A new twist in the Tokyo Sexwale “stolen quadrillion” saga has appeared – after the fund invited ANC government, to a Bank in Singapore. The chairman of the Worldwide Proxy and Trustee of the White Spiritual Boy (WSB) and Spiritual Wonder Boy (SWB) Heritage Funds, Mr Chark Leong Boey, has written a letter in his personal capacity, in an effort to clarify the confusion around the Heritage Fund. The Hawks on Monday confirmed that they were investigating two cases of alleged theft amounting to over R41 quadrillion.
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Hawks Confirm They are Investigating Two Cases of Alleged Theft from SARB Amounting to over R41 Quadrillion Linked to Tokyo Sexwale!
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“Rooi Gevaar” Using Corruption to Oust Ramaphosa! Axis of Evil Blaming Cyril for “Mass Epidemic of Looting” Because “He Did Not Act” Against Them!
Communists are masters at the dark art of subterfuge and obfuscating blame, accountability and punishment, and it now seems that the Axis of Evil (ANC, COSATU & SACP) are blaming Cyril for all their corruption & faulures! They want Ramaphosa out, because NDZ & COSATU have joined forces with alliance partners, the SA Communist Party (SACP) and SA National Civic Organisation (SANCO), in pushing for the reconfiguration of the ANC-SACP-Cosatu-Sanco alliance, to get Communists as national leaders. COSATU general secretary Bheki Ntshalintshali said the future of South Africa must be in socialism, not capitalism.
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SA 5th Most Infected Country! All BRICs Countries in Top 5 Except China! SA & India Receive USD 1 Billion Covid Loans from BRICs Bank!
Cases for Cash? For an 8th straight day South Africa has reported the 4th most daily new COVID19 cases (chart below) which has helped push SA into 5th place worldwide, eclipsing many countries far more populace and undeveloped than itself, like Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Mexico, etc. Even more remarkable is that 4 of the top 5 most infected countries are BRICs countries – all of them are in the top 5 except China, where it all started, coincidence? Even though China is the most populace country in the world? Did the access and clout that Chinese citizens have in BRICs countries help spread the virus? Or does the fact that South Africa and India have received 1 BILLION dollar Covid Loans from the BRICs Development Bank explain the high figures?
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Eskom – in return for R59bn bailout from National Treasury, Eskom must recover Soweto, municipal debt
National Treasury is set to impose 28 conditions on Eskom in return for a R59bn lifeline to keep the cash-strapped power utility afloat and enable it to pay interest on its mounting debt burden. Treasury updated Parliament’s appropriations oversight committee on the conditions attached to an appropriations bill on Wednesday. The bill, which has not..
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South Africa stuck in longest downward cycle since before Apartheid (1945)! Ramaphosa tries to talk it better…
Neither communism nor multiculturalism has ever worked, yet South Africa is implementing both at the same time to disastrous effect! Now Ramaphosa has vowed to rebuild crashing confidence in South Africa’s economy, and desperate South Africans, who want concrete things that can make a difference in the economy, have no choice but to hope he does. He promised real actions that “move the needle,” however in Africa accountability is not required.
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National Treasury gives SA Express a R300 million bailout
The National Treasury has just announced that it has committed R300m to drag the bankrupt SA Express airline of its financial difficulties. The company’s Chief Executive Officer, Siza Mzimela, disclosed the information to the media. The airline company needs the R300m guarantee to keep its wings up and does not have the ability to obtain..
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Liquidations on the rise in South Africa – number of liquidations increased by 13.7% during the first seven months of 2019 with 183 business liquidation recorded in July
South Africa recorded 183 business liquidations in July 2019, representing a 24.5% rise from 147 liquidations recorded a year ago, according to StatsSA. The stats body said that 1,198 liquidations were recorded so far this year (January to July), higher than the 1,054 recorded in the same period last year. The report found that the..
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SAPS R20 billion budget cuts could lead to a loss of 23 000 personnel over next 3 years
On Wednesday, in the Portfolio Committee of Police, the South African Police Service (SAPS) announced that National Treasury has instructed SAPS to cut their budget through a 5%, 6% and 7% baseline reduction over the next three years, which may ultimately result in a loss of 23 000 personnel. This shocking announcement comes at a..
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But will officials abide? – Massive changes for how municipalities can spend your money – here’s what you need to know
The South African government has gazetted new cost containing measures for municipalities, which will curb what officials can blow taxpayer’s money on. The new rules fall under the Municipal Cost Containment Regulations for 2019, which was gazetted in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act. National Treasury said that the objective of the new rules..
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Prisons tender’s ballooning costs under the microscope in SIU (Special Investigating Unit) probe
The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is investigating a massive cost escalation on a contract to install fencing and information systems in South Africa’s prisons. The value of the contract ballooned from nearly R477m to over R1.5bn in seven years. The procurement process in awarding the contract to SA Fence and Gate is also under investigation..
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Cash-strapped SABC to receive yet another government bailout – The National Treasury, has, once again, been persuaded to open its coffers up to the embattled broadcaster
The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) will receive a much-needed government bailout, after failing to improve its financial position in 2019. Government, by way of the National Treasury, has, once again, been persuaded to open its coffers up to the embattled broadcaster. Telecommunications Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams confirmed that the finance minister was expected to finalise..
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How ANC- government officials spend taxpayers hard earned money on extravagant cars
A Deputy Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs apparently wasn’t happy with the list of cars that Treasury negotiated bulk discounts on. So he asked Treasury for permission to purchase a Volvo XC90D4, at a cost of R1,118,352 to the public purse. The reason for the request was “National Treasury Transversal Contract RT57-2016/2017 does..
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R1.6 billion stolen from the Eastern Cape’s social development fund – Funds meant for roads, houses and schools ended up going towards fancy dinners, luxury cars and expensive suits
The South African National Treasury has compiled a series of reports detailing gross expenditure irregularities within the Eastern Cape. These reports have been obtained by City Press, and the information now made public. The Treasury reports rely on information gathered from special audit services conducted between 2011 and 2017. The audits scrutinised expenses related to..
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The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse lays the blame on the government for petrol price increase, and we all feel the same way, the ANC GOVERNMENT ARE USELESS, but be warned, you might get a surprise with in the next two months
Ten years ago, it was a lot easier to own a car than it is now. The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) has pointed the finger to the government’s maladministration and mismanagement as the reason behind April’s petrol price increase. The organisation’s portfolio manager for energy, Ronald Chauke, revealed that we would be paying much..
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More ‘money wasted’ and there are lots of concerns over incomplete Free State drug treatment centre
The Portfolio Committee on Social Development wants to have a meeting with the National Treasury and the Department of Public Works as to why a drug treatment centre in the Free State has not been completed.
In a statement the committee said the facility has been under construction for three years without any progress. This was despite funds having been allocated and made available to the province annually, as a conditional grant.
“This delay impacts negatively on the agreement of having at least one drug treatment centre in every province,” committee chairperson, Zoleka Capa said.
The committee received a shocking report from the Central Drug Authority (CDA) on how the use of drugs is escalating in communities, something which leads to crime and violence in communities.
“This has increased the committee’s belief in the fact that these drug treatment facilities in all provinces should be prioritised in order to deal with this scourge. The committee
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