Like in South Africa, where the simple maintenance and upkeep of a fully functioning infrastructure seems to be a challenge to African regimes, Zimbabwe who was once a powerhouse in Southern Africa, has been reduced to asking its neighbours to commission new power plants to supply Zimbabwe, as it seems it cannot even commission its own power plants anymore.
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Decolonised Zimbabwe Begging Neighbours for Electricity to Stop Daily 12 Hour Blackouts!
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Did Tobacco Giant BAT Give Mugabe Up to $500,000 to Release Their Private Spies in 2012? – Leaked Documents
According to documents seen by the BBC program ‘Panorama’, British American Tobacco’s (BAT) private spies were caught spying on Savanna Tobacco’s factory, in Zimbabwe in 2012. After paying for talks with high-ranking Zanu PF members, about a donation of up to half a million dollars, the 3 spies were released. BAT is the manufacturer of Lucky Strike cigarettes and is one of the largest companies in the UK, where the multinational tobacco monopoly is headquartered in London.
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Solidarity Taking Sisulu to Court to Stop Racist & Illegal Importation of Cuban Engineers!
The Solidarity trade union has announced that they are continuing with a court application to force the minister of Water Affairs, Lindiwe Sisulu, to cancel her planned import of 24 Cuban water engineers, into South Africa at a cost of R65 million, especially since it was revealed that Sisulu refused to appoint qualified white engineers who have applied for the posts, simply because they were white.
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If You’re White, You’re Out! Lindiwe Sisulu Admits Refusing to Hire White Engineers in Place of Cubans Because They Are White!
It seems ANC Ministers have taken their cue from fellow Socialist radicals in the West, as they are no longer shy to admit their anti-white racism. Lindiwe Sisulu, ANC’s minister of Water Affairs, has admitted that white suitably qualified and experienced water engineers have applied for the posts, to which she just imported and appointed 24 Cubans, but that she refused to appoint the white applicants on the basis of them being white. However, having signed the agreement with Cuba for 26 water engineers more than a year ago, (see statement below), she had a handy excuse, so why the racism?
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Extreme Savage Violence in Black-on-White Attacks & Murders, Debunks “Economic Crime” Lie! Bantu Want to Kill, Not Steal!
WHERE IS “UBUNTU”? Given the centuries long history of brutality by the nguni bantu in Southern Africa, against themselves and others, LONG BEFORE APARTHEID, it goes without saying that all modern day victims of this savagery, would gladly just let them take whatever they want, without ANY resistance! So why the over the top extreme brutality for mere trinkets or phones? Clearly “normal crime” is NOT the motive! In yet another black-on-white atrocity in Pretoria, which mainstream will ignore, a man’s head was beaten to a pulp, while his brave wife had to run straight through a glass sliding door to escape the brutality and get help! All just for a ring? In another incident in Brits, an innocent 22 year young white man was callously stabbed to death by FIVE black attackers, for nothing!
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“Fighters Attack” Commander in Chief, Malema Calls All “Ground Forces” to Attack! Farm Murderers Have Been “Crushing Whiteness” For Centuries!
#Bulala amaBhulu! Few realise it yet, but yesterdays events in Senekal were a watershed moment, but sadly already more farmers were murdered today, making the Afrikaner Boers even more THE MOER IN! Shockingly, Julius Malema, who has yet to deny Carte Blanche’s question of his involvement in farm murders, has chosen to escalate the tense situation, and used his Twitter account with 3.2 Million followers, to call out his “ground forces”, by commanding “Fighters attack”, at the court cases of these farm murderers! Does Julius have an illegal private army? Court cases of farm murders will no longer be a formality, but will now become the new battleground, for which TWO dates of potential battles have already been set for Delmas (13th) and Bronkhorstspruit (9th), with farmers vowing mass peaceful protests. However the mainstream’s conspiracy of silence will continue to demonise whites and underplay the eternal black on white war in Southern Africa, whether it be on farms or in the cities or suburbs. Bantu have preyed on White Farmers for two centuries, stealing their livestock, plundering, murdering and raping in a permanent war of consumption, attrition and race, but it is only in modern times that sinister forces have sought to harness that deadly, primitive evil within the negro/bantu, for their own supremacist purposes, far beyond Malema’s little attention seeking rants…
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SA is one of 8 states threatened by famine – All the more reason for competent governance!
South Africa is one of several states in Southern Africa that are among the 45 million people who will face famine in the coming winter months. The eight states, of which Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Namibia, Lesotho, Malawi and possibly Botswana are experiencing drought conditions while the economic conditions are also worrisome, have led the..
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Close Call: Tiny Asteroid Discovered by NASA on Saturday Disintegrates Only Hours Later Over Southern Africa (Video)
A boulder-sized asteroid designated 2018 LA was discovered Saturday morning, June 2, and was determined to be on a collision course with Earth, with impact just hours away. Because it was very faint, the asteroid was estimated to be only about 6 feet (2 meters) across, which is small enough that it was expected to safely disintegrate in Earth’s atmosphere. Saturday’s asteroid was first discovered by the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey, located near Tucson and operated by the University of Arizona…
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