During a meeting of the Gauteng community safety committee, the FF Plus proposed that all firearms belonging to ANC safety structures be fitted with a microchip.
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FF+ Requests Microchips for Weapons of ANC Security Structures & Police After 279 Weapons go Missing
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Police Find Nothing, Then 5 Armed Black Men Strike! Young Dad Of 6 Dies In Hospital After He Was Shot 6 Times In Home Invasion!
Police had barely left when there were armed black attackers in their kitchen! Either the terrorists are not afraid of police, or the police are complicit? Gerald van Jaarsveld (32) was shot six times by black attackers during the house invasion in Brakpan, on 29 July 2021. He then fought bravely for his life for 2 weeks, in the Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital, but lost his battle for survival and died at the hospital on Saturday morning, August 14, after contracting an infection in the hospital. Sadly this is nothing new, we are experiencing a silent genocide disguised as ordinary crime and poor service delivery.
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Ramaphosa’s Cadre Deployment Destroyed South Africa! DA Seeks Debate Because ANC Itself Doesn’t Know Which Cadre was Deployed Where!
#EndCadreDeployment – The official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), wrote to the Acting Speaker of the National Assembly, Lechesa Tsenoli, calling for a Parliamentary debate on the socialist cadre deployment program, implemented by the African National Congress (ANC), because they believe it led to the collapse of the state. They stressed this request is a matter of national importance.
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300 Cellphones Stolen in Broad Daylight by Armed Robbers with No Police in Sight!
This week SA-News.com reported that the police have asked the public to secure themselves and today we report on a huge robbery that took place in broad daylight in a shopping Mall. Where are the police? Do businesses need to secure themselves as well?
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SAPS Detectives Ask People to Protect Themselves at Home after Armed Robbers Smash Through Glass Door. What is the SAPS’ Task Then?
Just sitting and watching TV is dangerous these days, and do not expect SAPS to worry about your safety, on the contrary, they advise people to protect themselves! A family in Theesecombe was watching TV at the weekend, when armed home invaders burst through the glass door, to gain access to the house, and rob them.
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Even in Prison, Zuma is too Sick for his Trial. He has Apparently been ill since 2014 due to Poisoning Confirmed by Russia!
Correctional services have stated that Zuma is still in hospital, so it remains to be seen whether Jacob Zuma will attend his corruption trial on the arms deals, which will be heard in the Pietermaritzburg High Court today.
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Farm Attack: Farmer Shot Twice From Behind for No Apparent Reason, Except Possibly Due to the Target ANC & EFF Have Put on his Back?
A farmer from the farm Xaxaba, Beestekraal, adjacent to Dikhololo near Brits, in Northwest province, is in a serious condition in hospital after he was shot twice in a farm attack on Wednesday evening 5 May, 2021. It was the second time he was attacked this year.
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Racebaiting Prosecutor from #CoffinDuo Court Case, Robert Molokoane, Leads #Dirkiesdorp Case! Coincidence?
Is it a coincidence that the same prosecutor, who at the time prosecuted the so called CoffinDuo cases against Theo Jackson and Willem Oosthuizen, where political parties also turned the story into a big race card story and media circus, is now also handling the #Dirkiesdorp case?
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31 Prisoners Freed from Prison Transport by Armed Gang – 20 Still on the Run in Kwazulu-Natal!
Inside Job? Police in KwaZulu-Natal have launched a manhunt for 20 awaiting trial prisoners still at large, who escaped from a transfer truck this morning in Pietermaritzburg. Five armed suspects with AK47’s stopped and blocked the vehicle. Police say the transport vehicle, which was being escorted by only two SAPS officers, was carrying 45 inmates who escaped, but 25 inmates are now back in custody.
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Did Vusi Shongwe, MEC of Mpumalanga’s Remarks After Dirkiesdorp Shooting, Contribute to Bloody Double Farm Murder Near Nelspruit?
Mpumalanga Agri, who took note with great sadness of the tragic death of two peace-loving people, on a farm near Nelspruit on Saturday evening 24 April, strongly condemned the latest attack and murder of farm dwellers. In a statement, Mpumalanga Agri questioned the controversial remarks of Mpumalanga MEC for community safety, Mr. Vusi Shongwe, regarding the incident on 9 April at Pampoen-kraal, Dirkiesdorp, which could possibly have contributed to the motivation regarding the barbaric and bloody murder of the defenseless mother, Annemarie Botha (64) and her son Ruan.
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Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Slams EFF & ANC Regime for Increased Censorship & Authoritarianism During Covid19 Pandemic!
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have released their annual report on Press Freedom, citing a “dramatic deterioration” in press freedom globally, during the pandemic, citing THREE TIMES more arrests & attacks in Africa. It accused the EFF & ANC regime in South Africa of abusing Apartheid-era legislation and terrorism laws to limit coverage of government institutions, falsely claiming “national interest” to be at risk. The report says ANC state security agencies spy on some journalists and tap their phones, while some are harassed and subjected to intimidation or smear campaigns if they try to cover certain subjects, involving the African National Congress regime (ANC), its government finances, the redistribution of white owned land without compensation to blacks or corruption.
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#Dirkiesdorp – Farmer’s Version of Piet Retief Shooting Shows Police Just Wanted to Lock Up Boers with Malicious & One-Sided Investigation!
Self Defense: Tensions are high in Piet Retief where businesses and schools are closed after protestors threatened violent mass action, despite an interview with the farmers themselves revealing the extremely flawed and one-sided investigation by the Police, after the shooting incident at Dirkiesdorp, Mpumalanga, where 2 black protesters, the Coka brothers, were shot dead on April 9. SA-News reported last week that the police had lied, and the Rapport investigation also showed that the Police issued a totally false statement to the media, after the wrongful arrest of 4 local farmers. It is these false claims by protestors which the mainstream media pounced on, and misused to incite racial hatred against whites.
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VIDEO: A Year Ago You Thought Ramaphosa was Joking When he Said he Would Extend Lockdown for a Whole Year? NEVER Underestimate the Evil of Socialism!
WAS IT ALL PLANNED? A year ago, when Ramaphosa announced that lockdown would last till 16 April, he joked privately with some friends on a video call, that he meant the lockdown would last till April 16 next year (2021)! It is very scary that he was even aware of such a thing being possible… was it all planned in advance? To be joking about something that had the whole nation and world gripped in fear, seemed very callous and out of place at the time, but clearly he was aware of something we were not… who briefed him on the plan?
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Brave Family Fight For Their Lives on Valentines Day! Lucky to be Alive After Sending Heavily Armed Home Invaders Packing!
Some people are prepared and willing to fight back, as this brave Dad, Mom and Daughter proved, sending heavily armed attackers packing, after a life and death struggle. The family from Pretoria reacted quickly and fought back when surprised by home invaders, but are lucky to be alive, with a bullet grazing the man’s head. Sadly these types of home invasion attacks are happening daily now and it is important to take note of, learn lessons, plan and take precautionary measures, because you never know when it is your family’s turn to be attacked. At the end of this report are some safety tips, so please read and start your planning today.
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#ForeverALegend Dieter Grabie Died Saving His Friend – Our Heroes Are Being Killed For Nothing in the Rainbow AbomiNation!
Brave Dieter Grabie ( 21) from Brits died as a selfless hero, another victim of the daily black-on-white attacks and murders in South Africa. Dieter kept his promise from schooldays in 2008, to protect his buddy Chris Malan, when he pulled his friend away from a knife attack but was stabbed instead. This courageous young man should never be forgotten by us, and like Brendin Horner and so many others, he should always be remembered and serve as encouragement to us to fight back harder, against the slow genocide on the white minority in South Africa.
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