With just a few clicks you can send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even! With domestic offices all over, delivering flowers and gifts on time is never a problem
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SA’s Deputy Chief Justice Zondo Admits he Made a Mistake – Requests ANOTHER Extension for the Investigation into State Capture!
Although Tito Mboweni promised that there was no more money to fund the State Capture Inquiry, the Zondo Commission has still requested a fifth postponement. Not that anyone is surprised that the state capture inquiry is seeking a further extension, this time until December (after the elections), but that the country’s Deputy Chief Justice can make such a large miscalculation, repeatedly, is a major concern, or is it just that they simply have not earned enough money and want to buy Christmas presents? Maybe time he retired?
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China Testing Sinovac Vaccine on SA Children – Offers SinoVac Packaging Facility in SA as Sweetener!
Although the Chinese CoronaVac vaccine has not been fully approved or used in South Africa, SA is included with other third world countries in the Phase III trials of Sinovac’s coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine on children and adolescents. The launch of the South African leg was recently held in Pretoria, South Africa, where approximately 2,000 children and adolescents from six months to 17 years will be enrolled, to test the safety and efficacy of the CoronaVac vaccine, although results from trials so far only show 50% effectiveness. The trials will test 14,000 children worldwide in Chile, the Philippines, Malaysia, Kenya and South Africa.
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Motorcycle Club, Transvaal Boer Community & ICC Church Distribute Food Parcels to Poor Whites in Need on the West Rand.
Over the weekend the Lone Wolves Vaal Motorcycle Club embarked on a project together with Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal and ICC Church Kenmare to hand over a total of 140 food parcels to poor white families who gathered at General de la Rey Primary School in Florida. Each food parcel contained enough canned food, flour and other items to feed a family of five.
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Snow Possible for all Provinces in Southern Africa Later This Week
Snowfall is currently possible in all provinces in South Africa, as well as Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland later this week. Johannesburg and Pretoria are also in the snow zone at this stage.
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300 Cellphones Stolen in Broad Daylight by Armed Robbers with No Police in Sight!
This week SA-News.com reported that the police have asked the public to secure themselves and today we report on a huge robbery that took place in broad daylight in a shopping Mall. Where are the police? Do businesses need to secure themselves as well?
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Body of Missing Man (82) with Alzheimer’s from Pretoria, Found in Witbank Morgue
The body of the 82-year-old man with Alzheimer’s, John Rodda, who has been missing since Saturday, while apparently on his way to the pharmacy, has been found in a morgue in Witbank.
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Ramaphosa Tries the “Apartheid Whip” Scam to Destroy Multinational Covid Patent Profits & Guilt Trip Covid Vaccines from Wealthy Countries!
Just mention “Apartheid” and white people go limp and start throwing free stuff at blacks. The ANC regime have become Billionaires off of this scam, which is why the ANC government in Pretoria has threatened to accuse wealthy nations of hoarding Covid jabs, and “vaccine apartheid,” if they don’t share Covid jabs. South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa has got the old well worn begging bowl out again, accompanied by all the well used, tried and tested rhetoric to extract more hand outs from the West. As a selling tool he raises the spectre of millions of people in poorer countries (to whom the West have given Billions for decades), which may die waiting to be inoculated against Covid-19, as rich countries inoculate their own people.
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Three Burglars in Stolen White Audi Arrested After Car Chase & Shootout in Pretoria!
One criminal was seriously injured on Thursday and his two accomplices were arrested after a chase and shootout with a security company, after the robbers tried to break into a house in Pretoria. The Brinant security company received information that 3 robbers, who were driving a white Audi vehicle, were trying to break into a house in Faerie Glen. A resident saw the robbers and shouted at them, which caused them to flee in the Audi in the direction of Garsfontein.
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Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom in South Africa! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!
Venue Details for Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban & Bloemfontein Below: Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland explains why the CoronaVirus Emperor has no clothes! People around the world will be gathering in cities on Saturday 20 March 2021, to Rally for Freedom and real democracy in the face of the totalitarianism forced upon us in recent times…
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Brave Family Fight For Their Lives on Valentines Day! Lucky to be Alive After Sending Heavily Armed Home Invaders Packing!
Some people are prepared and willing to fight back, as this brave Dad, Mom and Daughter proved, sending heavily armed attackers packing, after a life and death struggle. The family from Pretoria reacted quickly and fought back when surprised by home invaders, but are lucky to be alive, with a bullet grazing the man’s head. Sadly these types of home invasion attacks are happening daily now and it is important to take note of, learn lessons, plan and take precautionary measures, because you never know when it is your family’s turn to be attacked. At the end of this report are some safety tips, so please read and start your planning today.
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Extreme Savage Violence in Black-on-White Attacks & Murders, Debunks “Economic Crime” Lie! Bantu Want to Kill, Not Steal!
WHERE IS “UBUNTU”? Given the centuries long history of brutality by the nguni bantu in Southern Africa, against themselves and others, LONG BEFORE APARTHEID, it goes without saying that all modern day victims of this savagery, would gladly just let them take whatever they want, without ANY resistance! So why the over the top extreme brutality for mere trinkets or phones? Clearly “normal crime” is NOT the motive! In yet another black-on-white atrocity in Pretoria, which mainstream will ignore, a man’s head was beaten to a pulp, while his brave wife had to run straight through a glass sliding door to escape the brutality and get help! All just for a ring? In another incident in Brits, an innocent 22 year young white man was callously stabbed to death by FIVE black attackers, for nothing!
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Two Days Left To Order & Send Flowers, Chocolates, Hampers and Gifts to Your Valentine Now!
Send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even with domestic offices all over, delivering flowers on time with SA’s favourite Net Florist is never a problem. Our international reach stretches as far as UK, Australia, USA and the rest of the globe. No need to go out and visit florist’s shops, our selection of flowers is unmatched.
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Savage Africa Deconstructs Our Society & Civilization as Black-on-White Murders Continue Unchecked During Lockdown!
Decolonizing Civilization: Sadly it is no longer news when two more white people are slain in violent black-on-white attacks, but one murder at a time, every day, our society and civilization is being deliberately deconstructed and “decolonized” through unchecked black-on-white murders, which have developed into ethnic cleansing of genocidal proportions, because the “authorities” are ignoring and even denying it! Two more white people have been brutally murdered in attacks by black gangs in South Africa, but these attacks are just daily trivia in liberal media, with no mention of the fact that these attacks can be seen as a slow genocide, because tens of thousands of white people have been murdered by black attackers in similar attacks since the ANC was given the country in 1994. But because these brutal black-on-white murders are spread out over time, the media mostly ignore it. The liberal media rather constantly occupy the collective mind with their false narrative of white man bad, black man good and trivial celebrity stuff, especially the black ones, and reporting every little thing the black fascist politician, Julius Malema is saying, including his regular incitement to kill farmers and white people.
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Black Terrorists Heed Their Black Leaders Call to Attack, Murder, Torture, Plunder and Blame Whites!
The open warfare on Whites rages on unhindered in SA as black leaders, (and rich jewish kids), continue to stoke the flames of race hatred while pretending there is no link between their hate filled anti white rhetoric and the daily stream of attacks and murders. Terrorism by most definitions is “The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” When we look at the words of the leaders, who say no peace until all blacks have land, and the acts of their followers, is this not what we are witnessing? Why does no one ever ask what political party a farm murderer belongs to? Here are just a few examples of the daily attacks.
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