The six senior members of the ANC’s executive committee met on Monday to discuss a new development from the disgraced Ace Magashule, who has gone to the high court with a semi-urgent application, to have the ANC party’s decision to suspend him as Secretary General, reviewed by the High court.
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Ace Fights Suspension with “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” Court Case Against Ramaphosa and ANC!
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“Rooi Gevaar” Using Corruption to Oust Ramaphosa! Axis of Evil Blaming Cyril for “Mass Epidemic of Looting” Because “He Did Not Act” Against Them!
Communists are masters at the dark art of subterfuge and obfuscating blame, accountability and punishment, and it now seems that the Axis of Evil (ANC, COSATU & SACP) are blaming Cyril for all their corruption & faulures! They want Ramaphosa out, because NDZ & COSATU have joined forces with alliance partners, the SA Communist Party (SACP) and SA National Civic Organisation (SANCO), in pushing for the reconfiguration of the ANC-SACP-Cosatu-Sanco alliance, to get Communists as national leaders. COSATU general secretary Bheki Ntshalintshali said the future of South Africa must be in socialism, not capitalism.
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ANC Cadres Score R70 Billion No Strings Attached IMF Loan That YOU Have to Pay Back!
Communists Love Spending Other People’s Money: Even though corrupt ANC has steered clear of IMF loans thus far, because they require financial transparency and discipline, the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Privilege has allowed the ANC government to get a loan, without an IMF structural adjustment programme, despite the IMF being deeply suspicious of ANC and COSATU. Seizing the opportunity the Corona Virus has afforded them, the ANC grabbed 100% of South Africa’s IMF quota.
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Zuma’s Nkandla is Nothing Compared To Ramaphosa’s Pension Grab! Transnet Pension Debacle 2.0 Will Impoverish Twice More Blacks Than Whites & Will Encourage More Eskom Corruption!
#PensionCapture – As certain as we were told by mainstream media that there were WMD’s in Iraq, Ramaphosa’s proposed pension plunder will also be propagandised into appearing as a good idea by the establishment, who will frogmarch South Africa into allowing them to steal from the many, to give to themselves and their cronies. There are also two silent partners pushing this scheme, namely the banksters, who stand to make serious commissions, and also rescue their bad loans to a bankrupt Eskom, and possibly extend this plunder to other bankrupt parastatals (who they also lent money for), once they have pried open the door to SA’s last pot of gold, and then of course there is the ANC’s ever present shoulder parrot, the South African Communist Party, who is never far.
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#BoycottNews24 Liberal News24 Editor Adriaan Basson Capitulates To ANC / COSATU Plan To Raid Your Pensions To Pay Eskom’s Corruption & Mismanagement & Soweto’s Unpaid Bill!
One of the reasons left wing liberals are called snowflakes is because it does not take much to make them melt and give up any reason or principle, and like a snowflake hitting the warm ground, the controversial far left wing Editor of News24, Adriaan Basson’s feelings towards “thousands of pensioners whose livelihood depends on the GEPF”, quickly melted and turned into a callous “We have run out of money and options – pensions will bail out Eskom”. Seems Adriaan Basson now supports the plan to plunder your pensions!
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BUSTED! Massive R568 Million PIC Plundered From Government Workers Pension For Bare Land, Was To Save Bankrupt Pension Fund For Politicians!
ROBBING PETER (GEPF) TO SAVE PAUL (POLITICIANS) WHO WAS ROBBED TOO. Solidarity trade union has uncovered the reason why PIC approved an obviously fraudulent transaction. They called it right, watch this space. The massive R586 million overpaid by the State monopoly managing the pension fund for government workers (GEPF), the Public Investment Commissioner (PIC), has incriminated themselves and broken all ethics and codes of conduct, such a body should adhere to, when they tried to bailout the bankrupt municipal councillor’s pension fund, the majority of whose members are ANC councilors, it now seems.
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#CelebrityDespots Why Do Black Eskom Workers Love Brain Molefe, Who Helped Guptas Plunder Transnet & Put Eskom R450 BILLION in Debt & Was Paid R2 Million a Month Pension?
AFRICANS LOVE THEIR DESPOTS: Black Eskom Workers who are members of the Government Pension Scheme and the powerful COSATU trade union, are allowing (unwittingly or not) Cosatu to allow the ANC regime to grab R254 Billion from their own pension fund, the GEPF, and they even supported Brian Molefe, ex Eskom CEO, who helped the Guptas put Eskom into R450 Billion debt, with song and dance!
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Breaking News: Framework Document Agreed for SONA Which Will “Voluntarily Mobilize Savings” To Allow ANC & Rothschild’s To Plunder Pension Funds!
The liberal business body BUSA led by Rothschild’s, Trade Union Cosatu and the ANC regime have reached an agreement and have drawn up a framework document which will “voluntarily mobilize savings” like pension funds, to allow ANC, and Rothschild’s no doubt, to raid Public & Private Pensions to bail out Eskom from its R450 Billion self inflicted debt.
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Rothschild & Globalist Big Business Elites in SA Agree With COSATU, To Let ANC Plunder Private & Government Pension Funds, To Bail Out ANC’s Eskom Cash Cow!
#FollowTheMoney How much money have Banksters earned out of the plunder and ransacking of State Owned Enterprises, like Eskom, at the hands of the gangster ANC? Well, you were taught, or rather brainwashed, to think that crony capitalism and champagne socialism were at two opposite ends of the political spectrum? Four things however you can be sure both have in common, is greed, spending other people’s money, lust for power and hording all the assets and wealth into the hands of the few elites. This was proven this week when Corporate elitists in South Africa, under leadership of the Rothschild company in SA, agreed with COSATU (a powerful Trade Union which forms the triumvirate of power in SA, with the ANC & The Communist Party of South Africa), that the ANC government can raid pensions of ordinary people, including the Government Employee’s Pension Fund (GEPF), to bail out Eskom’s debt! Welcome to the dialectic…
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Ramaphosa lets the cat out of the bag: The bad news: ‘Our money’s up’
Ramaphosa acknowledged in parliament on Thursday that South Africa’s financial resources were depleted while the country’s development needs were enormous. He did not say straightforwardly whether he supported “prescribed assets”, he said later, the pension fund industry and other stakeholders needed to talk about using pension fund assets to support the country financially. The country’s..
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Experts say R230bn is not nearly enough to save sinking Eskom and believe leadership leadership and instability is the biggest problem at state entities
During his speech before the SONA the ANC president, Cyril Ramaphosa, said Eskom could not go down and that the state would see to it that there is enough funds available to keep the entity going. According to experts, its R230bn is not enough to save the failed power supplier. Chris Yelland, a well-known energy..
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The ANC targets Reserve Bank mandate, they want a more flexible monetary policy
A review of the SA Reserve Bank mandate features in the ANC’s election manifesto, which brushes off the push for nationalisation, but instead drives for a more flexible monetary policy.
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Investors do not want to invest in SA since our national power provider is so unreliable – Communists now demand the end of load shedding after it has already cost the country billion Rand in recent weeks
ANC, SAKP, Cosatu and Sanco are now demanding the end of load shedding in South Africa. It is ironic that the people in charge of the country, that is, the ruling ANC party, its alliance partner, the SA Communist Party and unionists now demand that the shedding of power must be discontinued. The ANC’s Zizi..
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The Minimum wage bill imminent and are definitely coming, most likely to be effective as from January 2019
BusinessLive reports that according to presidency spokesperson Khusela Diko, the signing into law of the national…….
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South Africa’s labour movements have been sent back to the drawing board
After the presidential jobs summit failed to arrive at an agreement with big business on a moratorium on job cuts.
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