The snake in the grass: Once again we are reminded that multiculturalism has failed all over the world, with the news that a black worker, who was apparently so trusted by his white employer, that he regularly invited him for a braai, has just been convicted of the murder of the doctor, who was also a husband, father, brother and grandfather. Should whites be reminded of how the ANC revolution’s ‘necklacing’ worked, where moderate blacks were radicalized against whites? It only takes one threat to turn your black worker or friend into your enemy. As with Muslims where the revolutionary radicals hide among the moderates, like a snake in the grass, so too with black revolutionary radicals who mingle between our black workers and “friends”.
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Cheap Black Labour & Friends are Dangerous! White Employee Killed by Black Worker & Friend after Birthday Braai!
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VIDEO: White Cross in Memory of Murdered Farmers Burnt (Necklaced) & Called a “Hate Sign” by Radical MadibengFM Presenter!
#TurningWhiteIntoBlack – The desecrater of the white cross memorial for Farm Murders was identified in the video as extremist Madibeng FM 105.3FM presenter Nick Motloung. Knowing black people can do no wrong in SA, he even callously confirmed his actions to local newspaper Kormorant, admitting that it was him who set the white wooden cross, which was erected to honor people murdered on farms, alight on the R511 in Brits by putting a burning tyre on it. The tyre was used deliberately, not only as it was the weapon of choice for Winnie Mandela, to burn black people alive who do not become extremists too, but also, as was mentioned in the video, to turn the white cross black!
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#BlackWar: SA Swamp is Rigging & Facilitating Black Violence Aimed at Decimating & Assimilating Conservative Minorities – Just Like BLM!
Society Captured: South Africa’s civil service and establishment, including the courts, police, mainstream media, government and municipal structures, have been captured and are rigged. The System has been deliberately populated with liberals, ANC cadres, communists and left wing globalists, intent on promoting criminality, illegality, victimhood, a culture of entitlement and free stuff, hypocrisy, political correctness, violence and the self righteous justification of the smash and grab culture and of expropriation without compensation. All of this to enforce the constant mainstream narrative that white man is bad and black man is good. This can all appear very confusing, but at the end of the day, the BLM violence and constant so called “Service Delivery Protest” violence in SA, have the same sponsors and roots and the same modus operandi.
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ANC Desperate To Keep Golden White Goose Enslaved! Kamiesberg ANC Municipality Can’t Pay Bills Yet Attacks Thriving White Settlement!
ANC Cries Out in Pain as They Strike You: The ANC run Municipality of Kamiesberg in the Northern Cape is radicalising residents, as they appear to be scared they will lose their most profitable residents, so they arranged a hit piece aired on the ANC’s national mouthpiece SABC, to play the old, old, old racecard, yet again. Yawn… Yet they ignore over 5,000 big towns that are 100% bantu – no Whites, coloureds or indians! Even Soweto is more race pure than Orania and 1,000 times bigger, but not a word from these racebaiting genocidal hypocrites! Eureka, the thriving white Afrikaner settlement in Garies, which is striving for legal and constitutional self determination, as a defense against punitive BBBEE, barbaric Farm Murders and the malicious destruction of Afrikaans, is a regular easy target for the SABC, ANC and communist ANC Mayor, Mervyn Cloete, who wants to pull everyone in town down into the ANC sh*thole, to the lowest common denominator, as communists do…
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Another terrorist is honored, this time the mother of ‘necklacing’ Winnie Mandela, who walks away with the freedom of Johannesburg award
The person who declared that she and the ANC would take over the land by means of a box of matches and tires, Winnie Mandela, was honored by the DA-controlled Johannesburg City Council with the, award Freedom of the City. Winnie Mandela achieved her fame by adding words to the act and was involved in..
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