Black Volkstaat? Imagine the Western Cape finally votes to become an independent country, prompting the ANC and EFF to double their efforts in bussing rural blacks in from the Eastern Cape, to be dumped into the sprawling squatter camps outside Cape Town. Then when enough blacks have been imported to become the majority, they vote the ANC into power in Cape Town, and kick out the whites and coloureds? But that’s racist you say? Well, according to the results of a recent poll, it seems half of blacks in the Western Cape have no problem with excluding other races from a volkstaat or ethnostate. But we know this already given the racist BBBEE regulations and many other race based ANC initiatives – just look at the absence of other races in Ramaphosa’s new Cabinet!
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Who are the Racists? Half of Cape Registered Black Voters in CIAG Independence Poll say Race-Based Volkstaat is OK!
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The NWO Plan For South Africa/Die NWO Plan Vir Suid-Afrika [Afrikaans Edition)
Die Nasionale Party se apartheidsbeleid, veral na die koms van Hendrik Verwoerd, was nie net ‘n doring in die vlees van die destydse VVO (vandag die VN) en die Wêreldraad van Kerke nie, maar ook ‘n ernstige struikelblok en versperring in die pad van die NWO-aanhangers se einddoel. Dit het die vrymesselaars net mooi ‘n dekade..
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Will Zuma end like Qaddafi who was killed in a Western driven false color revolution that wants to give Malema the power?
Are you prepared and ready for when Zuma, like Qaddafi, possibly meets a cruel and violent fate being killed in a Western driven “color revolution” that wants Malema to take the reigns of power? Indeed, events in Libya and more recently in Ukraine and now Brazil are very applicable to South Africa. 1994 is happening..
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Retired CIA Spy died two weeks after admitting CIA involvement in arresting mandela, a “communsit toy” in South Africa
A former spy for America’s Central Intelligence Agency confirmed that he helped South Africa’s apartheid authorities find and arrest mandela because the US viewed him as a “toy of the communists” who would welcome war. Donald Rickard said he and his handlers believed Mandela was “the world’s most dangerous communist outside of the Soviet Union”..
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20% of White People Have Genetic Resistance To HIV AIDS. NO OTHER Race Has This Natural Immunity
Proof that TRUE Diversity INCLUDES the Preservation and Celebration of Racial Differences… How Can Genetics Stop HIV? People can be infected with many different bacteria and viruses — but some people get more sick from these bugs than others. Do our inherited genes cause some of that difference? The answer is yes..
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Helen Zille is gone, ANC is a murderous joke. Time for an Independent Cape NOW?
Helen Zille is gone. For many people in the Cape, Helen Zille represented stability, structure, a well organised movement and a leader they could not find anywhere else in South Africa. With her no longer at the forefront I believe the Western Cape is now vulnerable and the Democratic Alliance weaker than before. This could..
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Is this the future for whites in South Africa? The Kalash people have already suffered White Genocide. Still think it is a fallacy or not possible?
What the White race has Lost: A Look at the Last of the Ancient Aryan people of Pakistan-India in Asia This site regularly explains the need to secure the existence of our People, and a future for White Children and this story perfectly highlights the need to defend diversity vigorously. If we fail in our spiritual..
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Black man wants Apartheid back despite BBC reporter trying to brainwash him
Liberal Irish reporter Fergal Keane of the BBC is told from the horse’s mouth (a Black South African) that Blacks were better off under Apartheid and that their lives would only get better if the Apartheid government came back to power. Fergal: Do you ever think your life is going to get better Josef? Josef:..
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The social genocide of White people in South Africa
What happens when people suddenly find themselves unemployed? Well, forget the fact that none of us are the same and react differently to crisis situations in our lives. As with any other major traumatic event, unemployment also results in people finding themselves going through different stages. I know, because I have been there before and..
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Government to discuss Self Determination with Boer Afrikaner Volksraad
Pretoria – Members of an Boer Afrikaner group who call themselves the Boer-Afrikaner Volksraad view forthcoming talks with the government as a step closer to their “right for self-determination for our own people in a peaceful way”. “The Boer Afrikaner people are distinctive people and we have been fighting for the past two centuries to..
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Land Claim for Restitution of Stellaland Boer Republic
LAND CLAIM FOR THE BOERE PEOPLE IN STELLALAND Front National calls for restitution of the Republic of Stellaland. The Front National will, after the elections, call for restitution of the Republic of Stellaland. The Republic of Stellaland was a Boer Republic that was founded in July 1882. The Republic was invaded and annexed in December..
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