The Department of Correctional Services have freed Jacob Zuma after receiving the medical report, but have not provided further details of the report. The prisons service placed former President Jacob Zuma on medical parole, less than two months into his 15 month sentence for contempt of court.
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Zuma Does a Schabir Shaik and Gets Put on Medical Parole Immediately! ANC Leadership Still Protecting Zuma?
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Zuma’s Stolen Money Is Finished – “Msholozi” is now Begging Supporters to Help Pay for Legal Costs!
Jacob Zuma has to undertake a renewed round of court battles, and he is now begging his supporters to help pay his legal costs.
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Ramaphosa’s Cadre Deployment Destroyed South Africa! DA Seeks Debate Because ANC Itself Doesn’t Know Which Cadre was Deployed Where!
#EndCadreDeployment – The official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), wrote to the Acting Speaker of the National Assembly, Lechesa Tsenoli, calling for a Parliamentary debate on the socialist cadre deployment program, implemented by the African National Congress (ANC), because they believe it led to the collapse of the state. They stressed this request is a matter of national importance.
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“I Had No Clue” – Ramaphosa Recommended Suspected Gupta Foreman Brian Molefe to President Zuma as “Mr Fixit” for Eskom!
Cyril Ramaphosa’s contorted testimony at the Zondo Commission on Wednesday, leaves more questions than answers, leaving Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo a mystery of the Brian Molefe kind. After decades in the highest circles of politics in South Africa, Ramaphosa claims that he was unaware of what was going on around him? Ramaphosa, who was then Deputy to President Jacob Zuma, admitted that he had advised Zuma to transfer “Mr Fixit” Brian Molefe from Transnet, and appoint him as Eskom’s CEO in 2015, but the Guptas already knew it was coming in 2014?
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Covid-19 Tenders Are Now Just Plain Fraud, Looting & Cronyism! No Tender Process, Winners Kept Secret & Any Old Excuse to Steal From The Taxpayer Will Do!
The Free State is living up to Ace Magashule’s Legacy of gangsterism and has spent R80 Million on fumigating schools, but the CCPvirus can only live for 3 to 9 days on surfaces, and schools are now closed for over 65 days (7 weeks)! So why the need to fumigate? Once again, the CCPvirus is the gift that keeps giving to the ANC regime and its cadres as lockdown is being dragged out, because the comrades have not yet exhausted all the opportunities for taking money out of tenders which are, according to them, issued to combat the spread of the CCPvirus. These emergency COVID-19 related tenders are being issued without even a tender process being followed, because they say it is an emergency and there is no time to follow a tender process, and the tender winners are being kept secret!
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Are South Africa’s Clintons, The Zumas, Using Lockdown for Personal & Political Gain, To Save a Disgraced Jacob Zuma from Zondo Commission?
Is SA’s Hillary Clinton, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Who Desperately Wants to be President Too, Using Her Command Council Lockdown Power to Save her ex-Husband & ex-President, SA’s Disgraced Bill Clinton, Jacob Zuma? The remarkable similarities between the Zumas and Clintons are more than deja-vu, they are the hallmark of gross abuse of State structures to satisfy a desperate greed and lust for power. Zuma’s ex-wife who is in charge of the ANC’s CCPvirus “Command Council” which is enforcing unconstitutional powers, could draw out lockdown forever, thereby postponing Zuma’s court case and the Zondo Commission. Emeritus Professor Pieter Labuschagne, a law expert at UNISA, warns that South Africa has entered dangerous territory after the ANC government claimed ultra Constitutional powers for itself, as its response to the Chinese CCP virus pandemic.
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VIDEO: #GangsterState Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s Cigarette Ban Creates a Booming Illegal Industry, Extortion & Even Higher Tempers!
#LiftTheBan Illegal shops all over South Africa are selling illegal cigarettes at hyper inflated prices to the poor, causing chaos and social unrest as can be seen in the video, where an irate customer complains about being charged R100 for a packet of cigarettes that costs R22
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#CelebrityDespots Why Do Black Eskom Workers Love Brain Molefe, Who Helped Guptas Plunder Transnet & Put Eskom R450 BILLION in Debt & Was Paid R2 Million a Month Pension?
AFRICANS LOVE THEIR DESPOTS: Black Eskom Workers who are members of the Government Pension Scheme and the powerful COSATU trade union, are allowing (unwittingly or not) Cosatu to allow the ANC regime to grab R254 Billion from their own pension fund, the GEPF, and they even supported Brian Molefe, ex Eskom CEO, who helped the Guptas put Eskom into R450 Billion debt, with song and dance!
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Zuma pulls a Houdini Act, misses Zondo deadline due to Cuba hospital stay
Former president Jacob Zuma has been hospitalised in Cuba because of ‘complications relating to poisoning’. Zuma’s lawyers have told the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture that he will not meet today’s deadline to respond to an application by journalist Redi Tlhabi to cross-examine him because he has been hospitalised in an undisclosed foreign..
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Zuma in the last trench – application for appeal rejected
After the Pretoria High Court rejected former ANC President Jacob Zuma’s application for appeal with costs, he is now on his way to the Appeal Court. It is Zuma’s last trench he uses to stay out of jail, and although it is a method of escaping his final trial, the debt burden on court costs..
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Zuma branded as defaulter, owes R12,517 for unpaid school fees, maybe he must consider subsidy?
It is not only the arrears of the Nkandla bond that make Zuma a defaulter, but also the fact that his children’s unpaid school fees earns him the title. The liquidators of the bankrupt declared VBS Bank now hope to get their money by auctioning the Nkandla unit, but it is still a lengthy process..
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Zuma pretending to be ill to escape jail time like his former friend Schabir Shaik?
There are a number of reasons why the former president of the ANC is suddenly ill, and one is that his chances of being released from the bars are diminishing. This is the opinion of a political analyst in Pretoria after Jacob Zuma’s lawyer informed the Zondo Commission that Zuma could not attend next week’s..
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“Colonialists are to blame for crime in SA” – Former speaker of the ANC parliament made a total fool of herself during interview
National Assembly speaker Baleka Mbete has raised eyebrows after a 49-minute interview with Al Jazeera’s Mehdi Hasan where she blamed South Africa’s legacy of crime on Europeans who colonised the country. “Criminality has been in South Africa for three centuries, especially after the colonialists came and brought crime from Europe to Africa,” Mbete said. Among..
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Playing the race card when all else fail – Zuma: I’m being victimised because I’m black
Former President Jacob Zuma faces charges of fraud, corruption and racketeering linked to the arms deal. But now he claims that he is being victimised because he is black. Zuma addressed his supporters on Tuesday following a brief appearance in the Pietermaritzburg High Court. He indicated his intention to challenge a court decision denying his..
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Jacob Zuma back in Supreme Court – conviction could lead to a long time behind bars for the former ANC leader
The chief justice’s office confirmed that former ANC president Jacob Zuma will appear in Pietermaritzburg in court. Zuma is expected to appear in a court case on Friday, which will now be four days sooner than initially scheduled. The case, which would initially begin on October 15, was premature amid his initial request that the..
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