lockdown.
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VIDEO: “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections as Cyril & The Pro China Left Try Bullsh*t The Virus With Virtue Signalling & PC Speeches!
As Italy’s shocking death toll eclipses even China’s, we see that Trump was right again: this virus is like warfare to China and we wonder what evil the #CoronaVirus will expose in Africa? Already Ramaphosa and the pro China ANC propaganda machine, including the complicit mainstream media, have you convinced that ALL South Africa’s, and indeed all Africa’s CoronaVirus infections, came from Europe? Really? Well where did Europe get the virus from? Yes, China, but shhhh that is racist. In fact “anti racist” campaigners have been blamed for the rapid mass spread of the virus in Italy FROM China, which ultimately led to many South Africans in Italy, contracting the virus and bringing it back to SA.
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How Will ANC Regime Cope With COVID-19 When SA Hospitals Have No Beds & Cannot Even Cope With A Broken Ankle?
Where will the ANC’s Health Department get beds from when, not if, Corona virus strikes widely, when Steve Biko Hospital discharges a mentally challenged man with broken, now rotting ankle, without an operation! Even people who need very urgent operations have to wait 3 nights just for a bed! China built an entire hospital in ten day and like other countries did, ANC will have to setup alternative quarantine venues to get space for Corona virus patients when, not if, it becomes widespread.
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#Kakfontein Winnie’s Hometown of Brandfort Now a Classic Commie Sh*thole! Resident’s Property Flooded in Sewage but Municipal Managers Refuse To Help – Too Busy Plundering?
It is a telling indictment of #TheAfricanWay when their own so called struggle heroes’ hometown, is reduced to a sh*thole, councilors thumbsuck exorbitant utility bill amounts for residents, and money to restore the house Winnie lived in, is stolen! The situation has got so bad in Brandfort that the VF+ political party has laid a complaint against the despotic municipal manager of the Masilonyana municipality, which serves Brandfort, Theunissen and Winburg in the Free State. The “executive” mayor is Kunatu Stephen Koalane.
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#Covid19 First Confirmed Case of CoronaVirus Reported in South Africa in Kwazulu-Natal – patient returned from Italy.
A 38 year old man who returned from Italy with his wife, in a tour group of 10, on March 1, has tested positive for CoronaVirus. The patient and doctor are self isolating.
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#TheAfricanWay: Orange Free State Too Dangerous To Live in? Winburg & Kroonstad Have Dead Pigs & Raw Sewage in River & Dam, Too Polluted to Purify!
Winburg and Kroonstad’s water has become so polluted that it is not possible to purify it with chemicals anymore. The water supplied in the pipe system and coming out of taps in the towns has become so polluted by raw sewage, that it has become impossible to drink because of the serious health hazard.
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Erlo Stegen’s Kwasizabantu Christian Sect Operating Aquelle Bottling Plant in KZN Exposed For Abuse and Inhumane Treatment of Staff
A picture of modern day slavery operated by the Kwasizabantu (KSB) Christian sect in KZN, has come to light after continued disclosures by former members and employees there. A newspaper Rapport also revealed this past Sunday how a young woman was raped by a church elder as “punishment” because she wanted to leave the place. Previous reports also exposed how R136 million of church money was stolen by Lydia Dube, right hand woman of the church founder Erlo Stegen. A recent book by a former leader, Albert Pilon, has also revealed “a trail of destruction” by Erlo Stegen.
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Update: Elderly White Patient Who Was Attacked By Black Patient With Plastic Knife Dies in Helen Joseph Hospital
Elderly Anna-Marie Buys has tragically died in the Helen Joseph hospital on Thursday morning, 19 December. She sustained serious injuries to her neck when a black female patient sat on top of her and started to cut her neck with a plastic knife on Saturday 14 December.
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Patients suffer while NEHAWU members trashed Pietersburg hospital during illegal picketing, demanding performance bonuses
NEHAWU members thrashed the Maternity Wards and kitchen of Pietersburg Hospital while they were illegally picketing at the hospital.
Nurses who were assisting women to give birth had to run for cover fearing the picketers who were on a destructive mode. Patient food for tonight scattered all over the place. They are demanding that the department top up the R43 million that it has payed workers as performance bonuses.
Why must patients suffer?
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National Health Insurance: Medical specialists and doctors threaten to flee overseas
The new National Health Insurance (NHI) that the ANC-regime wants to implement is facing fierce opposition from doctors and medical professionals in the Free State. These medics are currently threatening to go overseas, meanwhile, the Free State DA has also been involved in a fight with Montsent Tsiu, the MEC of Health in the province. The parties involved confirm that the NHI is going to become an unaffordable system that is doomed even before it is implemented.
The doctors support the principle of health care for all but reckon that the NHI is not a feasible system. It is believed that if doctors are first harmed by being prohibited from opening private practices and patients are forced upon them whom they must pay attention within 24 hours, they will simply walk.
According to reports from Network 24, Marietta Pittaway, DA MPW, accused Tsiu of sitting in the Free State Legislature for “prematurely” informing parliament that the Free State provincial government
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