South Africa might well find itself without a President or any top government officials, police or army leaders in 12 days time! It seems the new totalitarian powers the State of Disaster has given them, has gone to their heads! Dressed like an African dictator, Ramaphosa himself was addressing SANDF members ahead of their deployment in the lockdown, sounding world wise about the “invisible enemy”, as he mixed with them at the Doornkop Army Base in Soweto, Cyril got so carried away by his new dictatorship role, he forgot all about the Social Distancing rule he was advocating! Ramaphosa and the top brass were seated right next to each other as normal and even the army troops were arranged in their normal close squad formations! Did Cyril not get the memo from Xi Jinping who did it all via video links (pictured), yet still wore a facemask (for the camera’s)? After 26 years of doing as they please, do the ANC now think they are invincible against the Chinese Virus too?
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God Help Us! Forget Virus Lockdown, Will SA Survive Bumbling ANC Regime Who Forget Social Distancing as They Enforce #Prohibition & #Totalitarianism & Give Up 21 Days of Alcohol Tax For Stasi Powers!
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While Ramaphosa is panicking trying to clean up China’s mess in SA, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
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#RamaphosaLies Solidarity Lodges Complaint With Human Rights Commission Against Racist ANC’s Race Based Solidarity Disaster Fund For COVID-19 Mitigation!
“CoronaVirus Knows No Borders or Nationalities” Ramaphosa said. He Lied. As we predicted, the Chinese CoronaVirus crisis is just another opportunity for ANC gangsters to enforce its racial black supremacist quota ideology, and fill their own and their crony’s pockets. The ANC released its racial classification guidelines for aid to small business under the CoronaVirus economic lockdown, after calling it fake news that only black small businesses will be assisted. They lied. It is definitely NOT fake news that race will play a roll, when it comes to the granting of official assistance to small business people during the lockdown period. Race WILL play a roll and this is why Solidarity announced they have laid a complaint in this regard with the Human Rights Commission.
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#FarmAttack Female Free State Farmer Stabbed 11 Times in the Back, Piercing Both Lungs & Left in Freezer Room For Dead!
There were two farm attacks in the Free State in a 12 hour period over the past weekend. In the first one, a woman who farms and lives alone, on the farm Morester in the Bothaville area, Wilma Swanepoel (66), was stabbed in her back 11 times and had both her lungs pierced, on Sunday afternoon 22 March around 17:45. It happened after she went to look at the cattle and had returned home after dropping her farm workers off.
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Rupert & Oppenheimer Give R1 Billion Each to Fight CoronaVirus – Why Aren’t Super Rich BEE Enabled Black Businessmen Giving Too?
THE GRAVE COST TO THE ECONOMY – It seems the white industrialists are aware how Corona will affect their own bottom line, and have stepped up to the plate to protect their consumer driven interests (and get a tax break), but why have the many super rich black businessmen created by BEE & corruption not done the same? Or super rich trade unions like COSATU? Does the economy not affect them? No, their profit is not based on sales and consumers, it comes from BBEEE & Government grants, tenders and corruption, so as long as the ANC is in power, their taxpayer powered gravy train steams on and the CoronaVirus will just be another money stealing opportunity, with the begging bowl to the West which they hate so much.
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Seven Harmless Defenseless Grandparents Murdered in 7 Days! How Much Worse Will It Get Under CoronaVirus Lockdown? Will We Ever Know?
“You can tell the nature of a society by how they treat their elderly” – While we are distracted with wall to wall coverage of the CoronaVirus and counting of Corona virus cases, who is counting the elderly being violently murdered? Yet another harmless elderly white man has been murdered by cowards that Cyril protects. This time in Villiersdorp in the Western Cape. This brings to seven the number of elderly white people murdered in a week.
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#ParasiticParastatale The ANC is the Worst Virus to Hit Any Country! Road Accident Fund (RAF) Debt Levels Chasing Eskom Debt Levels, Possibly Reaching R800 BILLION in 5 Years!
Hand in the till? The Road Accident Fund is yet another parasitic parastatale hijacked by ANC gangsters, to openly fleece and rob the taxpayer. RAF’s debt is now getting as bad as Eskom debt levels and lawyers are in on the looting, getting about a quarter of its yearly income, with a self inflicted debt rising to R800 BILLION in the next 5 years! Will they plunder our pension funds to pay this corruption fueled debt too?
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ANC’s Pro Black Group RET Tells Whites Not To Stock Up for Social Distancing, Yet ANC Gauteng Hands Out Soap In Black Areas Only?
The ANC’s black supremacist Radical Economic Transformation (RET) group in Gauteng, linked to Jacob Zuma, has condemned bulk buying by the mainly minority white South Africans, even though photographic evidence (pictured) suggests blacks are just as busy stocking up, to prepare & practice social distancing. Yet at the same time the ANC in Gauteng is accused of handing out soap in black areas only…
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Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?
What kind of a so called “nation” is SA, when day after day our frail and elderly can be picked off at will and murdered in callous ways, yet we, and the authorities do nothing, except try fob it off by saying it affects all races, which is not doing anything, because the perpetrators are almost exclusively black males. Europeans have always counted their dead, and there is nothing stopping Africans from counting their own dead, except maybe their own black majority government, which is doing everything in their power to force our attention on a virus that “knows no borders or nations”. The coming days and weeks will expose them for what they are: a despotic gang of mafia, who have no clue or indeed interest in actually running a country or protecting its vulnerable citizens, except to plunder the once proud successful first world nation, until every single citizen is equally poor, destitute and broken!
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VIDEO: “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections as Cyril & The Pro China Left Try Bullsh*t The Virus With Virtue Signalling & PC Speeches!
As Italy’s shocking death toll eclipses even China’s, we see that Trump was right again: this virus is like warfare to China and we wonder what evil the #CoronaVirus will expose in Africa? Already Ramaphosa and the pro China ANC propaganda machine, including the complicit mainstream media, have you convinced that ALL South Africa’s, and indeed all Africa’s CoronaVirus infections, came from Europe? Really? Well where did Europe get the virus from? Yes, China, but shhhh that is racist. In fact “anti racist” campaigners have been blamed for the rapid mass spread of the virus in Italy FROM China, which ultimately led to many South Africans in Italy, contracting the virus and bringing it back to SA.
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#GangsterState Captures JB Marks Municipality As R53 Million Overtime Paid For Physically Impossible Hours & No Improvement in Service Delivery!
Can’t Blacks Manage? It is a wonder that Potchefstroom is still standing with the open looting going on at a local municipality that is being operated like an organized crime syndicate by the local ANC, with its own slush fund. Mr Hans-Jurie Moolman, caucus leader of the DA in the JB Marks municipality, has revealed that the JB Marks municipality which comprises Potchefstroom and Ventersdorp has paid out an unbelievable amount of R53 Million since July last year to officials of the municipality.
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Farm Murders More Deadly Than #CoronaVirusSA With Two Murders in Two Days, Yet its Ignored by Mainstream Newspapers & TV Who Only Pander To Black Majority!
#COVID19 in South Africa has a long way to go to be anywhere near as deadly as farm murders, as another 2 white farmers have been murdered within 48 hours of each other. Collin Leslie Britz (65), from Dundee in KZN, and Charles Hart (75), from Henderson in Eastern Cape were callously murdered – all that was taken was weapons. As usual the murders were totally ignored by liberal news outlets, although they do seem to have a lot of time to report on trivial matters concerning celebs & gossip etc. Liberal news media seem to take their orders from Ramaphosa and have never taken the matter of the murders of white farmers, and the associated threat to food security, seriously.
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Theft of R80 Million Drought Relief & Raw Sewage in the Streets Forces North West Residents To Start a Tax Boycott!
It must really burn for African Councilors, ANC Officials & Ministers to know Trump was right in calling South Africa a sh*thole, yet despite this, they still cannot resist the urge to steal everything and anything that is not put beyond their reach! A direst result of this unbridled looting is a Tax Boycott which is to begin in North West province, where the only fontein to be found is #Kakfontein.
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As #Conmunists, ANC Puts Big Government Above Human Rights Like Water, With Layers of Control Creating Corrupt Unaccountable Cadre Deployment Jobs, Gross Inefficiency & Bankruptcies!
SA is not an idiocracy anymore, nor is it a failed state, it is now a Socialist State captured by the elitist gangsters that rule and plunder it, as can be seen in the ANC controlled Free State where water shedding looms, as ANC controlled Bloemfontein’s water pressure is to be cut, because 3 ANC controlled municipalities owe ANC controlled Bloemwater more than R1 Billion! But then bankruptcy, like corruption, is a “capitalist” word and thus irrelevant to the ANC, especially if you are spending someone else’s money…
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How Will ANC Regime Cope With COVID-19 When SA Hospitals Have No Beds & Cannot Even Cope With A Broken Ankle?
Where will the ANC’s Health Department get beds from when, not if, Corona virus strikes widely, when Steve Biko Hospital discharges a mentally challenged man with broken, now rotting ankle, without an operation! Even people who need very urgent operations have to wait 3 nights just for a bed! China built an entire hospital in ten day and like other countries did, ANC will have to setup alternative quarantine venues to get space for Corona virus patients when, not if, it becomes widespread.
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