Yet more foreigners have discovered that South Africa is now a dangerous sh*thole and not a safe place to visit, after they were robbed at gunpoint by 2 black males on a Safari farm. Tommaso Bordoni (29) from Belgium and the love of his life Linsey de Waele (25) from the Netherlands came to South Africa for a romantic Valentine’s vacation…
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The Rainbow Nation Turns Romantic Valentine’s Day Holiday into a Nightmare for Dutch Couple as Black Males do Their “Thang”!
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Two Tourists From The Netherlands Shot At in Farm Attack in Buffelsdrift, Pretoria
Two tourists from the Netherlands experienced first hand what what farm attacks are about when they were attacked and shot at during a braai on a smallholding in Buffelsdrift, Pretoria
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On liberalism and identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of the mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society , so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
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THIS Video Will Make ALL South Africans “The Moer In!” – SA has been plundered for an entire century, and still is…
For an ENTIRE Century, South Africa has been the World’s Largest Gold Producer, by far and bar none! SA has also been in the Top Diamond producers. How much is it and where has it all gone?
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Dutch parliament ‘strongly opposes’ ANC’s racist land expropriation plan against white farmers in SA
The Solidarity Movement – which includes trade union Solidarity – said that it welcomed a motion adopted by the Dutch parliament on Thursday that “spoke out strongly” against steps being taken to allow for land expropriation in South Africa. The motion was tabled by Martijn van Helvert of the Christian Democratic Appeal and Kees van..
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Russian Delegation Headed to South Africa to Discuss Resettlement Plan with Oppressed Boers Seeking Asylum (Video)
A Russian delegation is due to come to South Africa to work out a more detailed resettlement plan with the Boer community. The first families of Boers, descendants of Dutch, French and German settlers in South Africa, could soon be moving to Russia to escape farm murders, anti-white racism and rising violence against farmers. An estimated 15,000 Boers want to leave South Africa and become farmers in Russia.
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‘De Volkskrant – Netherlands ‘The Silent War In South Africa Is Fed By A Corrupt Government
Protest tegen de plaasmoorde bij het Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria, Oktober 30Protes against the farm murders at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria, October 30th. The Government Turns A Blind Eye To The Fate Of The Farmers (Translation – The original article is shown below) The Netherlands, the first in the fight against apartheid, must now protest against..
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Eventually they woke up in the Netherlands – Now how about the rest of the world ?
Links Nederland zwijgt als het graf, sinds afschaffing Apartheid Massamoord in Zuid Afrika van bijna half miljoen mensen Bijna een half miljoen mensen zijn door moord omgekomen in Zuid Afrika sinds de afschaffing van de Apartheid in 1994. Na de vrijlating van Mandela werd er op de wereld door alle linkse mensen feest gevierd, omdat..
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Coerced Political Correctness Wins Dutch Election, Scatters Cucked Voters in All PC Directions
In an election that was much anticipated by concerned patriots and watched by the international press, as a benchmark to gauge the strength of the Patriotic Spring, which was started last year by BRexit and Trump, it appears the forces of overt political correctness with their mainstream media cronies, as well as a slice of..
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Could Geert Wilders be heading to a 2-3% victory in Dutch Elections? SA-News thinks so.
The parliamentary election in the Netherlands today may well be decided by the undecided voters of yesterday. While the final polls, done on Tuesday, had the VVD in a solid lead, closely followed by the PVV and CDA, two thirds of Dutch voters hadn’t yet decided who they will vote for at that time, according..
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SA-News predicts a Trump win for the same reasons as BRexit won. Independence Day 2.0
SA-News predicts a Trump win for the same reasons as BRexit won. Globalism kills and people secretly don’t want it. Embrace the change. The similarities between BRexit and this year’s American Presidential Election are striking. They were both about the Establishment versus the people. In fact all general elections, in the West at least, will..
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No black person is a rightful owner of the land on the European Continent so it must be returned
No black person is a rightful owner of the land on the European Continent so the land must be returned to Europeans “This is our continent it belongs to us. We want our land. It must come with everything. The land comes with the sea. The sea belongs to us. The fish in the sea..
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Netherlands Closing 19 Prisons Due To Lack Of Criminals And They Now Become Welcoming Homes For Refugees
In 2009, the Dutch justice ministry announced the planned closing of eight prisons in the Netherlands due to a declining crime rate which was expected to continue. In 2013, a staggering 19 prisons were scheduled to be closed. This is caused, in part, by a continued decline in crime rates. Additionally, those who are convicted..
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