Double standards at the NPA are institutional as it is not even in dispute anymore that the NPA, with their 90% or more black staff, discriminates on the basis of race when it comes to prosecutorial decisions, and other responsibilities like the granting of bail etc. We have now seen multiple times that the NPA jumped at the chance to charge a white person, deny bail and throw the whole prosecutorial book at them, whether they are guilty of any crime or not. However, a black taxi driver who shot and killed a white father and son in a traffic argument, was not even prosecuted, even whilst several innocent farmers are being held without bail.
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Racist NPA! Black Taxi Driver who Killed White Father & Son NOT Charged yet Whites are Charged Without Bail for far Less!
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SA Courts No Longer Secure! How Long Before SA Balkanizes and is Declared a Humanitarian Disaster?
It is already clear that SA’s law enforcers, the police, are not fit for purpose, but now the courts themselves are falling apart. Cybercriminals have infiltrated and paralysed the SA court’s network systems, raising fears that the banking details of people and businesses dealing with the courts have been compromised, and may be made public. There have also been widespread outages from many of the government’s websites, after underground internet cables were damaged on Friday. At the same time, the Potgietersrus Magistrate’s Court and detective branch have been without power for four days, after the Mogalakwena local municipality cut off the power due to non-payment.
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Zuma Does a Schabir Shaik and Gets Put on Medical Parole Immediately! ANC Leadership Still Protecting Zuma?
The Department of Correctional Services have freed Jacob Zuma after receiving the medical report, but have not provided further details of the report. The prisons service placed former President Jacob Zuma on medical parole, less than two months into his 15 month sentence for contempt of court.
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Zuma’s Stolen Money Is Finished – “Msholozi” is now Begging Supporters to Help Pay for Legal Costs!
Jacob Zuma has to undertake a renewed round of court battles, and he is now begging his supporters to help pay his legal costs.
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Who Captured Who? Ramaphosa Complements his Hijacked “Pick ‘n Mix” Zondo Commission on State Capture, which he Hijacked from Zuma!
Although the corruption of the Commission on State Corruption is quite visible to those who pay attention, it seems that Ramaphosa fooled half of the people and turned the Zondo Commission into a self-promotion platform, just as he did with the ANC Zuma Violence, which he used to strengthen his power in the ANC and in government. An opinion poll has shown mixed reactions to the work done by the State Commission of Inquiry, since it was set up three years ago.
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3 Armed Farm Attackers Attack Farmer Who Was Working Alone – 5 Suspects Arrested at The Square Checkers Mall in Ladysmith
Yet another farm attack took place on 16 August 2021 at 15:10 in the Harrismith district, in the Free State. The farmer, Gideon Wessels (54), was working in the storeroom at home, when three unknown armed men suddenly appeared. Do the attackers not realize that if there are no farmers producing food, there will be no food to eat?
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FF+ Requests Microchips for Weapons of ANC Security Structures & Police After 279 Weapons go Missing
During a meeting of the Gauteng community safety committee, the FF Plus proposed that all firearms belonging to ANC safety structures be fitted with a microchip.
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Even in Prison, Zuma is too Sick for his Trial. He has Apparently been ill since 2014 due to Poisoning Confirmed by Russia!
Correctional services have stated that Zuma is still in hospital, so it remains to be seen whether Jacob Zuma will attend his corruption trial on the arms deals, which will be heard in the Pietermaritzburg High Court today.
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Sworn Affidavit by Missing Whistleblower Claims Ramaphosa’s CR17 Campaign Gave Judge Zondo R5 Million Cash & Bribed NDZ Staff!
Full Affidavit Below So You Can Decide: It is well known that huge amounts of money was procured and spent to get Cyril Ramaphosa to narrowly beat NDZ in the 2017 ANC leadership election. What makes these latest allegations crucial, is the Judge who presided over the BOSASA corruption case, Raymond Zondo, is the alleged recipient of 5 Million in cash. The Hawks have confirmed that they are investigating four cases related to the affidavit by missing ANC campaigner Phadima Fukula, alleging corruption involving Cyril Ramaphosa’s CR17 election campaign, Judge Raymond Zondo, Gwede Mantashe, EC Premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane and Blade Nzimande.
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Stellenbosch Man Allowed to Do Shopping in Woolworths Without Mask Thanks to Copy of Court Order!
A resident of Stellenbosch, who always goes shopping without a mask, was stopped at Woolworths in Stellenbosch Square yesterday and asked where his mask was. He then nicely and calmly explained to the guard and driver that he was not wearing a mask and that in July 2020 the Supreme Court declared the government’s legislation illegal. He then patiently showed the court order, and was allowed to shop in Woolworths without a mask. (Copy of Court Order Below).
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Speaker Thandi Modise Appeals For Dismissal Of Animal Abuse Case Against Her Despite Testimony From Veterinarian!
Adv. Dali Mpofu, legal representative for Thandi Modise, speaker of parliament, has brought an application for dismissal in the animal abuse case against her, when the case resumed in the Potchefstroom Regional Court, after testimony from a veterinarian and a former employee on her farm was heard yesterday. In a surprising twist, Mpofu asked the court to acquit Modise on the basis of insufficient evidence to link her to the abuse case.
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Racebaiting Prosecutor from #CoffinDuo Court Case, Robert Molokoane, Leads #Dirkiesdorp Case! Coincidence?
Is it a coincidence that the same prosecutor, who at the time prosecuted the so called CoffinDuo cases against Theo Jackson and Willem Oosthuizen, where political parties also turned the story into a big race card story and media circus, is now also handling the #Dirkiesdorp case?
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31 Prisoners Freed from Prison Transport by Armed Gang – 20 Still on the Run in Kwazulu-Natal!
Inside Job? Police in KwaZulu-Natal have launched a manhunt for 20 awaiting trial prisoners still at large, who escaped from a transfer truck this morning in Pietermaritzburg. Five armed suspects with AK47’s stopped and blocked the vehicle. Police say the transport vehicle, which was being escorted by only two SAPS officers, was carrying 45 inmates who escaped, but 25 inmates are now back in custody.
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Video Mentioned in #Dirkiesdorp Court Case Proves the State Lied, But They Stubbornly Continue to Build a Totally False Narrative!
The Dirkiesdorp court case, is day by day revealing something extremely disturbing, but not surprising, and that is the systemic prejudice and racial hatred which the state’s black officials, harbour against the white minority of South Africa. This endemic bias is being revealed like never before in the Dirkiesdorp court case in Piet Retief,
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Did Vusi Shongwe, MEC of Mpumalanga’s Remarks After Dirkiesdorp Shooting, Contribute to Bloody Double Farm Murder Near Nelspruit?
Mpumalanga Agri, who took note with great sadness of the tragic death of two peace-loving people, on a farm near Nelspruit on Saturday evening 24 April, strongly condemned the latest attack and murder of farm dwellers. In a statement, Mpumalanga Agri questioned the controversial remarks of Mpumalanga MEC for community safety, Mr. Vusi Shongwe, regarding the incident on 9 April at Pampoen-kraal, Dirkiesdorp, which could possibly have contributed to the motivation regarding the barbaric and bloody murder of the defenseless mother, Annemarie Botha (64) and her son Ruan.
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