The ANC regime has been given so much rope and tolerance, far more than would be needed to hang them all. Indeed calls and petitions for international intervention in Southern Africa are rising, and after having sanctioned the Guptas earlier, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, announced that US is imposing sanctions on one of Zimbabwe’s top businessmen and political advisers, for being “notoriously corrupt”, which should bring some hope to oppressed and ransacked SA citizens. USA gives corrupt South Africa approx. $9.4 Billion Dollars in US Aid, with no record of where it goes, so if it is notoriously corrupt USA wants, the ANC government includes a long list of very notorious gangsters, like Ace Magashule and the ANC “top six” or Ramaphosa’s entire cabinet. A 2018 petition on the Whitehouse website, calling for intervention against the ANC regime, received 125,300 signatures.
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Will US Gov. Consider Sanctions on ANC Government After Imposing Sanctions on “Notoriously Corrupt” Zimbabwean Presidential Adviser?
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ANC Cadres Score R70 Billion No Strings Attached IMF Loan That YOU Have to Pay Back!
Communists Love Spending Other People’s Money: Even though corrupt ANC has steered clear of IMF loans thus far, because they require financial transparency and discipline, the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Privilege has allowed the ANC government to get a loan, without an IMF structural adjustment programme, despite the IMF being deeply suspicious of ANC and COSATU. Seizing the opportunity the Corona Virus has afforded them, the ANC grabbed 100% of South Africa’s IMF quota.
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SA 5th Most Infected Country! All BRICs Countries in Top 5 Except China! SA & India Receive USD 1 Billion Covid Loans from BRICs Bank!
Cases for Cash? For an 8th straight day South Africa has reported the 4th most daily new COVID19 cases (chart below) which has helped push SA into 5th place worldwide, eclipsing many countries far more populace and undeveloped than itself, like Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mexico, etc. Even more remarkable is that 4 of the top 5 most infected countries are BRICs countries – all of them are in the top 5 except China, where it all started, coincidence? Even though China is the most populace country in the world? Did the access and clout that Chinese citizens have in BRICs countries help spread the virus? Or does the fact that South Africa and India have received 1 BILLION dollar Covid Loans from the BRICs Development Bank explain the high figures?
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ANC Loses Control of Covid19! SA Has World’s 4th Most Daily Infections Despite FIVE Months Warning, Unlimited Funds & Dictatorial Powers!
Ramaphosa Can’t Bluff a Virus: With 500 infections an hour, SA has the 10th most daily deaths worldwide, despite having had 5 months warning, unlimited funds and totalitarian dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa and ANC have failed spectacularly to cope with, never mind curb, the virus. It seems the only thing they can control is the PR and propaganda to fool the people with. There is no logic and Ramaphosa blames everyone and everything but himself, despite dictatorial powers! Ramaphosa treats South Africans like naughty low intelligence children and imposed enhanced lockdown with alcohol banned again, but taxis may operate at full capacity.
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VIDEO: Lying DRAMAphosa Blames SA Whites for Domestic Violence & George Floyd! BBBEE & AA Defines South Africa & is Here to Stay!
#AntiWhitism Not only does Ramaphosa want to break the “natural order of things” like a good marxist, he has made it clear BBBEE Affirmative Action defines South Africa and is not only here to stay, but will be extended! Having been given his billions on a silver platter, just because he is black, he now want to use his weaseling ability of profiteering by racebaiting, to extend the gravy train and make black privilege and black supremacy the norm in South Africa. If you are white, or a minority the writing is undeniably on the wall. ANC has been in charge of everything, that Ramaphosa complains about, for a quarter century, yet STILL he complains?
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SA Passes 1,000 Covid19 Deaths, But Are They Real? ANC’s Old Trick of Deliberately Mis-Classifying Cause of Death Surfaces Again…
As South Africa becomes the 22nd worst affected country, only 4 positions below China, overtaking Netherlands and Sweden, who had no lockdown, stories are surfacing of the government deliberately classifying causes of death as Covid19 when they weren’t! However we have seen this old trick before, when the ANC deliberately mis-classified the death of people due to negligence in state hospitals, or from farm murders, in order to skew the real data and hide their incompetence and the silent genocide by deliberate negligence, that is taking place in SA. Are they even keeping track of demographic data in CCP-virus deaths given that it appears to have affected non whites worse in other countries?
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ANC Using #Covid19SA to Justify Plans to “Discipline Private Sector”, Nationalise Pensions & Plunder Central Bank Reserves in “Radical Transformation”!
THE STATE CAPTURE TO END ALL CAPTURES: True to their word, the ANC’s Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma (NDZ) are using the extended CCP-virus lockdown, as a cover to propose changes to the Pension law in order to grab pensions for massive redistribution of wealth, and tender fraud on a scale never seen before! Né Cyril? We should have known. The ANC is coming for your pensions with it’s promised radical transformation, turning the country into a fully communist, totalitarian and fascist black supremacist hellhole. In short they are throwing more wood under the pot in which they are slowly boiling the white minority frogs. Lots and lots of wood.
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Billionaire Ramaphosa Says SA Economy is Racist? He’s Right! BBBEE Makes it Structurally & Institutionally Racist!
Cyril Ramaphosa who became a Quadruple Billionaire by racebaiting, wants more, and has now racebaited the entire South African economy, by calling it racist and colonial, and has said the lockdown affords the perfect opportunity to “restructure” it. Is even MORE BBBEE possible, or is it concentration camps for whites now? The High Court however has put a spanner in the ANC’s works and declared the Level 3 and 4 lockdown regulations invalid! The person who seems to be really in charge at the moment, the lockdown Regulation Queen, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ), otherwise known as Dr. Twak, has also made the same kind of comments about restructuring the economy, but to get rid of WMC.
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Stories of White Exclusion by Black SA Government! Yet Only 11% of Total Applications for CCP-Virus SMME Assistance Scheme Approved!
The Black South African government, which defended its right to exclude whites from Covid19 emergency assistance in the Constitutional Court, (and won!), seems to not really care about its own people either! The ANC government has approved only 11% of applications for COVID-19 relief funding for small, medium, and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs), according to the Department’s Progress Report on COVID-19 SMME Relief Funding, while a survey shows 68% of applications for funding were denied.
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VIDEO: High Court Judge Denies Lifeline to Hair Industry Dying From Lockdown, Putting a Million Households at Risk!
The Hair Industry is in a legal battle to be classed as essential during Lockdown, but got a big no on the first round after four hours in High Court! As if in one voice the Hair Industry have been making the statement: “We are essential”, but the Western Cape High Court Judge Lee Bozalek seems to think differently.
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#COVID1984 Pandemic of Fear is More Dangerous Than COVID19 Itself and ANC Government Abuses the Fear to Control and Manipulate Us!
WILL FEAR CONTROL AND CHANGE WHO YOU ARE? Very few of us know someone who got the CCP-virus, but everyone knows someone affected by the lockdown. As we regularly see on FB, there are many smart alecs and many “experts” on this CCP virus (COVID-19), and too many of us unfortunately prove that the real pandemic has become fear itself. Indeed, the fear pandemic is now a bigger pandemic than the CCP virus itself. Ironically, the greatest comorbidity of patients dying from Covid19 is hypertension (stress and high blood pressure). Let’s calm down and return to the facts and the bigger picture.
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Go To Lockdown Level 1 Now Say ANC Government’s Own Ministerial Advisors, But ANC LOVES The Power & Money Too Much To Listen!
THE CURVE OF MADNESS: The CCP virus has been totally overblown compared to other illnesses, according to the government’s own advisors. Many of the country’s best scientists, including some who serve in the Health Minister Mkhize’s advisory committee, say the lockdown serves no purpose anymore and that the ANC government is not listening to their advice anymore. TB which has largely been sidelined for COVID-19, claimed the lives of 63,000 people in 2018, so the lockdown “cure” is almost certainly worse than the virus itself they say.
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Alcohol Retailers Want to Alphabetise Shopping Queues on 1st June, But ANC Government Wants to Squeeze All Drinks Buyers Tightly Together 3 Days a Week in Long Queues!
As any idiot knows, except the ANC it seems, less shopping days means bigger queues, but the ANC prefers the stick to the carrot, as evidenced by their proposals for grudgingly relaxing their harsh alcohol sales ban. South Africa has probably the toughest Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, which are mostly ignored by the black majority, who use informal and illegal channels and sources to get what they need, while the police and army concentrate on terrorising and clamping down on the minorities. However, on June 1st, some parts of the country are set to move to level 3 of the lockdown, which may permit more liberties, including the limited sale of alcohol in Mzansi, but to avert a feared onslaught of booze buyers, retailers are proposing to treat their customers like children and make them shop in alphabetical order!
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Its Too Early to Tell if Lockdown Saved Lives but ANC & FakeNews24 Run With it Anyway to Justify Their Record Profits and Extreme Powers!
If there is one thing ALL governments, especially Socialist regimes are good at, it is making you think you owe them something and should be grateful to them. Socialist regimes can only achieve this with complicit mainstream media and yesterday was fear mongering and fake news day over at News24, where they posted two articles that look intentional to hype up fear, before Ramaphosa’s speech, to try to get people to support and be grateful for the ANC and its indefinite lockdown. This should be no surprise as NASPERS, the owners of News24 have made record profits from us being stuck at home using the internet, in SA and in China, where NASPERS are also financially dependent on the Chinese Communist Party’s favour, with more than half of their 130 Billion dollar company valuation based in China!
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VIDEO: #GangsterState Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s Cigarette Ban Creates a Booming Illegal Industry, Extortion & Even Higher Tempers!
#LiftTheBan Illegal shops all over South Africa are selling illegal cigarettes at hyper inflated prices to the poor, causing chaos and social unrest as can be seen in the video, where an irate customer complains about being charged R100 for a packet of cigarettes that costs R22
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