Zweli Mkhize Placed On Special Leave While Digital Vibes Corruption is Investigated by Special Investigation Unit!

Eskom CEO De Ruyter Goes to Court to Annul R 8 Billion Corrupt BBBEE Tender Approved by Current Board!

SA Facing Winter of Phase 4 & 5 Rolling Blackouts as Unmaintained Infrastructure Accelerates the Country’s Collapse!

#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!

SARS Looking at R90 Billion Taxi Industry to Further Increase its Increased Tax Revenues…

Ace Fights Suspension with “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” Court Case Against Ramaphosa and ANC!

Eskom Suddenly Implements Phase 2 Rolling Blackouts, Because You Never Know When Unmaintained Machinery will Fail!

SA Banking Ombudsman Reveals Most Common Complaints about Banks & Bankers – FNB had Most Complaints!

Fitch Rating Agency Warns ANC Regime over Uncontrolled Spending and Unproductive Public Sector Salaries!

Young White Worker Killed in Philippi Township, Nothing Stolen! Why are Black Townships Still No Go Zones for Whites?

Body of Missing Man (82) with Alzheimer’s from Pretoria, Found in Witbank Morgue

Was Magashule’s Bluffing? With no Power Base, he Seems Destined to Become the ANC’s Scapegoat…

Solidarity Taking Sisulu to Court to Stop Racist & Illegal Importation of Cuban Engineers!

ANC Government wants to Establish a State Bank, in Line with their Socialist Principles. Hint: Central Banks are Private!

Farm Attack: Farmer Shot Twice From Behind for No Apparent Reason, Except Possibly Due to the Target ANC & EFF Have Put on his Back?