Here is your proof MSM & Big Tech Stole the US2020 Election by Enforcing Censorship! 17% of Joe Biden Voters REGRET Voting Biden! They Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had they Known About Biden Scandals!
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VIDEO: PROOF MSM & Big Tech Stole US Election With Censorship! 17% Biden Voters REGRET Vote – Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had They Known About Biden Scandals!
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Are Globalists Planning to Charge us to Breathe? What is your breath worth?
The Far Left has already being ridiculed for calculating global cow farts, so it certainly is not beyond them to count how much CO₂ humans exhale! As if it wasn’t bad enough that we were forced to stay in our own homes, even though no one would have believed it before 2020, it now appears that it is not long before our own breath will be measured and counted! A Dutch bankster and professor, Barbara Baarsma from Rabobank, wants to give citizens personal annual CO₂ quotas! If the far left is already counting the emissions from cows, how long before they start measuring the CO₂ we emit with every breath?
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SAAI Discloses Land Claims Database Online! Files Contempt of Court Against Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza
Land claims, whether legitimate, fraudulent or opportunistic, can cripple farms, businesses and their families. Thousands of land transactions, financing applications and plans to develop or expand have been scuttled by land claims, and this has cost South Africa incalculably in terms of jobs and rural development.
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IMF & World Banksters used ANC & “anti-racism” to Trick South Africa into Permanent Debt Slavery!
How big a lie would you tell for $156 Billion USD? One only has to look at the vast numbers involved to realise that South Africans have been played big time, to the tune of $156 BILLION USD! South Africans were literally guilt tripped into giving away their country to globalist banksters, for false virtue. South Africans were also tricked into selling out their great grandchildren’s futures. During Apartheid South Africa was Debt Free, however after mandela was released, SA jumped straight into 4th place of indebted nations in Africa in 1992! Now in 2021, South Africa has the most external debt in Africa, after the ANC has spent DOUBLE the external debt of the 2nd placed country in Africa!
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Racist NPA! Black Taxi Driver who Killed White Father & Son NOT Charged yet Whites are Charged Without Bail for far Less!
Double standards at the NPA are institutional as it is not even in dispute anymore that the NPA, with their 90% or more black staff, discriminates on the basis of race when it comes to prosecutorial decisions, and other responsibilities like the granting of bail etc. We have now seen multiple times that the NPA jumped at the chance to charge a white person, deny bail and throw the whole prosecutorial book at them, whether they are guilty of any crime or not. However, a black taxi driver who shot and killed a white father and son in a traffic argument, was not even prosecuted, even whilst several innocent farmers are being held without bail.
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FF+ Election Manifesto Calls for Scrapping of BBBEE – PaNazi Lesufi Replies that BEE will stay “until the sins of white ancestors are wiped out”!
Andrek “Panyaza” Lesufi, the High Priest of black supremacism and Afrikaner hatred, claimed affirmative action – (if you are white, you are out) – is here to stay “until the sins of white ancestors are blotted out.” Of course, this will be forever because the ANC will always continue to create and invent new sins. The anti-white genocidal maniac also dragged Orania into the fray and said Orania should go.
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“If you believe Jesus is King, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will call you an anti-semite” – #GAB Responds to New #ADL Attack
A far left hit piece against GAB was published in Newsweek and the Washington Post, owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, which was based on a “report” published by the jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The so called report highlights how people post GAB links on Twitter that the ADL doesn’t like. GAB is the alternative Social Media APP for people that have been abused by left wing platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and has become a refuge for Conservatives and Christians who have realised that the Establishment itself is far left.
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Cheap Black Labour & Friends are Dangerous! White Employee Killed by Black Worker & Friend after Birthday Braai!
The snake in the grass: Once again we are reminded that multiculturalism has failed all over the world, with the news that a black worker, who was apparently so trusted by his white employer, that he regularly invited him for a braai, has just been convicted of the murder of the doctor, who was also a husband, father, brother and grandfather. Should whites be reminded of how the ANC revolution’s ‘necklacing’ worked, where moderate blacks were radicalized against whites? It only takes one threat to turn your black worker or friend into your enemy. As with Muslims where the revolutionary radicals hide among the moderates, like a snake in the grass, so too with black revolutionary radicals who mingle between our black workers and “friends”.
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Jessie Duarte’s Outdated Ideology on Land Expropriation without Compensation Represents Unworkable & Unrealistic ANC Factional Thinking
The Ad Hoc Group for the Protection of Property Rights has taken note of ANC Secretary-General Jessie Duarte’s remarks on Monday, on Expropriation without Compensation at a media conference. During the interview, she elaborated on the ideological fiction that expropriation without compensation (EWC) is at the heart of economic development.
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Decolonised Zimbabwe Begging Neighbours for Electricity to Stop Daily 12 Hour Blackouts!
Like in South Africa, where the simple maintenance and upkeep of a fully functioning infrastructure seems to be a challenge to African regimes, Zimbabwe who was once a powerhouse in Southern Africa, has been reduced to asking its neighbours to commission new power plants to supply Zimbabwe, as it seems it cannot even commission its own power plants anymore.
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Some ANCYL Candidates Left off PR Party Lists – Upset They Might Miss Their Chance at Systemic Corruption and not Become Millionaires?
There are problems in the ANC gravy train paradise after ANC Youth League members furiously protested over their exclusion from the list of PR councillors. Internal divisions are raging among the ruling ANC after two youth league regions, in the Free State and Limpopo, expressed their anger over the exclusion of the youth candidates names in the candidate list for the upcoming local elections. Given the systemic corruption in municipalities, they are probably angry they will not be able to become millionaires through systemic corruption.
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Land Expropriation in The Netherlands! Communists Use Nitrogen Crisis as an Excuse to Take Farmers’ Farms!
Few people realize that communists hate farmers with a passion, all over the world, and they will use any excuse to get farmers land into state ownership so that they can use food to blackmail citizens. In SA they use the “Land Theft” lie, in the Netherlands, the left-wing Dutch government is using the alleged nitrogen crisis to get rid of many farmers, as evidenced by two policy packages drawn up by the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) for the government, which were published this week. The expropriation of the farms, something that is explicitly mentioned in the plans, means that they will be forced by the state to sell their own farms at a fixed price.
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Farm Attack: Couple Brutally Assaulted & Tortured by 3 Farm Attackers in Four Hour Ordeal in North West!
A brutal farm attack was carried out on the night of 8 September 2021, at 20:00, in Kortfontein between Koster and Derby in the North West province. Chris Barnard and his wife Hesta were attacked in their home by three assailants and tortured for four hours.
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African Union Playing Vaccine Victim Again Despite “Rich Countries” Having EIGHT Times More Covid Deaths per Million Population!
The European Union’s African Union has declared that “rich countries” should stop storing Covid vaccines, to use for future boosters, which do not yet appear to be necessary, but should rather give them to Africa. Of course, AU is once again playing the begging bowl race card, that Africa is the eternal victim, in order to get things for free again, however the truth is that Africa has come off pretty light from the whole pandemic, despite all the mainstream fear-mongering and propaganda. The truth is that Africa has only a fraction of the Covid deaths that Europe and USA have.
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Huge March Against “Vaccine Passports” in Amsterdam Draws 100,000 Protesters from Across the Political Spectrum!
People from across the political spectrum took to the streets of Amsterdam on Sunday to protest against the proposed vaccine passports by the Dutch government. The protest was so large that roads in the the city centre were blocked for miles, but all the mainstream media in the Netherlands tried to ignore or diminish the protest. Some claimed that it was only 10,000 far-right extremists, but that lie was soon exposed by the presence of young dance music fans, Hare Krishnas, religious organizations, pensioners, anarchists, cyclists, former police officers and soldiers.
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