With just a few clicks you can send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even! With domestic offices all over, delivering flowers and gifts on time is never a problem
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China Testing Sinovac Vaccine on SA Children – Offers SinoVac Packaging Facility in SA as Sweetener!
Although the Chinese CoronaVac vaccine has not been fully approved or used in South Africa, SA is included with other third world countries in the Phase III trials of Sinovac’s coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine on children and adolescents. The launch of the South African leg was recently held in Pretoria, South Africa, where approximately 2,000 children and adolescents from six months to 17 years will be enrolled, to test the safety and efficacy of the CoronaVac vaccine, although results from trials so far only show 50% effectiveness. The trials will test 14,000 children worldwide in Chile, the Philippines, Malaysia, Kenya and South Africa.
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African Union Playing Vaccine Victim Again Despite “Rich Countries” Having EIGHT Times More Covid Deaths per Million Population!
The European Union’s African Union has declared that “rich countries” should stop storing Covid vaccines, to use for future boosters, which do not yet appear to be necessary, but should rather give them to Africa. Of course, AU is once again playing the begging bowl race card, that Africa is the eternal victim, in order to get things for free again, however the truth is that Africa has come off pretty light from the whole pandemic, despite all the mainstream fear-mongering and propaganda. The truth is that Africa has only a fraction of the Covid deaths that Europe and USA have.
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Huge March Against “Vaccine Passports” in Amsterdam Draws 100,000 Protesters from Across the Political Spectrum!
People from across the political spectrum took to the streets of Amsterdam on Sunday to protest against the proposed vaccine passports by the Dutch government. The protest was so large that roads in the the city centre were blocked for miles, but all the mainstream media in the Netherlands tried to ignore or diminish the protest. Some claimed that it was only 10,000 far-right extremists, but that lie was soon exposed by the presence of young dance music fans, Hare Krishnas, religious organizations, pensioners, anarchists, cyclists, former police officers and soldiers.
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Zuma Does a Schabir Shaik and Gets Put on Medical Parole Immediately! ANC Leadership Still Protecting Zuma?
The Department of Correctional Services have freed Jacob Zuma after receiving the medical report, but have not provided further details of the report. The prisons service placed former President Jacob Zuma on medical parole, less than two months into his 15 month sentence for contempt of court.
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Zuma’s Stolen Money Is Finished – “Msholozi” is now Begging Supporters to Help Pay for Legal Costs!
Jacob Zuma has to undertake a renewed round of court battles, and he is now begging his supporters to help pay his legal costs.
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List of Vaccine Resources to do your own Independent Research to promote #OpenDebate and #InformedConsent!
Here is a list of resources to be used in doing your own independent research, away from mainstream media’s overbearing pro Big Pharma narrative. Anyone who wants to learn more about if or why vaccines are not safe nor effective, check out these doctors and documentaries! It’s about time the biggest fraud in the history of pharmacology gets exposed so that there can be open discussion and informed consent.
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Stellenbosch Man Allowed to Do Shopping in Woolworths Without Mask Thanks to Copy of Court Order!
A resident of Stellenbosch, who always goes shopping without a mask, was stopped at Woolworths in Stellenbosch Square yesterday and asked where his mask was. He then nicely and calmly explained to the guard and driver that he was not wearing a mask and that in July 2020 the Supreme Court declared the government’s legislation illegal. He then patiently showed the court order, and was allowed to shop in Woolworths without a mask. (Copy of Court Order Below).
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160 Americans Died & Over 10,000 Infected with Covid-19 Despite being Fully Vaccinated says CDC, but Claims it is Rare!
Way more than ten thousand Americans have contracted Covid-19 despite being fully vaccinated, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – however they walked this back by claiming the data suggests such “breakthrough” infections are relatively rare?
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Body of Missing Man (82) with Alzheimer’s from Pretoria, Found in Witbank Morgue
The body of the 82-year-old man with Alzheimer’s, John Rodda, who has been missing since Saturday, while apparently on his way to the pharmacy, has been found in a morgue in Witbank.
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ANC Government’s National Health Insurance Being Pushed Through for 2022
The Council on Medical Schemes says the government’s plan to start a National Health Insurance is well underway, and the plan has already been advanced to implement phase 3 of the program next year.
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Deliberate Malevolent Negligence by Socialist ANC Kills Another Innocent! State Hospital Without Water for 3 Days!
#TheAfricanWay The typical infrastructural decay seen in all Socialist states worldwide like Venezuela and Cuba, is also killing South Africans in increasing numbers! A young man needing an urgent, yet routine operation, died in Kimberley state hospital, because of a lack of water! The ANC cadres that are inserted into the civil service, by the ANC’s Socialist Cadre Deployment program, are unqualified, inexperienced and too obsessed with consuming things and spouting ideological human rights propaganda, that they cannot even coordinate or arrange the simple basic human right of water (UN), causing Ivan Gerber’s urgent operation to be delayed, leaving him to die! Is it any wonder proponents of Socialism are called Useful IDIOTS?
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Anti White, Anti Christian and Anti Male Attacks Growing Worldwide! White Christian Boys Publicly Identified, Shamed & Berated for Being “Oppressors by Default”!
Whites, Christians and Males MUST learn to protest: An Australian mayor had to apologize after students and angry parents protested over a presentation by a far-left activist youth councilor, at a public school near Melbourne, who publicly identified and berated “white Christian boy” students for being “oppressors” by default. It comes the same week SA-News reported that elementary school kids had to make pro BLM and anti police posters with far left wing slogans, and display them in class! This communist anti-white “critical race theory” indoctrination is also growing in the USA under the far left Democrat supremacy, and are probably also present in socialist anti-white South Africa. It must be exposed!
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Second Wheelchair-bound Man Murdered in a Week! Africans Prey on the Weak and Old!
You don’t see sick or weak animals in the wild! Last weekend Neil McKay (46), who was confined to a wheelchair after a farm attack 20 years ago, was cruelly killed on his farm in Winterton, KwaZulu-Natal, while in the same week, another wheelchair-bound man without legs, Greg May (69), the owner of the Lazy Likkewaan guest house in Smithfield, Free State, was callously murdered on Thursday 14 April 2021, just for a cellphone! The liberals will not admit that their “rainbow nation” has turned into an evil murderous African hellhole. It is the inevitable result of black majoritarian socialist rule by a culture that historically preys on the old and weak.
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VIDEO: A Year Ago You Thought Ramaphosa was Joking When he Said he Would Extend Lockdown for a Whole Year? NEVER Underestimate the Evil of Socialism!
WAS IT ALL PLANNED? A year ago, when Ramaphosa announced that lockdown would last till 16 April, he joked privately with some friends on a video call, that he meant the lockdown would last till April 16 next year (2021)! It is very scary that he was even aware of such a thing being possible… was it all planned in advance? To be joking about something that had the whole nation and world gripped in fear, seemed very callous and out of place at the time, but clearly he was aware of something we were not… who briefed him on the plan?
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