According to documents seen by the BBC program ‘Panorama’, British American Tobacco’s (BAT) private spies were caught spying on Savanna Tobacco’s factory, in Zimbabwe in 2012. After paying for talks with high-ranking Zanu PF members, about a donation of up to half a million dollars, the 3 spies were released. BAT is the manufacturer of Lucky Strike cigarettes and is one of the largest companies in the UK, where the multinational tobacco monopoly is headquartered in London.
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Did Tobacco Giant BAT Give Mugabe Up to $500,000 to Release Their Private Spies in 2012? – Leaked Documents
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#COVIDMANIA, a Politicized Flu, Weaponized by Greedy Powermongers into a Great Reset Which Will Kill More Than Covid19 Itself!
NUMBERS DON’T LIE: Despite all the hype and Covid-19 mania peddled by mainstream media and money grabbing politicians, far more people will, and are still contracting and dying from HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Malaria, etc. Shockingly, figures have revealed that lockdown will indeed take more lives than it saves! Truth is the ANC and other globalist liberal governments see Covid-19 as an opportunity not only to line their pockets, but also to hammer through ideological political social engineering projects in the so called Great Reset. For all their claims about saving lives, that really is the last thing on their minds, Socialism is, which is why Covid has been nicknamed #CCPvirus…
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VIDEO: Who Holds Power in SA? A Shadow Government Run By ANC’s Command Council & Police (CCP) – SA’s Own CCP?
#SACCP – Are communist totalitarian structures secretly being put in place as a shadow parallel government in South Africa? Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (NDZ) talks in Parliament about implementing Regional Command Councils, but the video of the Gauteng Police Chief briefing reveals that they already exist and that “zero tolerance” must be enforced by SAPS! What is a Regional Command Council? A clipping has also revealed that Organised Crime Units are not allowed to investigate farm attacks and murders – why the instruction if “There no farm murders in South Africa”?
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New Drink Driving Levels Will be ZERO if Control Freaks Bheki Cele & Fikile Mbalula’s Draft Law Gets Passed!
Thanks to Covid19, and support from notorious police chief Bheki Cele, Transport minister Fikile Mbalula’s promise to totally ban drink driving in January, came a step closer to becoming Law with the publishing of the The National Road Traffic Amendment Bill on Monday, which was approved by Cabinet in draft form in March. The new law would drop the permissible blood alcohol level for anyone driving a motor vehicle to zero.
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VIDEO: #GangsterState Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s Cigarette Ban Creates a Booming Illegal Industry, Extortion & Even Higher Tempers!
#LiftTheBan Illegal shops all over South Africa are selling illegal cigarettes at hyper inflated prices to the poor, causing chaos and social unrest as can be seen in the video, where an irate customer complains about being charged R100 for a packet of cigarettes that costs R22
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Ramaphosa, ANC & Abdool Karim Want To Flatten the Economy, NOT The Curve, Because The Party & Socialism are More Important Than The Economy! COVID19: Converting Capitalism to Socialism…
#CommunistVirus The CoronaVirus presents an existential threat in SA, but to who? After the landmark presentation with Salim Abdool Karim last week, we were left with a feeling that something was not right. Now this is normal whenever it comes to anything to do with the ANC regime, but it is usually quite obvious. As the infection numbers come in everyday I have realised the problem. Karim has inexplicably pegged the return to semi or normal life at a very low, impossible threshold. In fact he says so himself when he admits that we cannot escape the Covid19 epidemic and that the curve will increase. He is right, the CCPvirus is here to stay and like the flu, we will all have to come to terms with it sooner or later. Obviously later, with the benefit of a vaccine would be preferable, but 80% of us will survive just fine without one.
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SAPS constable caught in action when trying to smuggle drugs and weapons into Western-Cape prison
A 43-year-old police constable has been arrested for the possession contraband which he allegedly intended to be smuggle into prisons. Police spokesperson, FC van Wyk, says officers acted on a tip-off and caught the suspect in possession of 329 grams of dagga, two knives, a bottle of whiskey, cigarettes and tobacco. He says the suspect..
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