It is well known that the ANC Land Reform in South Africa is a total failure, but as long as land and money are on offer, the vultures, hyenas and ANC cadres will come to feast. One such heinous and cynical case was portrayed when the Land Claims Court (Randburg) ordered that the books of the Moletele Community Property Association (MCPA) be examined by the Auditor-General, and the Director-General of Rural Development and Land Reform, not that it’s ever going to happen. MCPA, which claims that the Moletale people are a separate ethnic group, successfully claimed 27 properties in Hoedspruit, including two working farms.
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Land Reform – A Trough for Vultures, Hyenas and Selfish ANC Cadres! Land Claimant Refuses to Explain Millions’ in Suspicious Transactions
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Video Mentioned in #Dirkiesdorp Court Case Proves the State Lied, But They Stubbornly Continue to Build a Totally False Narrative!
The Dirkiesdorp court case, is day by day revealing something extremely disturbing, but not surprising, and that is the systemic prejudice and racial hatred which the state’s black officials, harbour against the white minority of South Africa. This endemic bias is being revealed like never before in the Dirkiesdorp court case in Piet Retief,
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Video: White Grape Farmer Helps Farm Workers Destroy Once Prosperous Grape Farm With BBBEE – Communism Consumes The Golden Goose!
SOUR GRAPES: A prime grape farm that once produced 30,000 – 40,000 boxes of export grapes, now lies in total ruins after the owner, Pieter Naude of the Denau Farm in De Doorns, gave the prime grape farm Alpha, away to 250 of his workers in a workers trust (communist collective farm) back in 2010. Mr Naude then also trained 2 managers for the farm and for the first 5 years, Mr Naude’s business also did Alpha farm’s books. What was this farmer thinking? Did he really believe that communism can work, or was it just pure greed, because The Western Cape provincial government carried the entire running costs of Alpha farm for the first 2 years. That is R 2 million that they got for free, but as we should know by now, all the free stuff communists promise you, is never really free and comes with very harsh strings attached!
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VIDEO: “Satan’s Children Are breaking Us” – Protestors Start Wildfires Which Rampages Across Farms in Freestate Destroying Farms, Livestock, Wildlife & Crops!
A disaster is unfolding and the mainstream media is, as usual, silent because those they champion started it. A protest action in Hertzogville on Sunday 18 October led to the destruction of at least 100,000 hectares of grazing and agricultural land and the deaths of countless livestock and wildlife. The protest by the residents of..
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“F*ck You White Man” – Well Known Farmer Survives Racist Farm Attack, Only To Be Refused Treatment at Local Hospital!
While Mainstream Media are pandering to black people’s hurt fweelings over dry hair, a hospital in Kroonstad has refused medical treatment to a well known farmer, who was attacked by a black male wielding a panga and two knives, shouting “F*ck you White man”! Note the attacker did not just say “man”, or “farmer”, or “South African”, or “human”, he said “WHITE man”, making this a racist attack. But Sarel Wessels’ problems did not end there, he had to treat his own wounds after a local hospital refused to treat the wounded farmer, despite him being a citizen and employer! But Ramaphosa’s “our people” at the hospital had a handy excuse, fear of the CCP-virus, so he had to make do without hospital treatment and treat himself. Racist sh*ithole much?
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VIDEO: Land Grabber by Day and Farm Murderer by Night? Land Occupier (Zimbabwean?) Threatens Farmer They Will Kill Him!
We wonder how many farm murders would be solved if SAPS took all the land and farm occupiers’ fingerprints, to compare with those farm attack evidence records? Or try running them through the Zimbabwean police database?
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VIDEO: Farmer Evacuated as Land Thieves Occupy Farm Despite Court Order & Demolished Shacks! Police Seek Landgrab Scam Ringleaders!
Update on the ongoing Elandsfontein landgrab fraud at De Deur, Vereeniging: The farm owner and his mother were evacuated from the farm for their own safety, because it was clear the misled invaders were going to keep coming back. Evacuation was the right decision under the circumstances because petrol bombs have already been thrown into a building. The video was taken by the owner before being evacuated.
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ANC Regime Misuses #COVID19 To Expose Farmers To Harm, Attacks & Stock Theft by Banning Farm Patrols in Remote Rural Areas! Deliberate?
#CCPvirus South African farmers are now at the mercy of barbaric livestock raiders, crop thieves, poachers and farm attackers while minister Bheki Cele, closely surrounded by his bodyguards, bans farm watch patrols by farmers themselves. Farmers across South Africa are reporting that livestock and crop raiders are slowly carrying their livestock and crops away whilst the same ANC regime, that demands that farmers feed the nation, fails to protect them, even preventing them from conducting patrols in groups to try to protect their property, crops and livestock.
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Brutality continues in SA just before Xmas! Six attackers descend on elderly couple’s farm – Injured farmer wife escapes, seeking help barefoot at night
Six farm attackers smashed a firearm to pieces on the heads of the elderly couple, Gert (81) and Joey (75) Pienaar from Dewetsdorp in the early hours of Monday morning. The couple heard a window break in their home on the farm shortly after midnight on Monday morning, but before they could do anything, they..
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Slaughter of white farmers continue – 15 Farm attacks 1 farm murder in first 15 days of December 2019
Between 1 and 15 December 2019, there have already been fifteen farm attacks and one farm murder, whilst one farm attack was successfully averted in South Africa. But the South African government continues to deny the existence of these atrocities. During the month of November 2019, there were forty six farm attacks and three farm..
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Illegal ammunition and 121 illegal firearms found on a farm at Uitkyk – seem like somebody was planning a small war
Brig Leonard Hlathi, police spokesman confirmed that he could not divulge how the firearms came to be on the farm as the matter is being investigated. Hlathi also confirmed that they recovered thousands of rounds ammunition. “We have a suspect and we are definitely going to continue with our investigation into him regarding the firearms..
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The despicable ANC has turned this Modimolle Limpopo chicken farm into a sh*thole
Driving outside Modimolle with my son, I was shocked to stumble on this abandoned chicken farm…It looked like a once productive farm I was told by the neighbour it was given to a comrade by the ANC government. The comrade never lived on the land. These chicken houses are usually R1.5 million for a single..
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Read very carefully!!! This is the qualifications needed to “rent” a farm.
Sorry all caucasians living in RSA seems like you don’t qualify. Don’t be surprised. To lease state farm, applicants must be African, Coloured and Indian.
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“Murder gang” arrested near Free State farm – two among them were former police officers – They did not come to rob, they were armed too heavily
They not only came to rob, they were too heavily armed, ”said Riaan Corbett, Free State Agriculture (US) security representative in Fouriesburg. Five men, including two former Ficksburg police officers, armed with a R1 and a Norinco pistol, were arrested on Wednesday, allegedly on their way to attacking a couple in the district. The men..
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Still farm attack is still non-existent to ANC-regime – Farmer brutally murder in his home in North West Province by barbaric terrorists
Attackers murder farmer in his home between Naauwpoort and Potchefstroom. A farm murder has taken place on a farm between Naauwpoort and Potchefstroom in the North West Province. The farm attack took place on 21 April 2019. One male victim was found dead next to bed in his room with a head wound. The attackers..
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