THIRD WORLD WAR? Isn’t it ironic that whites are the only race that are constantly accused of supremacy, yet I do not know a single white person who wants to dominate the whole world? Do you know of such an ambitious person? (No, Soros, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, etc. are not white). But, if we look at who it is that pushes this white man bad, black man good, narrative, then we discover who it is that really wants to dominate the whole world. It is not one group, but they all realized that whites, who stopped slavery, but make up only 10% of the world population, are the biggest obstacle in their attempts at world supremacy, so they joined forces to get rid of whites! Just imagine what will happen when there are no more Europeans, and the Communists, Islamists, Blacks, Chinese and Jews start fighting among themselves for world supremacy. This is why whites should reject BLM as if their lives depended on it!
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Reject BLM! Its an Aggressive Anti-White Campaign in the Left Wing’s War for World Supremacy!
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Communism Fails in SA Too! ANC Admits Half of State Owned Land Lies Fallow as its Communal Farming Scheme Fails!
The ANC’s purely communist system of communal farming by so called Community Property Associations (CPA’s), is a total failure and that admission is clear from answers provided to written questions by members of Parliament. Despite this the ANC will no doubt press on with its implementation of the communist policy that the state must own all food producing land, which is what expropriation without compensation is about. Lookup Lenin’s famine in Russia to see where this is headed…
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De Lille reveals over 3,000 Public Works employees do business with department and 300 of those employees have their own companies
Patricia De Lille says more needs to be done to ensure people who work for the state don’t do business with the department Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille has revealed more than 3,700 Public Works employees are doing business with the department. She said 300 of those employees have their own companies and, in..
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Doctors at Nelspruit hospital can’t perform a simple splint procedure! After 3 attempts, anesthesia did not work and hand grows on skew
As we have sadly come to expect from state hospitals nowadays, a mother and son from Nelspruit, Annelise de Beer and her son Nathan Barnard, had a nightmare experience at their local state hospital in Nelspruit, which caused the unfortunate 11 year old boy a lot of pain.
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State’s salary bill milking state coffers dry, yet Jan Van Riebeeck and whites are regularly chosen as scapegoats for ANC regime failures
The state’s salary bill is consuming money that the country needs to keep going, with regular increases while unions are demanding larger portions. Yet the private sector and white people of the country are regularly scapegoated for the country’s problems. Everyone knows this and the government recognizes it and makes promises to act. Yet nothing..
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Misappropriation of R5.8 bil, Afriforum to lay charges – NHI violates constitution
During a media conference held on 18 November 2019, AfriForum launched a comprehensive report on why the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) in South Africa will be unconstitutional. The report further explains why the impact study on which the NHI is based, is totally inadequate which means that the Bill should be set aside…
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ANC regime’s debt to SA municipalities exceeds R1bn
Several millions of Rands debt is outstanding with municipalities across SA – ANC regime debt exceeds R1 billion The ANC government’s poor performance, especially in the economic and financial sphere, is also highlighted in its inability to settle its debt to municipalities. The ANC’s Minister of Public Works, De Lille, has acknowledged that the state..
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Economist Dawie Roodt “South Africa is headed for a Zimbabwe situation” – He’s warning us to ‘take our money elsewhere’
Financial expert Dawie Roodt has explained the chain of events he believes will see South Africa follow the same path Zimbabwe has. Roodt wrote in a column for the Huffington Post this week how South Africa’s economic woes will eventually lead to state looting of taxpayers, then savers, and eventually investors. Where South Africa will..
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Is SA bankrupt or just corrupt? – The Department of Health budget does not allow hundreds of graduates to be placed for community service
It is unclear whether South Africa is bankrupt and whether the corruption is increasing so much that hundreds of graduates sit at home after the country’s Department of Health’s budget does not seem to cater for placement in public facilities.
Graduates are required to continue to work for a year “just to please the state” after graduating.
The community service, of which more than 1,400 are medical graduates, is paid by the state, but it appears that there is no budget or money available, and now they are at home waiting for answers.
Some of the medical staff are paid by the US Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Pepfar) and the rest by the ANC’s ineffective government.
The government’s mandatory community service for graduate medical students aims to help combat the huge HIV problem while the masses continue to promote Aids with immorality.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Die Vryburger
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Some good news for a change, Zuma’s legal bills won’t be footed by the taxpayer, he must cough up R25 million to settle his legal costs
The Supreme Court in Pretoria ordered that Zuma must pay back the legal costs as well as the legal representative’s income that was initially paid by the state. Zuma’s legal representative is ordered to pay back the R25 million that the state has paid for him. The case is still in court today to be..
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Will Trump Still Send $312,000,000 to South Africa EVERY YEAR after SA Parliament Approved Expropriation of White Owned Land Without Compensation?
South Africa, the last sh*thole African domino has fallen despite warnings, just like after Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, etc. etc.
Mark Steyn on Fox News warns of an impending escalation of African migrants to Europe now that the last powerhouse economy of Africa has fallen to greed, despotism and communist totalitarianism. Yet still the USA finances South Africa to the whopping tune of over $300,000,000 in foreign aid every year! The West subsidizes and funds these “sh*tholes”.
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Zuma won’t let Public Protector dictate to him on #StateCapture inquiry
Pretoria – Jacob Zuma will not be dictated to by the Public Protector, or any other State functionary, the High Court in Pretoria heard on Tuesday. “One of the points we raise is that the remedial action [prescribed by former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela] is telling the president [Zuma] that he has no discretion on..
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