Just mention “Apartheid” and white people go limp and start throwing free stuff at blacks. The ANC regime have become Billionaires off of this scam, which is why the ANC government in Pretoria has threatened to accuse wealthy nations of hoarding Covid jabs, and “vaccine apartheid,” if they don’t share Covid jabs. South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa has got the old well worn begging bowl out again, accompanied by all the well used, tried and tested rhetoric to extract more hand outs from the West. As a selling tool he raises the spectre of millions of people in poorer countries (to whom the West have given Billions for decades), which may die waiting to be inoculated against Covid-19, as rich countries inoculate their own people.
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Ramaphosa Tries the “Apartheid Whip” Scam to Destroy Multinational Covid Patent Profits & Guilt Trip Covid Vaccines from Wealthy Countries!
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ANC Government’s National Health Insurance Being Pushed Through for 2022
The Council on Medical Schemes says the government’s plan to start a National Health Insurance is well underway, and the plan has already been advanced to implement phase 3 of the program next year.
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Deliberate Malevolent Negligence by Socialist ANC Kills Another Innocent! State Hospital Without Water for 3 Days!
#TheAfricanWay The typical infrastructural decay seen in all Socialist states worldwide like Venezuela and Cuba, is also killing South Africans in increasing numbers! A young man needing an urgent, yet routine operation, died in Kimberley state hospital, because of a lack of water! The ANC cadres that are inserted into the civil service, by the ANC’s Socialist Cadre Deployment program, are unqualified, inexperienced and too obsessed with consuming things and spouting ideological human rights propaganda, that they cannot even coordinate or arrange the simple basic human right of water (UN), causing Ivan Gerber’s urgent operation to be delayed, leaving him to die! Is it any wonder proponents of Socialism are called Useful IDIOTS?
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#LockDownForever? Covid Vaccines Obsolete in a Year Say Scientists, Meaning Socialist ANC Totalitarianism & Racist Plunder Will Only Get Worse!
#PeoplesVaccine – Coronavirus vaccines may become obsolete in less than a year, according to leading epidemiologists and the sloppy, politicised vaccination rollouts that have riddled many countries, make this scenario even more likely. Scientists had already admitted Covid-19 can never be completely wiped out, and this new bombshell admission means the ANC and other Socialist governments could keep us under lockdown forever, or whenever they feel the need to implement their “Great Reset” further and extend their economic warfare against the white minority? Scientists also say they do not know the exact consequences of the new, hastily produced, commercial vaccines on people’s bodies, but one thing is clear, the ANC is going to keep milking this Covid thing as a power grabbing and money-making opportunity, especially since it is now claimed that people will need to get a Covid vaccine every single year. The next election will prove this to be true, as we saw in USA, with the Socialist left using Covid to grab power.
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How Covid19 Kills Innocent People Who DON’T Have Covid19! Kidney Patient Neglected & Left to Die in Tshepong State Hospital!
Collateral Damage: Did Covid restrictions let a man literally starve to a lonely death, in yet another horror story from a state hospital, preventing his family from noticing and helping him? Allowed to die from hunger and dehydration in Tsheponh hospital in Klerksdorp? By now everyone should be aware of what death traps SA state hospitals have become, as 58 year old Andre Smit’s family found out when Andre died in hospital on 17 February 2021, after the hospital inexplicably refused him kidney dialysis treatment. Due to Covid the family were barred from helping him themselves and they are convinced he developed kidney failure because of dehydration, from neglect, hunger and thirst in the Tshepong hospital.
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Slow Genocide: ANC Regime’s Deliberate & Malicious Negligence Keeps Killing us! Heart Attack Patient Sent Home with Paracetamol!
#ExposeThemToHarm: South Africans are experiencing the dark side of socialism, as a Ventersburg woman, who was diagnosed with a cardiac arrest condition, had her ECG tests thrown away and was sent sent home with only some headache tablets, by a Virginia, Free State district hospital doctor! She died at home that same night and is the third heart attack patient at this hospital to die like this! The slow but malicious genocide through deliberate negligence by the socialist ANC carries on unnoticed, uncontested and unreported! South Africa used to have the best healthcare in the world, so there is no denying that it is deliberate!
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Ubuntu, Like BLM is an Invented Lie! Africa”s Real Values are Violence, Burning, Looting, Selfishness & Now Entitlement Too!
Locals have set the Catherine Booth hospital in Amatikulu, Eshowe, which was helping in the fight against Covid-19, ablaze again! It was recently rebuilt at a cost of R6 Million after it was also burnt down 3 years ago! Why do Black South Africans constantly destroy their own hospitals and schools? Do Black Lives Not matter to blacks? Where is the Ubuntu they always brag about? Seems like BLM & Ubuntu is just a political scam and agenda aimed at extracting unfair advantage to get free stuff, to feed the sense of entitlement that progressiveness has radicalised them with, for its global domination agenda.
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SA Now 6th Most Infected Country! Surpasses China’s Death Toll! Herd Immunity Policy is Inevitable as ANC Unable to Control Virus Spread or its People!
#HerdImmunity Seems The Only Option for SA Now: South Africa has had the 4th most daily new infections, for 5 straight days now (chart below), and thanks to the ANC’s inability to make coherent decisions and regulations, the Covid-19 virus is spreading uncontrolled, and has been, ever since we predicted back in February, that Africa would be the worst case scenario for the CCP-virus, for this very reason. The southern hemisphere is now clearly the epicentre with the focus starting to shift from South America to Africa, where it can spread uncontrolled due to open borders and the inability of the african population to understand, much less protect themselves from an invisible enemy, so essentially Herd Immunity reflects reality and is already being practiced.
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SA Passes 1,000 Covid19 Deaths, But Are They Real? ANC’s Old Trick of Deliberately Mis-Classifying Cause of Death Surfaces Again…
As South Africa becomes the 22nd worst affected country, only 4 positions below China, overtaking Netherlands and Sweden, who had no lockdown, stories are surfacing of the government deliberately classifying causes of death as Covid19 when they weren’t! However we have seen this old trick before, when the ANC deliberately mis-classified the death of people due to negligence in state hospitals, or from farm murders, in order to skew the real data and hide their incompetence and the silent genocide by deliberate negligence, that is taking place in SA. Are they even keeping track of demographic data in CCP-virus deaths given that it appears to have affected non whites worse in other countries?
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12 Day Delay in ANC Government Covid19 Tests! Despite 3 Months Warning & Totalitarian Powers Plus Billions at its Disposal, ANC Totally Failing Fight Against CCP-Virus!
The much vaunted ANC government Covid-19 testing capacity has crashed, as an enormous backlog in CCP-virus tests has developed at the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), resulting in a waiting period of between 10-12 days for a test to be concluded, which makes testing pointless, as the genetic material of the virus breaks down after 72 hours! In contrast, private laboratories, which do just over half the CCP-virus tests in the country, just take a day to complete such a test.
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Ramaphosa, ANC & Abdool Karim Want To Flatten the Economy, NOT The Curve, Because The Party & Socialism are More Important Than The Economy! COVID19: Converting Capitalism to Socialism…
#CommunistVirus The CoronaVirus presents an existential threat in SA, but to who? After the landmark presentation with Salim Abdool Karim last week, we were left with a feeling that something was not right. Now this is normal whenever it comes to anything to do with the ANC regime, but it is usually quite obvious. As the infection numbers come in everyday I have realised the problem. Karim has inexplicably pegged the return to semi or normal life at a very low, impossible threshold. In fact he says so himself when he admits that we cannot escape the Covid19 epidemic and that the curve will increase. He is right, the CCPvirus is here to stay and like the flu, we will all have to come to terms with it sooner or later. Obviously later, with the benefit of a vaccine would be preferable, but 80% of us will survive just fine without one.
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VIDEO: Your Phone is Now an ANC Spy! Ramaphosa Says ANC Will Use YOUR Cellphone To Track You & Possibly Force You Into Quarantine, Like Communist China Did!
Your phone is now an ANC spy! No, this is NOT an April Fools joke. It might be best to leave your phone at home so it does not betray you to the new ANC police state. Ramaphosa announced during his address to the nation that they will sweep aside your rights to privacy, like they did private property rights, when they use your cellphone data which they could get from the cellphone towers and ISP’s, to track and triangulate your movements to see where you have been and when you were there!
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As Desperate European Nations Return Defective Medical Gear To China, NASPERS Partners With Communist China to “Donate” a R 1 Billion Tax Break for its Tencent Business in China, To Buy Chinese Made Medical Gear For SA’s COVID19 Fight!
The Profiteering & Propaganda opportunities created by the CoronaVirus catastrophe seem endless for the Chinese Communist Regime and its sympathisers like NASPERS, ANC, Jack Ma, etc. who are not letting a good crisis go waste! Having shut its own borders preventing anyone from coming in, China is now happy to play godfather to a world struggling with the ravages of their Chinese virus. China are exporting anything from the virus itself, to masses of cheap low quality, defective medical goods and gear with heaps of propaganda. Like a virtual Commie love-fest, Ramaphosa announced during his address to the nation, that NASPERS, China’s china, had “donated” R1.5 Billion to help Communist China, erm sorry, for the Corona Relief Fund in SA, however the Naspers group will contribute only R500 Million to the Corona Relief Fund, announced by the President last week.
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While Ramaphosa is panicking trying to clean up China’s mess in SA, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
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Two Armed Home Invasions in Rustenburg in Two Days! George Spalding and Abel Pienaar, shot by black home invaders in separate incidents.
A second Rustenburg man has been shot and seriously wounded by a home invader in a matter of 48 hours, after George Spalding (54) was shot in the early morning hours of Thursday morning in his home situated in the Cashan neighbourhood of Rustenburg. Abel Pienaar (42) was also shot in his stomach in the early morning hours of Saturday in his home in Safari-Tuine, Rustenburg.
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