Cyril Ramaphosa seems to have resorted to Mugabe type tactics, to come out on top in the battle to oust him, after he announced that ANC members guilty of corruption, should resign from their posts, even as he himself has accusations against him. This ruling came after he got majority support in the National Executive Committee meeting over the weekend, and it appears to be aimed directly at those threatening to replace him. As a result, Ace Magashule is now due to appear before the ANC’s Integrity Committee, due to possible involvement in corruption, which is fueling speculation that Ramaphosa may have his eye on a new ANC Secretary-General.
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Embattled Ramaphosa Uses Corruption in ANC to Save His Own Corrupt Position! Gangster ACE, NDZ & SACP Lose Round One!
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“Rooi Gevaar” Using Corruption to Oust Ramaphosa! Axis of Evil Blaming Cyril for “Mass Epidemic of Looting” Because “He Did Not Act” Against Them!
Communists are masters at the dark art of subterfuge and obfuscating blame, accountability and punishment, and it now seems that the Axis of Evil (ANC, COSATU & SACP) are blaming Cyril for all their corruption & faulures! They want Ramaphosa out, because NDZ & COSATU have joined forces with alliance partners, the SA Communist Party (SACP) and SA National Civic Organisation (SANCO), in pushing for the reconfiguration of the ANC-SACP-Cosatu-Sanco alliance, to get Communists as national leaders. COSATU general secretary Bheki Ntshalintshali said the future of South Africa must be in socialism, not capitalism.
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ANC Corruption Killing Babies in Eastern Cape! Officials Should be Charged with Murder & Treason for Plundering a National Resource!
Has ANC’s Day of Reckoning Finally Arrived? A National Health Service is meant to be there for times of emergency and unexpected disasters. People are legally forced to pay taxes based on this premise, but ANC officials have been systemically pocketing these taxes, and now that a pandemic has struck, there is no Health Service and babies and their mothers are dying. Old people are dying. People who could have been saved by simple basic procedures, are dying because the Health Service has been used for “redistribution of wealth” by a black gangster elite and plundered by these ANC criminals, who should really be strung up from the nearest tree!
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VIDEO: Covid19 Tenders Create Instant Millionaires as ANC Black Elites Continue to Plunder! PPE Tender Turns into FIVE Luxury Cars!
#TheAfricanWay A questionable tender of 120 Million Rands for PPE gear has made so much profit it allowed a certain obviously well connected person within the ANC ranks, a Hamilton Ndlovu, to buy FIVE brand new luxury cars!
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12 Day Delay in ANC Government Covid19 Tests! Despite 3 Months Warning & Totalitarian Powers Plus Billions at its Disposal, ANC Totally Failing Fight Against CCP-Virus!
The much vaunted ANC government Covid-19 testing capacity has crashed, as an enormous backlog in CCP-virus tests has developed at the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), resulting in a waiting period of between 10-12 days for a test to be concluded, which makes testing pointless, as the genetic material of the virus breaks down after 72 hours! In contrast, private laboratories, which do just over half the CCP-virus tests in the country, just take a day to complete such a test.
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#LetThemEatCash! Ramaphosa Creating Historic Debt to Appease Township Masses! Faulty Test Stats & Cash Won’t Stop CCPvirus Nor Will it Protect Food Producers & Shops!
#CoronaClown: Despite having months to learn from what other countries have gone through, Cyril seems intent on sticking to the African Way, as he tries to control the narrative and drip feed the black masses with unrealistic faulty test information, WMC inspired “relief” payouts to quell uprisings in townships, and to deny the inevitable, a catastrophe and his demise. SA-News reported over TWO months ago that asymptomatic COVID19 positive people were silently spreading the virus, now suddenly it is a scientific revelation? Cyril mentions food security, but not farm security? Like Zimbabwe, you can only throw so much cash at a problem until it becomes worthless, because it cannot be eaten and doesn’t reach those that need it most, because corrupt ANC politicians intercept and plunder the funds. However Cyril is forced to use the carrot because Bheki Cele’s increasing unpopularity from extreme childish lockdown restrictions have reduced Cyril’s options.
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India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too, What About South Africa? China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!
Just as the ANC regime make a song and a dance about receiving a batch of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) from China, India joins the long list of countries complaining that they have been duped by China’s altruistic propaganda campaign. India received 50,000 faulty personal protection equipment (PPE) from China. Like South Africa, and many other desperate countries, the gear was part of a charity drive designed to improve China’s image as a global power, and also to make up for it unleashing CCPvirus on the world, which has now killed nearly 150,000 people. However it is very unlikely the pro China ANC will ever admit to receiving faulty gear from its communist counterpart, China
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