#AntiWhitism Not only does Ramaphosa want to break the “natural order of things” like a good marxist, he has made it clear BBBEE Affirmative Action defines South Africa and is not only here to stay, but will be extended! Having been given his billions on a silver platter, just because he is black, he now want to use his weaseling ability of profiteering by racebaiting, to extend the gravy train and make black privilege and black supremacy the norm in South Africa. If you are white, or a minority the writing is undeniably on the wall. ANC has been in charge of everything, that Ramaphosa complains about, for a quarter century, yet STILL he complains?
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VIDEO: Lying DRAMAphosa Blames SA Whites for Domestic Violence & George Floyd! BBBEE & AA Defines South Africa & is Here to Stay!
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#BlackPrivilege ABSA Lets Black Manager Keep Both Jobs After Extreme Racism, Yet Whites Lose Jobs & Get Jail for Lesser Comments!
INTERNET DOES NOT FORGET: Nearly two years ago SA-News reported on Neo Mongwaketse, an Absa Manager who posted on Facebook that “Your white sh*t arrogance lead to that torture and for white like you, I feel no pity”. This post started trending again on google search this week, so we decided to do an update, especially since he still has his TWO jobs, despite an internal review! This is double standards at its best in South-Africa. It seems that only a certain race has the privilege to freedom of speech, hate speech and racism, but if you are white you lose or job and even go to jail for making similar comments
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VIDEO: #WhitePrivilege Does not Exist but #BlackPrivilege Does! #BLM & BBBEE Affirmative Action is Doing More Harm Than Good to Blacks!
LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD: Does Chinese Privilege exist in China? Does Indian Privilege exist in India? Does Nigerian Privilege Exist in Nigeria? Black Privilege does however exist in Western countries as well as black countries! Affirmative action has become an imperialist means of conquest and supremacy aimed at turning all countries into black countries. How long does affirmative action go on for? At what stage will “compensation”, “retribution” or “revenge” have been achieved? How much must be given? Entire countries? With systemic, institutional and structural black privilege already deeply built into every aspect of daily life, all we have achieved was to make anti-white racism systemic, institutional and structural in our societies!
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ANC Using #Covid19SA to Justify Plans to “Discipline Private Sector”, Nationalise Pensions & Plunder Central Bank Reserves in “Radical Transformation”!
THE STATE CAPTURE TO END ALL CAPTURES: True to their word, the ANC’s Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma (NDZ) are using the extended CCP-virus lockdown, as a cover to propose changes to the Pension law in order to grab pensions for massive redistribution of wealth, and tender fraud on a scale never seen before! Né Cyril? We should have known. The ANC is coming for your pensions with it’s promised radical transformation, turning the country into a fully communist, totalitarian and fascist black supremacist hellhole. In short they are throwing more wood under the pot in which they are slowly boiling the white minority frogs. Lots and lots of wood.
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Its Too Early to Tell if Lockdown Saved Lives but ANC & FakeNews24 Run With it Anyway to Justify Their Record Profits and Extreme Powers!
If there is one thing ALL governments, especially Socialist regimes are good at, it is making you think you owe them something and should be grateful to them. Socialist regimes can only achieve this with complicit mainstream media and yesterday was fear mongering and fake news day over at News24, where they posted two articles that look intentional to hype up fear, before Ramaphosa’s speech, to try to get people to support and be grateful for the ANC and its indefinite lockdown. This should be no surprise as NASPERS, the owners of News24 have made record profits from us being stuck at home using the internet, in SA and in China, where NASPERS are also financially dependent on the Chinese Communist Party’s favour, with more than half of their 130 Billion dollar company valuation based in China!
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How China, the #CCPvirus and NASPERS Sent South African Stocks Index to Record Highs in April Despite Lockdown!
The Rich Get Richer: Is it any wonder NASPERS was able to “donate” 1 Billion worth of Chinese made testing kits and PPE to South Africa, after unprecedented demand for online services and entertainment during the Covid-19 lockdowns, firstly in China when the CoronaVirus started, and now in SA, saw a scramble for safe investments, which helped grow NASPERS profits, and set South African stocks on course for a record April month! The benchmark index in Johannesburg is up 14% in April, the most in any month since Bloomberg began tracking the gauge in 1995. Most South Africans do not realise the extent of China’s influence on South Africa even though millions of South Africans have a financial stake in the growing intolerance of criticism by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Government.
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“A Clean Slate” Boasts Ramaphosa? COVID-19 is Corrupt & Inept ANC’s Get Out of Jail Free Card, but They are Plundering and Messing That Up Too!
The ANC and black elites act like COVID-19 is the best thing to happen to them since this first world country, then the largest economy in Africa, was just handed to them on a silver platter, like a massive lottery win. The ANC regime are actively using COVID19 to not only cover up all their clumsy failures since then, but also to hide all their crimes over the last 3 decades. However their Covid19 response will be just another big failure for them, and is already rife with crime and corruption! In fact they like it so much Health Minister Mkhize said Covid19 will be with us for another two years and Cyril even joked a few weeks ago that lockdown will last till next year!
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VIDEO: When Will Black South Africans Take Off Their BBBEE Nappy & Abolish Expropriation Without Compensation Too? “Freedom for Some is Freedom for None”
#FreedomDay When Will Black South Africans Take off Their BBBEE Nappy? When will black South Africans grow up and be free? In his usual racist Freedom Day rant, #RacistPhosa admitted just how far South Africa is from being a free country. In fact it begs the question: At what stage will black South Africans no longer be kept in a protected crib and artificially supported and sustained by racist ANC policies like BBBEE? No black person in SA can really feel sure that they actually achieved what they have by themselves.
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Ramaphosa, ANC & Abdool Karim Want To Flatten the Economy, NOT The Curve, Because The Party & Socialism are More Important Than The Economy! COVID19: Converting Capitalism to Socialism…
#CommunistVirus The CoronaVirus presents an existential threat in SA, but to who? After the landmark presentation with Salim Abdool Karim last week, we were left with a feeling that something was not right. Now this is normal whenever it comes to anything to do with the ANC regime, but it is usually quite obvious. As the infection numbers come in everyday I have realised the problem. Karim has inexplicably pegged the return to semi or normal life at a very low, impossible threshold. In fact he says so himself when he admits that we cannot escape the Covid19 epidemic and that the curve will increase. He is right, the CCPvirus is here to stay and like the flu, we will all have to come to terms with it sooner or later. Obviously later, with the benefit of a vaccine would be preferable, but 80% of us will survive just fine without one.
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Apartheid 2.0 – Black Supremacist ANC Implements Racist Criteria for Government COVID-19 Assistance, Despite Calling it Fake News! DA & Afriforum Will Fight This Race Based Aid!
The ANC regime has announced a racial framework for government COVID-19 assistance, the possibly of which they previously called fake news! The DA and Afriforum say they will fight against these BEE based measures, after two State departments have come out with a strict racial classification to determine which lucky South Africans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic will get financial assistance.
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“Say You Want to Kill Off 95% of The World” – News24 Spreads Fake News, Panic & Conspiracy Theories (Again) About CoronaVirus Vaccine & Bill Gates in Africa – Adriaan Basson Forced To Apologise!
For all those dedicated yet misled subscribers and supporters of mainstream media who think their favourite daily news platform is never wrong, here is a whopper. NEWS24 (NASPERS) even issued an apology to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for their fake “Africa vaccine” story on 2020-04-05 at 22:22 – But this was not the first time they deliberately spread virus panic and fear…
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#WinterCometh COVID-19 aka CCPvirus Far More Widespread Than ANC Stats Claim & Could Require Longer or Second #Lockdown in Winter!
WILL CCP VIRUS KILL ANC VIRUS? While the West, with its liberal indulgence & open borders is currently being punished very hard for this “progressiveness”, as SA-News predicted a few weeks ago, China would be the best case scenario for the CCPvirus, because China is a technological yet totalitarian controlled society and the outside world can only guess at the true figure of infections & deaths in a country with 1.4 Billion people, which is about the same as the whole of Africa! As we predicted, the CCPvirus is likely about to wreak absolute havoc in Africa, and the very thin layer of ANC control is about to be exposed, revealing the fact that their influence over their people, is only as thin as the paper money they use to bribe and buy votes with grants.
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While Ramaphosa is panicking trying to clean up China’s mess in SA, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
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#RamaphosaLies Solidarity Lodges Complaint With Human Rights Commission Against Racist ANC’s Race Based Solidarity Disaster Fund For COVID-19 Mitigation!
“CoronaVirus Knows No Borders or Nationalities” Ramaphosa said. He Lied. As we predicted, the Chinese CoronaVirus crisis is just another opportunity for ANC gangsters to enforce its racial black supremacist quota ideology, and fill their own and their crony’s pockets. The ANC released its racial classification guidelines for aid to small business under the CoronaVirus economic lockdown, after calling it fake news that only black small businesses will be assisted. They lied. It is definitely NOT fake news that race will play a roll, when it comes to the granting of official assistance to small business people during the lockdown period. Race WILL play a roll and this is why Solidarity announced they have laid a complaint in this regard with the Human Rights Commission.
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Rupert & Oppenheimer Give R1 Billion Each to Fight CoronaVirus – Why Aren’t Super Rich BEE Enabled Black Businessmen Giving Too?
THE GRAVE COST TO THE ECONOMY – It seems the white industrialists are aware how Corona will affect their own bottom line, and have stepped up to the plate to protect their consumer driven interests (and get a tax break), but why have the many super rich black businessmen created by BEE & corruption not done the same? Or super rich trade unions like COSATU? Does the economy not affect them? No, their profit is not based on sales and consumers, it comes from BBEEE & Government grants, tenders and corruption, so as long as the ANC is in power, their taxpayer powered gravy train steams on and the CoronaVirus will just be another money stealing opportunity, with the begging bowl to the West which they hate so much.
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