As a result of decades worth of BBBEE, systemic corruption, wholesale plunder, bad management and lack of maintenance, the consumer is once paying the price, as Eskom has had to suddenly start load shedding again, as of Sunday, when they introduced it with phase 2, to supposedly last until Tuesday night, if everything goes according to plan.
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Eskom Suddenly Implements Phase 2 Rolling Blackouts, Because You Never Know When Unmaintained Machinery will Fail!
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Fitch Rating Agency Warns ANC Regime over Uncontrolled Spending and Unproductive Public Sector Salaries!
In a study published last week, the Fitch credit rating agency has warned the ANC government, which is still reluctant to consider public sector salary demands for the next three-year term, over it’s inability to exercise control over spending, which could lead to further budget problems.
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Solidarity Taking Sisulu to Court to Stop Racist & Illegal Importation of Cuban Engineers!
The Solidarity trade union has announced that they are continuing with a court application to force the minister of Water Affairs, Lindiwe Sisulu, to cancel her planned import of 24 Cuban water engineers, into South Africa at a cost of R65 million, especially since it was revealed that Sisulu refused to appoint qualified white engineers who have applied for the posts, simply because they were white.
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ANC Government wants to Establish a State Bank, in Line with their Socialist Principles. Hint: Central Banks are Private!
In keeping with the Socialist principle that the State must own and control everything, as with the ANC’s National Health Insurance Scheme, the National Treasury said it was also moving forward with the establishment of a state-owned bank for South Africa, and that Cyril Ramaphosa, and the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, were supporting it. It might surprise many to discover that the Central Bank is in fact privately owned, as it is worldwide.
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If You’re White, You’re Out! Lindiwe Sisulu Admits Refusing to Hire White Engineers in Place of Cubans Because They Are White!
It seems ANC Ministers have taken their cue from fellow Socialist radicals in the West, as they are no longer shy to admit their anti-white racism. Lindiwe Sisulu, ANC’s minister of Water Affairs, has admitted that white suitably qualified and experienced water engineers have applied for the posts, to which she just imported and appointed 24 Cubans, but that she refused to appoint the white applicants on the basis of them being white. However, having signed the agreement with Cuba for 26 water engineers more than a year ago, (see statement below), she had a handy excuse, so why the racism?
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Deliberate Malevolent Negligence by Socialist ANC Kills Another Innocent! State Hospital Without Water for 3 Days!
#TheAfricanWay The typical infrastructural decay seen in all Socialist states worldwide like Venezuela and Cuba, is also killing South Africans in increasing numbers! A young man needing an urgent, yet routine operation, died in Kimberley state hospital, because of a lack of water! The ANC cadres that are inserted into the civil service, by the ANC’s Socialist Cadre Deployment program, are unqualified, inexperienced and too obsessed with consuming things and spouting ideological human rights propaganda, that they cannot even coordinate or arrange the simple basic human right of water (UN), causing Ivan Gerber’s urgent operation to be delayed, leaving him to die! Is it any wonder proponents of Socialism are called Useful IDIOTS?
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VIDEO: Cuba Dysfunctional But SA Imports Cuban Engineers? It is Just Money Laundering! Should SA Send Solidarity’s 120 Engineers to Cuba?
South Africans know that Cuban Doctors and Engineers are just a money laundering scheme where our taxpayers’ money is given directly to the Castro regime in Cuba. As former US Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo mentioned last year, Cuban doctors and engineers receive only 10% of the money from the Cuban regime. Furthermore, Old Havana may be a popular place for tourists visiting Cuba, but it is also a place where residents experience water shortages daily.
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VIDEO: #Dirkiesdorp is SA’s Mini #GeorgeFloyd: SAPS Investigating Officer Admits in Court that Only Accounts From Black Protesters Were Taken!
On the same day that the US policeman Derek Chauvin, who arrested George Floyd, was found guilty in a screaming one-sided press and court, South Africa had its own version of black privilege in Piet Retief! If anyone still believed that the SA Police and court did not do a “frame job” on the group of arrested farmers from Dirkiesdorp, such white guilt driven thoughts were properly annulled in court on Tuesday.
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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Slams EFF & ANC Regime for Increased Censorship & Authoritarianism During Covid19 Pandemic!
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have released their annual report on Press Freedom, citing a “dramatic deterioration” in press freedom globally, during the pandemic, citing THREE TIMES more arrests & attacks in Africa. It accused the EFF & ANC regime in South Africa of abusing Apartheid-era legislation and terrorism laws to limit coverage of government institutions, falsely claiming “national interest” to be at risk. The report says ANC state security agencies spy on some journalists and tap their phones, while some are harassed and subjected to intimidation or smear campaigns if they try to cover certain subjects, involving the African National Congress regime (ANC), its government finances, the redistribution of white owned land without compensation to blacks or corruption.
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#Dirkiesdorp – Farmer’s Version of Piet Retief Shooting Shows Police Just Wanted to Lock Up Boers with Malicious & One-Sided Investigation!
Self Defense: Tensions are high in Piet Retief where businesses and schools are closed after protestors threatened violent mass action, despite an interview with the farmers themselves revealing the extremely flawed and one-sided investigation by the Police, after the shooting incident at Dirkiesdorp, Mpumalanga, where 2 black protesters, the Coka brothers, were shot dead on April 9. SA-News reported last week that the police had lied, and the Rapport investigation also showed that the Police issued a totally false statement to the media, after the wrongful arrest of 4 local farmers. It is these false claims by protestors which the mainstream media pounced on, and misused to incite racial hatred against whites.
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Ukraine and Biden Now Talking Openly About Taking Back Crimea, Which Can Only Lead to War with Russia!
Tensions are rising day by day as Ukraine and the United States of America (USA) openly express their desire to take Crimea back into Ukraine. This became clear to the general public following the recent signing of a resolution by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which referred to “occupied territories”, including the Crimea, which would be part of Ukraine. The Ukrainian government is receiving support from Biden’s administration in this effort, US President Joe Biden has already said he believes “Crimea is Ukrainian”.
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With Afriforum’s #FightAndBuild project, We Pay Lots of Taxes But Fill In Potholes Ourselves so EVERYONE can Use the Roads?
There are fewer potholes in Schweizer-Reneke in the North West, thanks to AfriForum’s #VegEnBou project, where the large potholes in Schweizer-Reneke were filled in on 30 March 2021. As in many other towns nationwide, potholes are but one of the many problems in the town. Thanks to the plundered to bankruptcy ANC municipalities, the residents and businesses are affected socially and economically, as businesses lose customers because the roads or parking lots are full of potholes.
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Deep Divisions Within ANC as Ramaphosa Claims Only ANC Congress Has Power to Recall Him
Ramaphosa may be on his way out according to reports over the Easter weekend, that suggest certain members of the ANC government want Cyril Ramaphosa out, but Ramaphosa himself is of the opinion that only the ANC Congress can fire him.
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VIDEO: A Year Ago You Thought Ramaphosa was Joking When he Said he Would Extend Lockdown for a Whole Year? NEVER Underestimate the Evil of Socialism!
WAS IT ALL PLANNED? A year ago, when Ramaphosa announced that lockdown would last till 16 April, he joked privately with some friends on a video call, that he meant the lockdown would last till April 16 next year (2021)! It is very scary that he was even aware of such a thing being possible… was it all planned in advance? To be joking about something that had the whole nation and world gripped in fear, seemed very callous and out of place at the time, but clearly he was aware of something we were not… who briefed him on the plan?
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#LockDownForever? Covid Vaccines Obsolete in a Year Say Scientists, Meaning Socialist ANC Totalitarianism & Racist Plunder Will Only Get Worse!
#PeoplesVaccine – Coronavirus vaccines may become obsolete in less than a year, according to leading epidemiologists and the sloppy, politicised vaccination rollouts that have riddled many countries, make this scenario even more likely. Scientists had already admitted Covid-19 can never be completely wiped out, and this new bombshell admission means the ANC and other Socialist governments could keep us under lockdown forever, or whenever they feel the need to implement their “Great Reset” further and extend their economic warfare against the white minority? Scientists also say they do not know the exact consequences of the new, hastily produced, commercial vaccines on people’s bodies, but one thing is clear, the ANC is going to keep milking this Covid thing as a power grabbing and money-making opportunity, especially since it is now claimed that people will need to get a Covid vaccine every single year. The next election will prove this to be true, as we saw in USA, with the Socialist left using Covid to grab power.
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