ANC TROJAN HORSE ENTERPRISES: R52 Million of taxpayers money has been wasted on yet another failed Collective (communist) chicken farm in Virginia, Free State this time! But was it ever intended to produce chickens, or was it just another ANC Trojan Horse Enterprise, designed to fail, to facilitate “legally” stealing money from the taxpayer, while pretending to be a BBBEE business venture – a “perfect crime”? The ANC’s approach to establish collective BBBEE farms, with massive amounts of taxpayer money, is well known and it is just as well known that these grandiose projects end in massive “failure” every time, almost as if it was planned to fail, with cadres plundering during every step of the short life cycle of the doomed project…
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Is EVERYTHING The ANC Does a Scheme To Plunder from Taxpayers & “Redistribute Wealth”, to Buy Votes, To Keep Power, To Keep Plundering?
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Electricity Network Threatened by Illegal Connections & Plundered Municipalities Like MaLOOTi-a-Poefie Which Owes Eskom R5.2 Billion!
Much like Champagne Socialists, #TheAfricanWay also seems to be party until taxpayer’s money runs out, then blame the whites! The Free State is a perfect example of what Trump meant with the term sh*thole, with plundered into bankruptcy municipalities like Mangat-in, MaLOOTi-a-Poefie and Meteens-soos-myholo being perfect examples of where South Africa as a whole is headed.
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Prisoner to parliamentarian: EFF’s Kenny Motsamai sworn in – Motsamai spent 28 years in jail for killing a white traffic officer
There was a heart-stopping moment in the National Council of Provinces on Thursday morning – with both MP candidates and guests in the gallery holding their collective breath – as chief justice Mogoeng Mogoeng began the proceedings by citing a constitutional requirement that prohibits a convicted criminal from becoming an MP. Mogoeng, without naming names,..
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It pays to be a politician – These are some of the perks awaiting new MPs – Cellphones, R1-million salaries, free flights and airport parking
When the 400 newly elected members of the national assembly, and 90 members of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), are sworn in on May 22, they can expect a host of benefits. Aside from a minimum R1.1 million annual salary, each member will also get accommodation, travel expenses and transport for their dependents. Khuthala..
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BREAKING NEWS:- Being a ex-convict seems to be the new qualification to get ahead in Politics:- EFF will send ex-convict Kenny Motsamai to NCOP: Julius Malema
Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema says the party will fight the criminal record of former Pan Africanist Congress freedom fighter Kenny Motsamai in order to be able to deploy him in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). Mosamai was convicted for killing a white traffic officer in Rustenburg in 1989. Malema said Motsamai’s..
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The Minimum wage bill imminent and are definitely coming, most likely to be effective as from January 2019
BusinessLive reports that according to presidency spokesperson Khusela Diko, the signing into law of the national…….
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Cyril Ramaphosa trying to explain away his conduct for the past few months. Should we really believe you!
President Cyril Ramaphosa has once again rejected suggestions that China is a new coloniser and that his government has sold South Africa to the country by signing loan agreements for state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
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The Free State health delivery improving, but there’s more to do
The Free State has made commendable progress in implementing some of the suggestions made by the National Council of Provinces to improve healthcare delivery in the province.
However, the Select Committee on Social Services, which was conducting a week-long oversight visit, said that more still needs to be done to reach an acceptable level in the quality of services and environment at healthcare facilities.
More ambulances
An additional 60 ambulances have been procured and will be delivered within the next two months to deal with the unacceptably high waiting time for emergency ambulances. The committee has urged the provincial government garage to speed up the process, so that the pool of vehicles serving the people is expanded.
Looking for a affordable Medical Aid or Hospital Plan, just click here Medical Aid or just send your Name, surna
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Controversial billion rand mental hospital becoming white elephant
The DA is concerned that a number of factors are threatening the operationalization of the new mental hospital in Kimberley, placing it at a very possible risk of becoming a white elephant. These factors include an obvious lack of funds coupled with internal management issues at the Northern Cape Health Department and within provincial government…
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