Members of parliament accuse Eskom of holding SA hostage and trying to enforce money from taxpayers who are already suffering from the heavy debt of the ANC government

ANC-government to open state-owned pharmaceutical company – the idea of this is terrifying since we are all aware of the lack of skill government officials has not to mention a treasury that is lacking funding – How on earth will this move be sustainable?

ANC regime announces that experts from Italy have been called in to restore poor service to Eskom, while South Africa is swarming with extremely capable whites who can do the job

‘Horrifying Cruelty By The ANC – South Africans endure pain, suffering and neglect at Robert Sobukwe Hospital

BREAKING NEWS:- Limpopo farmer, Johan Kruger, was murdered Friday morning on his farm in Alldays

Horrific photos from the children’s ward in a provincial hospital in Mpumalanga, Middelburg

South Africa is in shambles since ANC- regime is totally incompetent to work with money, spending more than R296 million of taxpayers money unnecessarily over the last five years

Yes4Youth: Non whites only – Blatant ANC government racism in South Africa

Land settlement without compensation will take place regardless of whether or not South Africans, Donald Trump or the United Nations General Assembly like it or not

Trump has caused quite a stir amongst the Libs in SA with his recent Tweet

Farm attacks has surged following the ANC’s announcement of land expropriation without compensation

SA health system was better under apartheid, says Malema