SOUR GRAPES: A prime grape farm that once produced 30,000 – 40,000 boxes of export grapes, now lies in total ruins after the owner, Pieter Naude of the Denau Farm in De Doorns, gave the prime grape farm Alpha, away to 250 of his workers in a workers trust (communist collective farm) back in 2010. Mr Naude then also trained 2 managers for the farm and for the first 5 years, Mr Naude’s business also did Alpha farm’s books. What was this farmer thinking? Did he really believe that communism can work, or was it just pure greed, because The Western Cape provincial government carried the entire running costs of Alpha farm for the first 2 years. That is R 2 million that they got for free, but as we should know by now, all the free stuff communists promise you, is never really free and comes with very harsh strings attached!
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Video: White Grape Farmer Helps Farm Workers Destroy Once Prosperous Grape Farm With BBBEE – Communism Consumes The Golden Goose!
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VIDEO: White Cross in Memory of Murdered Farmers Burnt (Necklaced) & Called a “Hate Sign” by Radical MadibengFM Presenter!
#TurningWhiteIntoBlack – The desecrater of the white cross memorial for Farm Murders was identified in the video as extremist Madibeng FM 105.3FM presenter Nick Motloung. Knowing black people can do no wrong in SA, he even callously confirmed his actions to local newspaper Kormorant, admitting that it was him who set the white wooden cross, which was erected to honor people murdered on farms, alight on the R511 in Brits by putting a burning tyre on it. The tyre was used deliberately, not only as it was the weapon of choice for Winnie Mandela, to burn black people alive who do not become extremists too, but also, as was mentioned in the video, to turn the white cross black!
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According to experts, Telkom has approximately 4,500 excess staff who are believed to have a direct impact on the profitability of the entity
The government as Telkom’s largest shareholder has called for an urgent meeting to discuss the company’s plan for retrenching thousands of redundant workers. Earlier last week, Telkom announced its intention to lay off about 3,000 workers, which is a fifth of its total workforce. The Department of Communications and Digital Technology has announced that Minister..
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Farmer Cyril is also affected by poor economic conditions – 22 of his 46 workers are laid off
SA’s poor economic situation led to Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa also caught up with, like many other farmers in the country and is now forced to retrench some of his workers. Ramaphosa, who farms with Ankole cattle on his farm Ntaba Nyoni Estate near Badplaas in Mpumalanga, is the largest ankole breeder in SA as well..
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Corrupt NSFAS officials steal students’ money and rob young South Africans of their opportunities for a better life
Three workers employed at the National Financial Assistance Scheme (NSFAS) were arrested on Wednesday on fraud charges. According to dr. Randall Carolissen, NSFAS’s executive administrator, they are all situated the Wynberg office in Cape Town and allegedly paid student allowances into their own bank accounts. Carolissen said the three allegedly requested payment from applicants so..
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Tighter measures put in place to accelerate transformation – whites now become target of ANC regime
The government announced through the Minister of Labor, Thulas Nxesi, that “tough” measures will now be put in place so that radical transformation in the workplace can take place faster. New legislation will be introduced to compel employees to transform otherwise they will be punished. Workers and activists will apparently ensure that transformation takes place,..
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Parmalat joined a growing list of private sector companies embarking on restructuring that could leave hundreds of its workers jobless
The company announced a process to change it’s distribution model first in January and its implementation began in the middle of May. According to the company, the new model involved partially outsourcing components of its logistics distribution network to an external provider. Distribution services in Polokwane, Nelspruit, Bloemfontein, Upington and George have already been outsourced..
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Employees of thirty municipalities may not receive salaries due to a shortage of funds – caused by lack of skill of councils and mismanagement of funds
It appears that thirty municipalities do not have enough funds to pay their workers at the end of June. This causes medical aid, pension contributions and other policies to fall in arrears and workers are at risk of discontinuing benefits from providers. The latest report shows that municipalities struggle with debt over billions of rand’s..
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State-owned Denel has cash flow problems and can only pay workers a portion of their salaries
Denel said that they could only pay employees 85% of their salaries for the work done in the month of June. Group Chief Executive Officer, Danie du Toit said in a statement, “The management of Denel is working tirelessly to ensure that delayed portions of salaries will be reimbursed to employees as soon as possible.”..
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Striking Personnel of National Curator Park dispels tourists and causes serious drawbacks for industry
Tourists visiting the once famous Kruger National Park were asked to be patient at their arrival and stay as some staff members are on strike. This is not the first time the Park has been experiencing difficulties with labourers, but the current strike seems to have serious drawbacks for the industry. Unconfirmed reports say international..
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MultiChoice plans to cut 2,194 jobs – Seems like the pay channel is losing revenue after the Ghoema and Steve Hofmyer debacle
MultiChoice may retrench over 2,000 employees in its call centres and walk-in customer service centres, according to a statement from the ICTU trade union. ICTU spokesperson Thabang Mothelo told MyBroadband that the plan was put in place without the union being consulted, and they are convening urgent meetings to address the issue. In a statement..
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Mining groups lay down workers due to heavy financial losses, SA economy troublesome while unemployment rate continues to rise
The Sibanye-Stillwater mining group retrenched 3,450 of its workforce in gold mines, which is nearly half the number expected. An updated report on the reduction of its workforce, especially the Beatrix and Driefontein gold mines, points out that the decision was necessary after the five-month strike after consensus was reached on retrenchments. Only one shaft..
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Why must it always be a black and white thing? – SATAWU strike against salary differences between black and white mariners will shut down Transnet ports across SA
The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu) said on Tuesday its members would shut down the country’s ports on Thursday as part of a strike against salary discrepancies between black and white mariners. Negotiations between the union and the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) collapsed this week. If the strike goes ahead it..
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South African Municipal Workers’ Union goes after corrupt officials for plundering R88m from workers’ coffers
The embattled South African Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) said on Wednesday that it has mandated its national office bearers to open criminal cases against other persons and companies involved in stealing money from the union account. This as Samwu confirmed that the workers’ coffers had been plundered of almost R88 million in just three years..
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Estimated 5 000 workers to lose their jobs at Tongaat Hulett in KZN as property giant restructures its business, its not known whether restructuring will be BEE compliant
The sugar and property giant is the largest employer on the lower North Coast and one of the largest in the province. An estimated 5 000 workers are set to lose their jobs as South African agriculture and property giant Tongaat Hulett restructures its business, North Coast Courier reports. The beleaguered company would not confirm..
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