The Untouchables in a Gangster’s Paradise? Is it reasonable or ethical to make use of companies that do not consider themselves to be held accountable, for their actions in any private or public enterprise? While Big Tech has become seemingly untouchable, even from the US Supreme Court or Whitehouse, the same culture of supremacy, greed, lack of accountability, lack of transparency, and lack of responsibility seems to have created and sustained an environment in South Africa where IT negligence is acceptable, and lack of accountability is the norm, even when it comes to government institutions, contracts and tenders.
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Has Corporate SA Been Infected by ANC Corruption, Greed & Negligence? Dimension Data NTT Case Study
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Coincidence? High Court Rules in Favour of IS / Dimension Data, Both of Whom Failed to Keep Crucial IT Software Updated!
Surely companies that defend a failure to maintain vital IT systems, should not be allowed anywhere near government contracts to support systems serving the people of South Africa? In fact, they should not be allowed any systems at all, but particularly government systems that could be infiltrated such as SARS, IEC, Home Affairs, EVDS, Eskom etc. especially given that SA Court systems are already insecure as SA-News recently reported.
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Hypocritical Jeweller Tiffany & Co Uses “Blood Diamond” from Kimberley in “Woke” Campaign with Beyoncé – Immediately Gets Accused of Theft!
“Give it back to South Africa” - Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co are accused of using a “stolen blood diamond” in their advertising campaign. This story not only exposes the ignorance in the world about South Africa’s history, but more and more, large multinational companies that became rich from colonialism, yet who constantly blame white South Africans, are caught out when they try to hide behind blacks to cover up their sins, and try cover their enormous profits from colonialism in innocence.
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Who Captured Who? Ramaphosa Complements his Hijacked “Pick ‘n Mix” Zondo Commission on State Capture, which he Hijacked from Zuma!
Although the corruption of the Commission on State Corruption is quite visible to those who pay attention, it seems that Ramaphosa fooled half of the people and turned the Zondo Commission into a self-promotion platform, just as he did with the ANC Zuma Violence, which he used to strengthen his power in the ANC and in government. An opinion poll has shown mixed reactions to the work done by the State Commission of Inquiry, since it was set up three years ago.
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ANC Government Begs for Private Investors to Pay for Transnet Extensions at “World’s Worst” Durban Harbor
Despite being named one of the worst ports in the world, and shortly after an entire container of ammunition disappeared from secure lockup in Durban harbor during recent riots, Transnet Port Terminals plans to create a “super terminal” in Durban, enabling the port to handle very large vessels, and hopefully improve the efficiency of the port after its dismal rating earlier this year. Seems the ANC wants to put private investors’ money at stake and at risk of plunder, because it is not being privatised.
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List of Vaccine Resources to do your own Independent Research to promote #OpenDebate and #InformedConsent!
Here is a list of resources to be used in doing your own independent research, away from mainstream media’s overbearing pro Big Pharma narrative. Anyone who wants to learn more about if or why vaccines are not safe nor effective, check out these doctors and documentaries! It’s about time the biggest fraud in the history of pharmacology gets exposed so that there can be open discussion and informed consent.
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#Gupta 2.0 – Harith, New Owner of SAA Set up by Mbeki Ramaphosa Faction Using Government Pension Funds?
Did anyone ask us? When connecting the dots, as Pravin Gordhan instructed, it seems the privatisation of SAA is yet another plunder scam by the ANC mafia. Harith, the new owner of SAA, was setup by the Mbeki and Ramaphosa faction of the ANC, possibly using funds belonging to the Government Employee’s Pension Fund (PIC). Just like when multi billionaire Oligarchs were created after the fall of the USSR, by funneling state public assets into private crony pockets. the privatization of SAA is just a massive ploy, designed to capture SAA for businessmen connected to Ramaphosa’s faction of the ANC! Was SAA deliberately bankrupted to enable this plunder of our assets?
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#LockDownForever? Covid Vaccines Obsolete in a Year Say Scientists, Meaning Socialist ANC Totalitarianism & Racist Plunder Will Only Get Worse!
#PeoplesVaccine – Coronavirus vaccines may become obsolete in less than a year, according to leading epidemiologists and the sloppy, politicised vaccination rollouts that have riddled many countries, make this scenario even more likely. Scientists had already admitted Covid-19 can never be completely wiped out, and this new bombshell admission means the ANC and other Socialist governments could keep us under lockdown forever, or whenever they feel the need to implement their “Great Reset” further and extend their economic warfare against the white minority? Scientists also say they do not know the exact consequences of the new, hastily produced, commercial vaccines on people’s bodies, but one thing is clear, the ANC is going to keep milking this Covid thing as a power grabbing and money-making opportunity, especially since it is now claimed that people will need to get a Covid vaccine every single year. The next election will prove this to be true, as we saw in USA, with the Socialist left using Covid to grab power.
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Two Days Left To Order & Send Flowers, Chocolates, Hampers and Gifts to Your Valentine Now!
Send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even with domestic offices all over, delivering flowers on time with SA’s favourite Net Florist is never a problem. Our international reach stretches as far as UK, Australia, USA and the rest of the globe. No need to go out and visit florist’s shops, our selection of flowers is unmatched.
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Video: Uganda Bans Twitter During Election To Stop Twitter Flipping Election Like They Did in USA2020!
Will it become the norm in future, for biased, manipulative, pro left social media to be banned from use during elections? Uganda has become the first government to take this drastic but apparently necessary step. It is a simple fact that Twitter flipped the USA election to Biden and the evidence is there, no matter how much Big Tech and mainstream media try to censor, delete and cover it up with their over the top offense against Trump, as a defense.
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VIDEO: Did the Deep State & CIA Orchestrate Obama’s Two Election Victories Like They Did With #Biden in #USA2020?
MANUFACTURING CONSENT: It appears modern day elections have become a game of predicting how many fake votes the Deep State & Far Left will require, to overcome the actual votes and yet still appear legitimate. With this in mind, the only reason Trump won in 2016, was because the Deep State globalists and democrats did not expect him to win at all, so they did not prepare sufficient overstock ballot papers with which to commit their fraud.
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If You’re White, You’re Out! Barloworld Defends & Continues its Systemically Racist Lay Off Programme!
Black Monopoly Capital: Encouraged by racist courts, Barloworld is continuing to lay off staff simply because they are white, while Solidarity vows to intensify legal action after bringing an urgent application against Barloworld Equipment in the Labour Court, to challenge Barloworld’s consultation process during its recent race based retrenchment process.
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Should ANC Government, Like Sweden, Ask SANDF or CSIR to Examine 5G License Applications for State Security?
#StateCapture: Why the fuss about China and Huawei that upsets Trump and Western countries so much? The answer lies in the fact that according to Chinese law, all Chinese companies, privately or state-owned, MUST obey the Chinese Communist Party if the Chinese government asks for user data, or asks the companies to take certain actions. This is the crux of the Tik-Tok ban and worrying enough, we have to ask, what hold does CCP have over Naspers and News24 with their Tencent / Weibo share and also over RAIN and other 5G providers in SA? What Chinese ownership in IOL (Argus & The Star)? With the installation of Chinese technology deep in our society, it gives the Chinese Communist Party access to all the data of citizens in the West, which can then of course be used as a giant espionage (and blackmail?) network by the CCP. Much of the user’s data is also sent via Chinese servers. There’s probably good reason why it’s so cheap. For these reasons, Sweden has now also banned the use of Huawei & ZTE equipment in 5G networks. New legislation that came into force in January required the regulator to consult the Swedish army and the security service to ensure that the use of radio equipment in these frequencies would not “harm” the country’s security. Why does the SA government not care about this possible liability in state security?
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Messy Divorce? First Bachelor South Africa Moves on & Spills the Beans in Tell All Book!
M-Net kicked off the reality series in South Africa, The Bachelor SA Season 1, in 2019 which saw Lee Thompson as the first bachelor. Now Thompson is planning to share, not only his life story, but also the truth behind the series. He promises that the book will not only lift a lot of weight off his shoulders but also put many rumours to rest.
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Third Duel of Barbers Showcases Barber’s Skills & Style, Lifts Industry Moral, But Also Gets Accused of Corruption & Match Fixing!
Nooitgedacht Wine Farm in Stellenbosch hosted the prestigious “Duel Of The Barbers” competition for which, not even a pandemic could stop contestants from taking part in the third “Duel Of The Barbers” showcase. With a total prize value of R230,000, this competition was one well worth competing in thanks to sponsors like WAHL, Fame, Superior Edge, Muk, Xsharp Hair and Beauty, Scissors On Main Paarl, etc. Unfortunately, the event is also leaving a bitter after-taste for some as one of the contestants, Graig Kok, accused a judge of being corrupt and the competition of match fixing in a social media post.
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