Is anti-white racism a basic part of black culture and education these days? A local milk delivery man from Postmasburg, Andries de Klerk (57) was stoned to death by 3 black youths, whilst delivering milk in the black township of Marantheng in the Northern Cape. The father of two and grandfather, sadly succumbed to the wounds received from being stoned, in the hospital on Wednesday August 18, 2021
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Black Youths Kill Their Own Milkman, a White Man Working in the Townships! Why are Black Townships a No Go Zone for Whites?
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Land Reform – A Trough for Vultures, Hyenas and Selfish ANC Cadres! Land Claimant Refuses to Explain Millions’ in Suspicious Transactions
It is well known that the ANC Land Reform in South Africa is a total failure, but as long as land and money are on offer, the vultures, hyenas and ANC cadres will come to feast. One such heinous and cynical case was portrayed when the Land Claims Court (Randburg) ordered that the books of the Moletele Community Property Association (MCPA) be examined by the Auditor-General, and the Director-General of Rural Development and Land Reform, not that it’s ever going to happen. MCPA, which claims that the Moletale people are a separate ethnic group, successfully claimed 27 properties in Hoedspruit, including two working farms.
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Farm Attack Stopped! Call the Neighbors or Neighborhood Watch Rather than the SAPS
A farm attack was foiled on the evening of 15 August 2021, at 20:15, on a farm in the Tweespruit area in the Free State province. Alert farmers responded to a call from a neighboring farm where three attackers were spotted on the premises.
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Ramaphosa’s Cadre Deployment Destroyed South Africa! DA Seeks Debate Because ANC Itself Doesn’t Know Which Cadre was Deployed Where!
#EndCadreDeployment – The official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), wrote to the Acting Speaker of the National Assembly, Lechesa Tsenoli, calling for a Parliamentary debate on the socialist cadre deployment program, implemented by the African National Congress (ANC), because they believe it led to the collapse of the state. They stressed this request is a matter of national importance.
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#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!
The shocking, yet predictable truth behind the highly politicized and media inflamed Dirkiesdorp incident, when an obviously well organised group of aggressive and violent toyi toyers illegally invaded the farm Pampoenkraal, belonging to Werner Potgieter on 9 April, has finally been revealed! A Gupta / Bell Pottinger style Indian mining group, Atha Africa, was determined to drive white farmers off their land, with the full co-operation of Deputy President David Mabuza’s sidekick, Vusi Shongwe, Mpumalanga MEC for Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs! We will however probably never know who paid who to do what, and what favours changed hands, because the victims of this racist intimidation and violence are white!
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Farm Attack: Farmer Shot Twice From Behind for No Apparent Reason, Except Possibly Due to the Target ANC & EFF Have Put on his Back?
A farmer from the farm Xaxaba, Beestekraal, adjacent to Dikhololo near Brits, in Northwest province, is in a serious condition in hospital after he was shot twice in a farm attack on Wednesday evening 5 May, 2021. It was the second time he was attacked this year.
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Another ANC BEE Looting Scheme! This Time Disguised as Hydroponic Agriparks to Loot R2 Billion with no Sign of Lettuce Being Produced!
A Billion Rand has apparently already been spent by the ANC regime, with not a lettuce leaf being produced! Evidence reveals what may be the biggest ANC state funded so called “black empowerment farming project” failure yet, and as much as R1 billion Rand may have been thrown down the drain without any results, with another Billion yet to be spent / looted, as the original budget for the project was R 2 Billion. A full audit of the project will have to be done to determine how much of the R2 billion was eventually spent.
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Speaker Thandi Modise Appeals For Dismissal Of Animal Abuse Case Against Her Despite Testimony From Veterinarian!
Adv. Dali Mpofu, legal representative for Thandi Modise, speaker of parliament, has brought an application for dismissal in the animal abuse case against her, when the case resumed in the Potchefstroom Regional Court, after testimony from a veterinarian and a former employee on her farm was heard yesterday. In a surprising twist, Mpofu asked the court to acquit Modise on the basis of insufficient evidence to link her to the abuse case.
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TOTAL FAILURE! Three Elderly Sisters Attacked & Stabbed AFTER Informant Warns Farmer & Police that Stock Thieves are Going to Attack Them!
Three elderly sisters, aged 79, 74 and 71 respectively, who stay alone on a farm in the Tierpoort area outside Bloemfontein were attacked and assaulted in their home on Thursday evening 29 April, 2021. A farmer in the area has admitted to Netwerk24 that an informant warned him before the farm attack that the sisters would soon be attacked by the same attackers who stole 60 sheep from him.
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Racebaiting Prosecutor from #CoffinDuo Court Case, Robert Molokoane, Leads #Dirkiesdorp Case! Coincidence?
Is it a coincidence that the same prosecutor, who at the time prosecuted the so called CoffinDuo cases against Theo Jackson and Willem Oosthuizen, where political parties also turned the story into a big race card story and media circus, is now also handling the #Dirkiesdorp case?
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Video Mentioned in #Dirkiesdorp Court Case Proves the State Lied, But They Stubbornly Continue to Build a Totally False Narrative!
The Dirkiesdorp court case, is day by day revealing something extremely disturbing, but not surprising, and that is the systemic prejudice and racial hatred which the state’s black officials, harbour against the white minority of South Africa. This endemic bias is being revealed like never before in the Dirkiesdorp court case in Piet Retief,
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Did Vusi Shongwe, MEC of Mpumalanga’s Remarks After Dirkiesdorp Shooting, Contribute to Bloody Double Farm Murder Near Nelspruit?
Mpumalanga Agri, who took note with great sadness of the tragic death of two peace-loving people, on a farm near Nelspruit on Saturday evening 24 April, strongly condemned the latest attack and murder of farm dwellers. In a statement, Mpumalanga Agri questioned the controversial remarks of Mpumalanga MEC for community safety, Mr. Vusi Shongwe, regarding the incident on 9 April at Pampoen-kraal, Dirkiesdorp, which could possibly have contributed to the motivation regarding the barbaric and bloody murder of the defenseless mother, Annemarie Botha (64) and her son Ruan.
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Piet Retief Bail Application Postponed After Video Testimony Dooms the State’s Case Against Farmers!
The bail application of the five farmers, who are charged with the murders of the Koki brothers in Dirkiesdorp, was again postponed in Piet Retief court until Wednesday, because today is a Public holiday.
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VIDEO: #Dirkiesdorp is SA’s Mini #GeorgeFloyd: SAPS Investigating Officer Admits in Court that Only Accounts From Black Protesters Were Taken!
On the same day that the US policeman Derek Chauvin, who arrested George Floyd, was found guilty in a screaming one-sided press and court, South Africa had its own version of black privilege in Piet Retief! If anyone still believed that the SA Police and court did not do a “frame job” on the group of arrested farmers from Dirkiesdorp, such white guilt driven thoughts were properly annulled in court on Tuesday.
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#Dirkiesdorp – Farmer’s Version of Piet Retief Shooting Shows Police Just Wanted to Lock Up Boers with Malicious & One-Sided Investigation!
Self Defense: Tensions are high in Piet Retief where businesses and schools are closed after protestors threatened violent mass action, despite an interview with the farmers themselves revealing the extremely flawed and one-sided investigation by the Police, after the shooting incident at Dirkiesdorp, Mpumalanga, where 2 black protesters, the Coka brothers, were shot dead on April 9. SA-News reported last week that the police had lied, and the Rapport investigation also showed that the Police issued a totally false statement to the media, after the wrongful arrest of 4 local farmers. It is these false claims by protestors which the mainstream media pounced on, and misused to incite racial hatred against whites.
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