Expropriation without compensation is a done deal – all that’s left is the formalities

BLF leader Mngxitama regarding land expropriation: “Whose land is it anyway?” Claims “land was stolen by whites and must be returned to its rightful black owners”

Voting DA, then think again! – DA in total denial about farm murders and farm attacks – DA Abroad condemns white genocide and any actions and protests arranged to address the matter

Everything that the ANC has laid its hands on since 1994 has been tainted, yet ANC members of Parliament say that there is absolutely nothing wrong in our country

WATCH VIDEO | How Long Will The White Farmers Of South Africa Survive?

BLF: “Land of Death” Innocent children indoctrinated with violence, hate and destruction at SA-school –How on earth can this be allowed?

Gigaba on land expropriation without compensation- Fears of the white minority in South Africa was “born out of their own racism”

With Tito’s Mid-Term budget speech behind us, here is what he said about the land issue

KwaZulu-Natal landowners do not seek land but money  – no wonder prosperous farms are ruined as soon as land is transferred to black beneficiaries

KwaZulu-Natal grondeisers soek nie grond maar eerder geld- geen wonder welvarende plase gaan tot niet sodra grond oorgedra word aan swart begunstigdes

Harsh reality – Only ruins and tree trunks left of show farm after disastrous land reform process

The naked truth about land reform in SA – successful land claimers prefer to take money and not land

WATCH: AfriForum talks about farm murders on Sky News – Horrific facts on farm murders in SA and ANC regimes denial are now going vital internationally

Land reform will cause war in SA because it’s unconstitutional – Mosiuoa Lekota

A warning to SA government from Zimbabwe: Do not use land question to score political points!