Family, friends and an ever increasing group of concerned supporters, of Ashley Oosthuizen (22), an innocent South African who was imprisoned for life in a Thai jail two years ago, are appealing to the ANC government in SA to pay urgent attention to her case. Oosthuizen’s family also fear that they will now rarely be able to contact her, after she was recently moved to a new prison. Her parents have apparently last spoken with her in December last year.
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Young South African Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!
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#HolodomorDenial: the Genocide of 7 Million Ukrainians, Many of them Christians, That Jews Deny…
LEST WE FORGET: In 1932 and 1933, an estimated 7 Million Ukrainians were massacred by a genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik (mostly Jewish) government. Many were Christians. Yet school children are not taught about the Holodomor genocide in middle school, high school, or even college. There are not dozens of major Hollywood films depicting the horrific events that took place. Our politicians aren’t referencing the Holodomor every other day and visiting Holodomor Museums to gain false virtue or attack opponents. If you ask any random person on the street about the Holodomor they will have no idea what it is. Why is this?
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FF+ Election Manifesto Calls for Scrapping of BBBEE – PaNazi Lesufi Replies that BEE will stay “until the sins of white ancestors are wiped out”!
Andrek “Panyaza” Lesufi, the High Priest of black supremacism and Afrikaner hatred, claimed affirmative action – (if you are white, you are out) – is here to stay “until the sins of white ancestors are blotted out.” Of course, this will be forever because the ANC will always continue to create and invent new sins. The anti-white genocidal maniac also dragged Orania into the fray and said Orania should go.
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ConCourt Declares UNISA Language Policy Unconstitutional in 5 Year Long Court Case!
It is tragic that the courts have to protect the true diversity of South Africa, with a dozen languages, from the ANC regime, and it remains unfortunate that the ANC government preaches diversity, yet applies monolingualism. This ruling is appropriate on the eve of Heritage Day, in that it recognized the language rights of students, and imposes a specific obligation with regard to execution on Unisa. It is equally unfortunate that language and cultural communities have to turn to the courts in the final instance, to claim their rights as diverse languages with specific reference to Afrikaans, especially at historically Afrikaans universities.
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VIDEO: “Stop Hiring Blacks or Commit Su1c!de!” Catholic Prof. in USA Teaches Students it’s an Ethical Act When Whites Commit Su1c!de in SA!
Could it be that the far left in the US and the far right in South Africa agree? Both believe that whites in SA should stop their addiction to black labour, but as usual the far left is more radical, violent, murderous and just plain nasty with their presentation of their ideas! The Professor in Pennsylvania teaches his students that whites in SA who commit su1c!de can be an ‘ethical’ act, because they continue to appoint blacks in subservient jobs. The irony is that many white South Africans have already realized that appointing blacks is not only dangerous to themselves and their families, but it is in any case self inflicted genocide anyway!
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Afrikaans was 146 Years Old on 14 August, Ironically also the Last Day for Comments on Second Draft of Stellenbosch University’s Language Policy
On 14 August it is the Afrikaans Language’s birthday and it is commemorated as the birthday of Afrikaans because on this date of 14 August 1875 the Society of True Afrikaners (GRA) was founded in Paarl. Therefore, Afrikaans is 146 years old this year. During this period, Afrikaans was expanded to an academic and scientific language which, according to Prof Wannie Carstens, a well-known linguist, is one of five requirements for the survival of any language. well, until globalism arrived…
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Anti White, Anti Christian and Anti Male Attacks Growing Worldwide! White Christian Boys Publicly Identified, Shamed & Berated for Being “Oppressors by Default”!
Whites, Christians and Males MUST learn to protest: An Australian mayor had to apologize after students and angry parents protested over a presentation by a far-left activist youth councilor, at a public school near Melbourne, who publicly identified and berated “white Christian boy” students for being “oppressors” by default. It comes the same week SA-News reported that elementary school kids had to make pro BLM and anti police posters with far left wing slogans, and display them in class! This communist anti-white “critical race theory” indoctrination is also growing in the USA under the far left Democrat supremacy, and are probably also present in socialist anti-white South Africa. It must be exposed!
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“This is Indoctrination!” NSW Minister Reacts to School Children Having To Create Anti-Police & Pro BLM Posters in Australia!
New South Wales ministers in Australia are calling for the dismissal of an Australian teacher in primary school, after posters against police and pro Black Lives Matter, created by the students, were found around the classroom.
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Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom in South Africa! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!
Venue Details for Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban & Bloemfontein Below: Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland explains why the CoronaVirus Emperor has no clothes! People around the world will be gathering in cities on Saturday 20 March 2021, to Rally for Freedom and real democracy in the face of the totalitarianism forced upon us in recent times…
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VIDEO: Far Left Youtube Deletes Biden’s Dislikes! Mainstream “#LoveMedia” Artificially Manufacturing Popularity & Consent for The Left! Did They Trick You?
#TheLeftLies: Did you fall for it? It is all smoke and mirrors as the left, Democrats, Big Tech and the Deep State swamp manufacture Biden’s faux popularity, like they manufactured his election, yet in reality when you step back from Social Media and Mainstream Media imperialism and bias, Biden is the most unpopular “most popular” Prez! Youtube and Big Tech have been actively trying to censor the truth of Biden’s UNpopularity coming out, by deleting dislikes to all his vids, on various channels. On one video as much as 70% of the dislikes were deleted to make him appear popular! Likewise, over Valentine the biased mainstream media gushed about a “Love Story” in the Whitehouse? They seem to forget how Joe and Jill met. How did they meet? Well, Joe cheated on his wife and friend, and Jill cheated on her husband (Joe’s friend). Sounds like a love story made in hell, but cheating fits the narrative of the liberal left just fine.
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Extreme Savage Violence in Black-on-White Attacks & Murders, Debunks “Economic Crime” Lie! Bantu Want to Kill, Not Steal!
WHERE IS “UBUNTU”? Given the centuries long history of brutality by the nguni bantu in Southern Africa, against themselves and others, LONG BEFORE APARTHEID, it goes without saying that all modern day victims of this savagery, would gladly just let them take whatever they want, without ANY resistance! So why the over the top extreme brutality for mere trinkets or phones? Clearly “normal crime” is NOT the motive! In yet another black-on-white atrocity in Pretoria, which mainstream will ignore, a man’s head was beaten to a pulp, while his brave wife had to run straight through a glass sliding door to escape the brutality and get help! All just for a ring? In another incident in Brits, an innocent 22 year young white man was callously stabbed to death by FIVE black attackers, for nothing!
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Video: “Whites Must Denounce Themselves!” – Biden Fights Racism & Lawlessness with Racism & Lawlessness!
Racist Joe Biden said “America will be minority white, that’s a good thing.” The Texas Attorney General who has just won a lawsuit against Biden’s plan to freeze deportation of migrant criminals, has called Biden’s actions a “Seditious Left Wing Insurrection!” This was confirmed by The Times columnist Melanie Phillips, who said measures announced by Biden, via a flood of executive orders, introduce “injustice, racism and lawlessness” to the country.
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Virus” as Trump called it. We have compiled a list of some of the fascist tactics & policies the Democrats & Deep State have used to seize power again.
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VIDEO: Scientists Are Concerned New Covid19 Vaccines Might Not Work Against New South African Mutation of Covid19!
Scientists in UK and public health officials are said to be extremely worried that a new, highly infectious strain of the coronavirus discovered in South Africa may be resistant to the current generation of vaccines.
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BANNED VIDEO: Not Allowed to Ask if HydroxyChloroquine Kept SA’s Covid19 Death Rates Low? Youtube Doesn’t Even Allow Prayers for Covid19 Cure!
This video has been banned from Youtube! Why are we not allowed to use a drug that has been FDA approved for 65 years and has been used by over a Billion people all over the world, that works and is widely and cheaply available? We are not even allowed to ask if Hydroxychloroquine works, we are forced to have blind trust in an authoritarian state and it Multinational Corporations? Collusion between state and big business is 100% the definition of Fascism! The CCPvirus is the Socialism Virus that commands you stop thinking for yourself & that destroys common sense! Clearly Covid19 has been turned into a crime against humanity, as a tool of mass control by the communists and globalists in cahoots with Big Tech. Guilt Tripping is Socialism, so stop drinking the mainstream propaganda cool aid being put out by the Establishment media.
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