The portfolio committee on Justice and Correctional Services in the SA parliament has called for public comment on the updated Prevention of Hate Speech and Hate Crime Bill, which is intended to impose proper punishment on the said crimes. The new definition of “hate crime” is when someone harms another person with remarks or insulting remarks. Harm is defined as any emotional, psychological, physical, social, or economic harm. So according to the new Bill, it will be a crime to promote and advertise BBBEE. It will also be a crime to sing Kill The Boer Kill The Farmer, or threaten to take someone’s land, as most certainly that causes great emotional harm, trauma and distress.
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BBBEE & Land Claims Will be Hate Crimes Under Stricter Definition of Hate Crime in ANC’s Updated Parliamentary Bill
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ANC Socialists Successfully Make Another 1.5 Million People Unemployed, Making Them Dependent on ANC Welfare Grants! Communism 101
The CCPvirus remains the gift that keeps giving for large corporations and anti small business communists the world over, especially in South Africa where another 1.5 Million people have become unemployed. From “big box” big name retailers who are making record profits selling online, and having their small business competition permanently put out of business in lockdowns, to despotic socialist regimes like the ANC, who want more people dependent on them for welfare handouts, so they can control every aspect of their lives (and coerce them to vote ANC). However demand for welfare and emergency funds are high, with stiff competition from corrupt ANC cadres and thieves making away with large portions of the emergency loan funds already!
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Vandals tear R6.6m car wash apart, Tshwane spokesperson blames the weather
A multimillion-rand car wash project owned by the city of Tshwane which was meant to create jobs for the youth of Mamelodi and invigorate the economy of the township, has descended into dilapidation. SowetanLIVE reported that the Reitiretse integrated vehicle washing facility in Mamelodi west has been stripped by criminals, before it even opened its..
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Ramaphose’s dreams on new job creation opportunities are not taken seriously – bigotry and mismanagement go hand in hand amidst the ANC-regime
With the announcement of President Cyril Ramaphosa that a new business venture in Pretoria would lead to the creation of 6,700 new jobs, no one really got excited. Even the credit rating agency didn’t care, because nothing could make the nearly 30 million unemployed cheer as a drop in the bucket. Of course, there will..
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ANC-regime’s jobs summit promised a lot but delivered very little
South Africa recently hosted a Jobs Summit that brought key stakeholders –government, business and labour – under one roof to find better ways of tackling the country’s stubbornly high unemployment rate. Anchored by the country’s President Cyril Ramaphosa in his new broom sweeps clean posture, the summit promised a lot but delivered very little substance…
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Basa: Nhlanhla Nene fears worsening ‘jittery’ markets
Uncertainty over the future of Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene is leaving markets jittery, in a development the Banking Association of South Africa (Basa) has described as “unfortunate”.
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New drug approved:- Cipla’s new triple-combination antiretroviral drug approved
The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has approved Cipla’s latest first-line triple-combination antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for HIV.
The new combination medicine commonly referred to as TLD, is a combination of tenofovir (TDF), lamivudine (3TC) and dolutegravir (DTG).
In future, TLD will be manufactured at Cipla’s facilities in Durban and Uganda, reinforcing Cipla’s commitment to produce medicines in Africa for Africa and ensuring more affordable treatment for patients.
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Head of Manufacturing for Cipla South Africa, Ajay Kumar Pal, said the reason for the new formulation complexity related to the three different processes required for the three active pharm
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This is what Malusi has to say about the 2018 Budget
For the first time in 25 years, the South African government will hike up Value-Added Tax (VAT) in a bid to fund the gaping hole in the national budget.
With tax collection falling short by R48-billion, compounded by former president Jacob Zuma’s announcement of fee-free higher
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