Black Monopoly Capital: Encouraged by racist courts, Barloworld is continuing to lay off staff simply because they are white, while Solidarity vows to intensify legal action after bringing an urgent application against Barloworld Equipment in the Labour Court, to challenge Barloworld’s consultation process during its recent race based retrenchment process.
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If You’re White, You’re Out! Barloworld Defends & Continues its Systemically Racist Lay Off Programme!
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Solidarity to Oppose The Racist Plunder & Consumption of Barloworld Which is Sacrificing Itself to Black Supremacy!
Killing The Golden Goose: The Solidarity trade union is going to take Barloworld to court because Barloworld has embarked on a destructive retrenchment process based on racial discrimination. Yes, it means that white people will be selected to be retrenched first, even if they have more years service than black employees. This is willful destruction of a corporation and selective slaughter of loyal employees based on race.
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Poor economic conditions in SA cause job losses
With the latest announcement from Telkom regarding the retrenchment of nearly 3,000 employees, the mining industry has also warned that they will be following the same route. Glencore and Merafe are also retrenching due to the poor economy and the extremely expensive electricity. Unconfirmed reports indicate that about 1,000 jobs have been compromised, of which..
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Outrage as Telkom CEO Sipho Maseko gets R23 Million & Executives get R100 Million, yet 3,000 employees to be retrenched due to lack of funds?
Trade union Solidarity has launched an attack on Telkom for planning to fire 3,000 employees after paying its executive team more than R100 million.
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3000 Telkom employees face unemployment after telecommunications company decides to lay off a third of its workforce
In a letter sent to unions on Wednesday, the telecommunications company says the decline in voice calls and landline data (ADSL), as well as “operational inefficiencies” are the main reasons why so many employees have become redundant. The first of two rounds of retrenchments is at OpenServe, as well as information technology and consumer services…
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De Lille reveals over 3,000 Public Works employees do business with department and 300 of those employees have their own companies
Patricia De Lille says more needs to be done to ensure people who work for the state don’t do business with the department Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille has revealed more than 3,700 Public Works employees are doing business with the department. She said 300 of those employees have their own companies and, in..
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Eskom is now clearly lying, obfuscating and playing with words after it came to light that they are planning to pay out R1, 8 billion in bonuses by saying that it is 13th cheques, not bonuses.
Take into consideration that it was Nersa – National Energy Regulator of South Africa – that called it bonuses in court papers, which is obviously statements made under oath. Does Eskom now wants us to believe them over Nersa? Eskom is now playing word and mind games with us by saying that it is 13th..
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Even if you are the president of SA you are not above the law! – Ramaphosa faces possible Labour Court action for retrenching farm staff
The ANC’s president is not above the law, and his so-called cases of dismissing 22 of his 46 farm workers could land him in the Labor Court. Cyril Ramaphosa dismissed the farm workers in his service, and used the excuse that it was a business decision because foot-and-mouth disease could threaten his cattle herd. No..
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Farmer Cyril is also affected by poor economic conditions – 22 of his 46 workers are laid off
SA’s poor economic situation led to Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa also caught up with, like many other farmers in the country and is now forced to retrench some of his workers. Ramaphosa, who farms with Ankole cattle on his farm Ntaba Nyoni Estate near Badplaas in Mpumalanga, is the largest ankole breeder in SA as well..
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Expensive mistake due to incompetent officials – Municipality pays R18m in salaries twice – but workers refuse to give it back
A cash-strapped Mpumalanga municipality may need pickaxes and shovels to recover about R18 million in salaries that were paid twice to its employees last month. An error by officials in the Nkomazi Local Municipality’s finance department saw workers getting paid their salaries on the 15th instead of the 25th. When the council decided not to..
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SAA: More unions want to strike after Gordhan’s attempt at wage and severance dispute fails
In support of Numsa’s strike, and in opposition to the view of ANC minister Pravin Gordhan, more unions have indicated that they will join the strike. The circumstances in which SAA currently finds itself have left the state-controlled entity in unsustainable status, and the entry of Pravin Gordhan has increased the bitterness and power building..
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Another leeching SEO sinks – 3000 Prasa employees possibly without work after the wasteful expenditures carried out by ANC cadres
Like almost all other state entities, Prasa seems to be tumbling as well, with the possibility that 3,000 security workers will be retrenched to balance their financial situation. Prasa had to cancel numerous security contracts, which was trailed by the cancellation of various maintenance and repairs contracts. With the large number of cancellations, it’s evident..
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Corrupt NSFAS officials steal students’ money and rob young South Africans of their opportunities for a better life
Three workers employed at the National Financial Assistance Scheme (NSFAS) were arrested on Wednesday on fraud charges. According to dr. Randall Carolissen, NSFAS’s executive administrator, they are all situated the Wynberg office in Cape Town and allegedly paid student allowances into their own bank accounts. Carolissen said the three allegedly requested payment from applicants so..
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The African way! Illegal striking employees of Emfuleni Local Municipality wreaks havoc in dispute over salaries and awards
The Emfuleni Local Municipality says its employees, working in various departments and office buildings in Vanderbijlpark, were violently chased away from their work-stations by fellow striking employees, or general workers, today. Emfuleni said this disrupted the provision of services and inconvenienced residents and non-striking workers. ELM said the general workers have been on an illegal..
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Kruger National Park a world-renowned tourist attraction, could be brought to a standstill by disgruntled workers over unresolved wage disputes
Hundreds of SANParks workers are planning a second strike over unresolved wage disputes, not only at the Kruger Gate, but also nationwide, on September 20,2019. The National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers’ (Nupsaw) spokesman, Kagiso Makoe, said the union would embark on a national shutdown of SANParks facilities – on behalf of SANParks..
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