Municipal and city council debt to Eskom is in an upward spiral with the latest figures of R17 billion by the end of September. The same pattern is found at the various waters where little progress is made with debt collection. A number of recommendations have been made but no decision has yet been taken..
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President is gallivanting throughout the world while violence, protests, murder, strikes are on the order of the day and SA’s debt is getting bigger – wonder if he would repeat his lies on farm murders in SA overseas
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Even doing shopping in SA is nowadays a risk – Elderly white man beaten to death with crate in view of customers at Shoprite
An elderly man was killed at Shoprite in De Qlerk Street this morning just after 08:00. The incident occurred after the suspect was apparently pushing a trolley filled with bread out the dropoff point at the store. According to reports the deceased, identified as Rick Lovelock by SAPS, confronted the suspect after allegedly scratching his..
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WHY have the British nor SA main stream media not reported about this murder of one of their own that occurred in this week in South Africa?
Scottish National, 94 year old Jimmy McGlinchey, a frail and defenseless human being was brutally murdered this weekend. As to date the murder did not receive any media coverage on British and SA main stream media. Why is that so? Jimmy moved to South Africa some 40 years ago. He lived in Hayfields, near Scotsville,..
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Everyday a farm attack is taking place in South-Africa, this is the naked truth – White genocide at its best and the ANC is denying it!
One of the latest incidents this week occurred on a farm between Hartbeespoort and Brits where a 73 year old woman was attacked. The 73 year old woman, who fired a number of warning shots did not deter her attackers who continued in their attempt to break down the main bedroom door. Only after she..
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Here are the most infamous clients Pete Mihalik has represented, now one can only wonder, was this a professional hit?
The killing of Pete Mihalik has shocked the community of Greenpoint, Cape Town, with some suspecting his client history is related to the murder.
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Investigators are convinced the international extremist group ISIS could be operating in Durban
A house in Reservoir Hills is alleged to be used as a training facility for terrorists. Eleven men have been arrested and accused of planting explosives in the city. They’re also linked to a murder at the Imam Hussain Shia mosque in May, as well as the kidnapping of a local businessman. Court papers detail..
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The two Coligny farm workers to be sentenced
Sentencing proceedings will begin on Thursday in the case of the two North West farmworkers convicted of murdering 16-year-old Matlhomola Moshoeu.
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Welcome to the new South-Africa where crime is increasing and faith in cops decreasing
The general level of crime as estimated by the Victims of Crime Survey (VOCS) has been declining during the past five years, but increased in 2016/17 and 2017/18, Stats SA said in a statement on Thursday. Statistician-General Risenga Maluleke released the annual survey in Pretoria on Thursday morning. According to the statement, household crimes increased..
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Still, Cyril says everything is ok in SA – Two farm attacks have been reported in the past few hours, where two men who lost their lives
Two farm attacks have been reported in South Africa in the past few hours, with two men who lost their lives. Heidelberg, Gauteng: In the latest incident, a 69-year-old farmer was attacked and killed by five men in Heidelberg, Gauteng. Capt. Police spokesperson Kay Makhubele said the attack took place between 01:00 and 02:00 Wednesday..
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Ramaphosa says that Trump did not have the correct information when he made his statement about land settlement – apparently no land expropriation will take place – Who is he trying to bluff?
With a slick spell of words, Cyril Ramaphosa said in New York that the ANC is gaining support after Jacob Zuma’s state capture incident. According to him, the justice system will call everyone accountable who was part of the biggest shame in the country’s history. Ramaphosa is trying to deceive the world by declaring that..
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The Lesson of South Africa For The West – new Black government fail to stop the murders of whites
WE’VE SPOKEN SEVERAL times about the situation in South Africa — in particular, about the systematic murder of White farmers there by Blacks and the failure of the new Black government to stop the murders.
The slaughter continues. Since I spoke with you about this in June, another 67 White farmers or members of White farm families have been murdered in South Africa. Many of the murders have been accompanied by torture, rape, and mutilation. Altogether nearly six hundred White farmers have been murdered by Blacks in South Africa since the Whites agreed in 1993 to let the Blacks run the country. That’s one per cent of South Africa’s 58,000 White farmers.
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Remembering Stompie: Condemning Winnie Mandela
On the 29th of December 1988, four youths were abducted from the Methodist manse of Reverend Paul Verryn in Soweto by Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s bodyguards, part of the Mandela United Football Club (MUFC), and taken to the Mandela home in Diepkloof.
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Terrorists just wanted to shoot say victim who was injured during farm attack
Me. Sonja Joubert, the girlfriend of Mr. Jasper von Kleist (61) whom was shot in a farm attack, said it did not seem that the terrorists wanted to rob anything but actually just wanted to kill the people on the farm.
Mr. Von Kleist, a foreman on the farm Dale in the Tom Burke area, died after being shot in the upper body. Me. Joubert was shot twice. One shot through her arm and the other through her shoulder.
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KwaZulu-Natal, Still South-Africa’s Biggest Slaughterhouse and Prime Political Killing Field
A report released by the Assassination Witness project reveals that KwaZulu-Natal has entrenched its status as South Africa’s biggest public slaughterhouse.
For much of the 90s the province was the country’s prime political killing field. While political violence remains a major source of revenue for the country’s most prolific contract killers, it is the competitiveness of the taxi industry that keeps the province’s assassins in business these days
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Woman (65) brutally murdered, smallholding, Grobelershoop
The Grobelershoop police in the Northern Cape are investigating a case of murder after the body of a woman (65) was found on her smallholding on Tuesday 27 February 2018.
Captain Jaques September, a police spokesperson, said the body was found in her home at about 14:00 on Tuesday.
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