Man found guilty who wanted to kill Zuma and other ANC dignitaries

Juju has really now lost all his marbles, but what would happen to White people when we dare to say this:- I am proud to be a racist because I am telling the truth

Reserve Banking Nationalization might just be a stunt to retain votes for the ANC?

Jacob Zuma set to sue Sunday Times and the journalist over ‘Gaddafi’s missing millions’ story – denying all allegations that cash was ever kept at Nkandla

The newly-appointed National Prosecuting Authority boss, Shamila Batohi assembles state capture team to fast-track prosecutions, how long are you going take to ‘solve this mystery’

Jacob ‘shower-head’ Zuma could face US investigation over $30 million deal with Gaddafi, you can run but you can’t hide

Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s missing millions hidden at Jacob Zuma’s Nkandla?

ANC’s election plan with students – Zuma’s promise of free education not feasible, now ANC government writes off R1 billion of study debt to get their vote on election day

Buthelezi’s political party, IFP lost support and fingers are now pointed towards Jacob Zuma – There is strong suspicion that IFP will eventually disappear as a political structure in the near feature

A new law could soon see South Africans jailed for lying on their CV, well I see less Politicians in the Parliament

BREAKING NEWS:- Cyril Ramaphosa has to choose between South Africa and the ANC, what do you think will he choose?

Zuma Asks for a Permanent Stay Of Prosecution – He claimed he was a victim of an orchestrated attempt by the NPA to link him to corruption

SA’s struggling Rand is even further in abyss – Ramaphosa may be weaker on economic grounds than its predecessor Zuma

State Capture wipes out third of SA’s R4.9-trillion – calculations on price tag don’t even touch on the untold costs of loss of trust, reputation and opportunity

Nyanda and Trevor Manual Drop Bombshells – Guptas Wielded Significant Influence in the Appointment and Dismissal of Ministers