Cases for Cash? For an 8th straight day South Africa has reported the 4th most daily new COVID19 cases (chart below) which has helped push SA into 5th place worldwide, eclipsing many countries far more populace and undeveloped than itself, like Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mexico, etc. Even more remarkable is that 4 of the top 5 most infected countries are BRICs countries – all of them are in the top 5 except China, where it all started, coincidence? Even though China is the most populace country in the world? Did the access and clout that Chinese citizens have in BRICs countries help spread the virus? Or does the fact that South Africa and India have received 1 BILLION dollar Covid Loans from the BRICs Development Bank explain the high figures?
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SA 5th Most Infected Country! All BRICs Countries in Top 5 Except China! SA & India Receive USD 1 Billion Covid Loans from BRICs Bank!
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SA Now 6th Most Infected Country! Surpasses China’s Death Toll! Herd Immunity Policy is Inevitable as ANC Unable to Control Virus Spread or its People!
#HerdImmunity Seems The Only Option for SA Now: South Africa has had the 4th most daily new infections, for 5 straight days now (chart below), and thanks to the ANC’s inability to make coherent decisions and regulations, the Covid-19 virus is spreading uncontrolled, and has been, ever since we predicted back in February, that Africa would be the worst case scenario for the CCP-virus, for this very reason. The southern hemisphere is now clearly the epicentre with the focus starting to shift from South America to Africa, where it can spread uncontrolled due to open borders and the inability of the african population to understand, much less protect themselves from an invisible enemy, so essentially Herd Immunity reflects reality and is already being practiced.
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SA Has 4th Most Daily New Covid19 Cases Globally for 3rd Straight Day! But Where are the Bodies? Mojo or Fraud?
South Africa has once again reported the 4th most daily new Covid19 infections worldwide, for the 3rd straight day in a row, confirming what Ramaphosa said, that the storm is on us. But where are the bodies? We hear anecdotal stories of hospitals running out of ventilators and ICU beds, hear of Indian nurses trying to leave the country, and of graveyards running out of space, but with all the extra Covid-19 deaths, and South Africa’s third world socialist infrastructure, you would expect to see bodies in the streets? We have had more infections than Italy, which has the same population as SA, and they literally had coffins stacked up outdoors.
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SA 13th Most COVID-19 Infected Country, But The Big Numbers are The Billions Sloshing Around in ANC’s Hands & Pockets!
As South Africa surpasses France, Germany, Turkey and Saudi Arabia in confirmed CCP-virus cases, attention is deliberately being diverted from all the cash floating around since the ANC withdrew 500 Billion from the Taxpayer, of which 20 Billion went to NDZ’s corrupt, bankrupt, fraud infested Municipalities! While Mkhize warns that the storm is about to hit and everything from schools re-opening to mourning over deaths, supposedly from Covid-19, are being utilised to hide what is happening to all the money, which equates to over R8,000 for every single man, women and child in SA!
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VIDEO: How Black Men (& Women) Create Multiple Single Mothers Keeping Blacks in Poverty Rife with Drugs, Gender & Sexual Violence!
Cold Hard Truth: American chat shows are well known for trying to be controversial and this one inadvertently revealed a cold hard truth that very few liberals would discuss, never mind admit. This video shows how just 6 Black men have 87 kids from 50 different women! That is 137 people who are going to struggle with life being disadvantaged thanks to the irresponsible selfish self indulgent actions of these 6 men!
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The ANC’s Relentless Radical Transformation of Once Beautiful Bloemfontein into Mangat-in! A Bankrupt Sh*thole!
Relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay has led to relentless decay and rot! The story of Africa under African rulers is always one of relentless decay, dilapidation and looting. At the time the old NP handed over the 1st world country to the ANC, cities and towns were clean and infrastructure, like railways and Eskom were some of the best functioning in the world. Bloemfontein was a gem, until the relentless tolerance of #TheAfricanWay started.
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#BlackPrivilege ABSA Lets Black Manager Keep Both Jobs After Extreme Racism, Yet Whites Lose Jobs & Get Jail for Lesser Comments!
INTERNET DOES NOT FORGET: Nearly two years ago SA-News reported on Neo Mongwaketse, an Absa Manager who posted on Facebook that “Your white sh*t arrogance lead to that torture and for white like you, I feel no pity”. This post started trending again on google search this week, so we decided to do an update, especially since he still has his TWO jobs, despite an internal review! This is double standards at its best in South-Africa. It seems that only a certain race has the privilege to freedom of speech, hate speech and racism, but if you are white you lose or job and even go to jail for making similar comments
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List of ANC Regime’s 114 Race Based Laws Versus Only 17 Under Apartheid! Zille is Right – Blacks Prefer Victimhood to #Equality!
Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right: Helen Zille sent the marxists and snowflakes in South Africa fleeing to their safe spaces to lookup which prescribed responses to fire back at her. The day after SA-News posted an article showing how “anti-racism” handicaps blacks, Zille seems to agree, tweeting that blacks prefer victimhood (#BlackPrivilege) over equality – BBBEE is justified and perpetuated by this perpetual victimhood, which requires constant anti-white hate speech and prevents true black emancipation (like apartheid envisaged!) Ironically Zille went even further, claiming that there are “More Racist Laws Now Than Under Apartheid!”
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As Covid19 Starts Peaking in SA, ANC Cabinet Infighting Causes Delays, Confusion & Court Cases, Exposing ANC’s Inability to Govern!
As South Africa enters the top 20 in countries affected by the CCPvirus, panic seems to have spread in the Ramaphosa cabinet where serious differences have developed among members of the Cabinet, with regards to the handling of the pandemic response. This is further compounded by their lack of experience, knowledge and respect for procedural and constitutional regulations, resulting in 116 cases where the ANC government has been taken or threatened with court! The Covid-19 pandemic does not accept lies and sweeping things under the “racism” carpet, which ANC normally gets away with.
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How “Anti-Racism” Handicaps Blacks. Blacks & Liberal Whites Should Stop Treating Blacks like Disabled People!
Running Faster: A noteworthy piece posted on social media, claims to be from ex Public Protector Thuli Madonsela, although this is improbable, given she holds a chair in Social Justice at Stellenbosch University and would get fired if she dared spoke truth like this. However the source is irrelevant. It insightfully calls on blacks to stop using racism as a crutch and an excuse. Like SA-News has been saying, blacks need to take off their BBBEE nappy and grow up and raise their game. Otherwise they will never be equal because they will never see themselves as equal, instead of always seeing themselves as the victim, and constantly crying, or trying to profit from hurtful words. Liberal whites who constantly proclaim blacks are victims, are in effect saying they are superior to blacks and that blacks can’t survive without their virtue signaling!
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How The ANC Weaponised Covid19 Pandemic to Push Black Supremacy & Implement Totalitarian Control. Pity ICC is Toothless!
SA-News takes a blow-by-blow look at how the ANC regime capitalised on and weaponised the Covid-19 pandemic to profit, fight a racial jihad, and obtain totalitarian control, which was used to implement some questionable activities and transactions. If only the International Criminal Court was not so toothless, the ANC should be reported, but then the ANC already knows ICC is on their side!
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South Africa Overtakes China in Covid19 Infections! Was Ramaphosa Too Harsh, Too Soon, Too Long? Does it Even Matter?
South Africa is now in the 20th spot for Corona Virus infections globally and has surged past that psychological milestone of overtaking China’s infection numbers, where it all started. Thankfully, the deaths, (that we know of), are comparatively low, which has probably contributed to a certain amount of apathy from media & government. Mainstream media & ANC government were more concerned about importing far left propaganda from USA, about a drug addicted black porn actor, who accidentally died while violently resisting arrest. Coverage of gender violence was also prioritized, given that SA is a world “leader” in most types of violence. People are also desperate to receive the Covid19 aid Ramaphosa & ANC so lavishly promised, but they should know better than to believe marxists.
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“Ramaphosa is The Bastard” – Will VBS Arrests Destroy EFF? ANC & EFF Marxists Indulge in Looted Capitalist Luxuries With No Accountability!
If you were hoping that finally, after yesterday’s arrest of 8 officials in the VBS Bank heist, that the racist motormouths of Malema & bullyboy Shivambu were going to get their comeuppance, due to their close links to the looted 2 Billion Rand, you have not been paying attention. SA is run by a corrupt regime and corruption can only exist where there is no accountability, and where deniability is readily accepted to the extreme. Despite dates and locations on his Twitter trail mirroring his Mahuna bank card withdrawals, over a whole year, Malema STILL denies knowing anything! You can be sure, in his defense, Malema’s motormouth will accelerate way beyond just calling Ramaphosa a “bastard”, supposedly for not bailing him out of this mess…
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Electricity Network Threatened by Illegal Connections & Plundered Municipalities Like MaLOOTi-a-Poefie Which Owes Eskom R5.2 Billion!
Much like Champagne Socialists, #TheAfricanWay also seems to be party until taxpayer’s money runs out, then blame the whites! The Free State is a perfect example of what Trump meant with the term sh*thole, with plundered into bankruptcy municipalities like Mangat-in, MaLOOTi-a-Poefie and Meteens-soos-myholo being perfect examples of where South Africa as a whole is headed.
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Harrismith’s Dysfunctional “MaLOOTi-a-Poefie” Municipality Leaves Sewage & Blood Flowing into Field, River & Vaal Dam After Treatment Plant Stripped for Scrap!
South Africa is literally being stolen and sold for scrap! In Harrismith there are no sewage works anymore. It lays stripped and looted bare, sold for scrap, leaving the town’s sewage, and blood from the abattoir, flowing into the field and then into the rivers and the Vaal Dam! Truly and demonstratively #TheAfricanWay
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