“Privatise the damn SAA” you said. Time and again, whenever the latest scandal or disaster hit the “embattled” flagship carrier, you wanted ANC to privatise it. Little did you know that is exactly what they wanted you to say, and now the ANC have simply pocketed South Africa’s flagship asset, because that is what you thought you wanted. SA-News have said many times before, how the ANC under leadership of International Socialism, stole South Africa using one word, “racism”, but control of SA was never their main aim, it was always about stealing the country’s assets.
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EXCLUSIVE: ANC has Systematically Been Transferring SA’s Sovereign Assets & Wealth into its Own Private Pockets!
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#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!
The shocking, yet predictable truth behind the highly politicized and media inflamed Dirkiesdorp incident, when an obviously well organised group of aggressive and violent toyi toyers illegally invaded the farm Pampoenkraal, belonging to Werner Potgieter on 9 April, has finally been revealed! A Gupta / Bell Pottinger style Indian mining group, Atha Africa, was determined to drive white farmers off their land, with the full co-operation of Deputy President David Mabuza’s sidekick, Vusi Shongwe, Mpumalanga MEC for Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs! We will however probably never know who paid who to do what, and what favours changed hands, because the victims of this racist intimidation and violence are white!
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#CelebrityDespots Why Do Black Eskom Workers Love Brain Molefe, Who Helped Guptas Plunder Transnet & Put Eskom R450 BILLION in Debt & Was Paid R2 Million a Month Pension?
AFRICANS LOVE THEIR DESPOTS: Black Eskom Workers who are members of the Government Pension Scheme and the powerful COSATU trade union, are allowing (unwittingly or not) Cosatu to allow the ANC regime to grab R254 Billion from their own pension fund, the GEPF, and they even supported Brian Molefe, ex Eskom CEO, who helped the Guptas put Eskom into R450 Billion debt, with song and dance!
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#StatePlunder No Surprise That Arrogant Municipal Manager of Small Bankrupt Free-state Municipality Gets Paid R2.9 MILLION Per Year, Yet Bankruptcy Administrator Was Also Involved in Gupta Corruption at Estina Dairy!
The small bankrupt municipality in the Free-State which is still under administration has still managed to pay a municipal manager R2,9 million a year for 2 years, making him the best paid government official in South Africa! However his position was defunct as a Bankruptcy Administrator had been appointed, it seems, only to plunder the public coffers even more, as this “Administrator”, Moses Moremi was the one who signed the 99 Year lease to give the Gupta’s a rent free farm for the Estina Dairy scam!
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Greedy Ramaphosa & ANC Want More From Their Personal BEE Cash Cow, Eskom – He Finally Admits Medupi & Kusile Are Unreliable (Have Been Bled Dry) Even As The Blame Game Rages On…
Planning to fail: Having pocketed millions, if not billions, by plundering Eskom in all sorts of ways through a variety of tender companies and who knows what else, it seems Cyril and The ANC have finally realised the Medupi & Kusile projects have bled dry, and are now looking for new ways to employ (steal) taxpayers money, to continue bleeding them dry… yet another new huge expensive project with new tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. It is the same all over South Africa, build a new school, extort tenders, contracts, bribes & kickbacks. Then burn it down and steal more from the taxpayer by building another school with more tenders, contracts, bribes and kickbacks. The African Way.
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VIDEO: Jacob Zuma Still Can’t Count! Is Zuma Deliberately Fumbling To Avoid Questions at Zondo Commission?
A new Jacob Zuma fumbling video has gone viral of him battling his number one enemy – numbers! It is an embarrassing yet well known fact that numbers are former president Jacob Zuma’s number one enemy. A video of the politician fumbling over digits at the State Capture Inquiry has gone viral.
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The African Way: Vrede Milk Farm Was Just Another Opportunity For Estina and Guptas To Steal and Fleece Taxpayers
The Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture resumed today following evidence on the controversial Estina dairy farm project in the Free State city of Vrede. The Estina Group, which held a 49% stake in the Vrede Milk Farm, was supposed to contribute R228m to the controversial project but this never happened, and the so-called Estina Milk Farm Project’s multi-million Rand venture could thus never be sustainable and probably was never meant to be.
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#Rollingblackouts: Further power cuts for Eskom as new Gupta looting details emerge – ANC-regime to plow R23 billion, of taxpayers money, a year into Eskom in order for the utility meet repayments on its R420 billion debt burden
New documents seen by the Sunday Times reveal how a Gupta-linked company purchased an auditing firm in order to loot from Eskom. The report stated that Trillian bought an auditing firm – Nkonki – which had existing contracts with the state owned company. “Trillian and its former owner, Salim Essa, allegedly used Mitesh Patel, a..
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Thank Eskom and the Guptas for Being in the Dark – Eskom Staff Were Pushed to Sign R4.3bn Tegeta Contract, #StateCaptureInquiry Hears
Evidence leader at the Zondo inquiry, Advocate Kate Hofmeyr, on Tuesday, 26 February 2019, gave an overview of the evidence of corruption in Eskom’s coal supply contract with Gupta family businesses that were going to be presented by a new witness. Daniel Mashigo, acting senior general manager for primary energy division at Eskom, took the stand on Tuesday..
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The State capture saga has kick-off for 2019 and 12 insane revelations from ex-Bosasa chief Angelo Agrizzi
Former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi makes the Guptas look like monks. His damning testimony at the state capture inquiry has turned heads nationwide.
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Tea parties at Saxonwold:- A timeline of Nene’s meetings with the Guptas
As rumours swirl that Nhlanhla Nene may have had an untoward business relationship with the Gupta family, the finance minister has denied any such claim but has admitted that he did have meetings with the family during his tenure as deputy minister.
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State Capture Inquiry Update:- Zuma Cabinet members turned against Nene
Members of former president Jacob Zuma’s Cabinet were hostile towards Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene after he refused to approve a controversial nuclear deal, the commission of inquiry into state capture heard on Wednesday.
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Gupta-linked director general removed from Public Enterprises
Richard Seleke, the controversial director general of public enterprises, has left public service after reaching an agreement with the presidency.
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Des Van Rooyen lost no time in the treasury
On December 9 2015, ANC backbencher Des van Rooyen was appointed finance minister. Four days later, after intense pressure, then-president Jacob Zuma rescinded his appointment, shifted him to the co-operative governance and traditional affairs department and appointed Pravin Gordhan to control the nation’s purse strings.
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South African Expat Justin Van Pletzen Detained in Dubai After Gupta Viral Video (WATCH)!
The South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) has confirmed the detention of South African citizen, Justin Van Pletzen, in Dubai.
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